Bridegrooms by Surname Letter E
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
J. H. EMLER to Alice Ladshaw, no date, in 4-3-1897 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 7, 1905, page unknown:
At the home of the bride?s mother, Mrs. Sadie SMITH, 226 Central avenue, at 1 o?clock Wednesday, occurred the wedding of Mrs. SMITH?s daughter, Miss Carrie, to Mr. Charles C. ENGEL, of Venice. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. D. FULTON, pastor of Greenside avenue, U. P. church, and was witnessed by a number of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. An elegant wedding dinner was served, and the bride received a number of presents of value. Mr. and Mrs. ENGEL will go to housekeeping at Venice.
---Notes [newspaper]
[ Charles ENGEL to Carrie Smith, no date, in 1-7-1905 paper ]
engel_smith_01-07-1905_outlook (LD)
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*See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~
Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 1, 1922 page unknown:
[ ENGEL is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Clara ENGLAND, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David ENGLAND, of R. D. 4,
McDonald, and Mr. Herman J. ENGEL, also of McDonald, was solemnized at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. B. B. HARRISON, on Wednesday evening, August 30, 1922, at seven o'clock. The ring ceremony was used. There were no attendants.
[ Herman J. ENGEL to Clara England, 30 Aug 1922 ]
engel_england_09-01-1922_record (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~
Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 7, 1922 page unknown:
[ ENGEL is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Clara ENGLAND, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David ENGLAND, of R. D. 4, McDonald, and Mr. Herman J. ENGEL, also of McDonald, was solemnized at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. B. B. HARRISON, on Wednesday evening, August 30, 1922, at seven o'clock. The ring ceremony
was used. There were no attendants.
[ Herman J. ENGEL to Clara England, 30 Aug 1922 ]
engel_england_09-07-1922 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 2, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Anna Kosenina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kosenina, and Mr. Frank
Ergen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ergen, were united in marriage at nine o?clock Saturday morning, July 27, 1940 in St. Columbkille?s church, Imperial, the Rev. Fr. S. C. Kupiec performing the ceremony.
The bride wore a gown of embroidered mousseline with a long veil. She carried calla lilies. The maid of honor, Miss Sylvia
Ergen, sister of the bridegroom, wore a powder blue chiffon gown with a tiara head dress and a tulle veil. She carried pink roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Caroline
Kosenina, sister of the bride, who wore a gown of aqua, Miss Frances Persin, who wore a gown of orchid, Miss Tillie
Yamnick, who wore a gown of yellow, and Miss Leona Wagner who wore a gown of peach. The bridesmaids? gowns were all of marquisette trimmed in lace and each wore a tiara of flowers and carried pink roses. Mr. Gilbert Engel served as bestman and the ushers were Mr. George
Andresky, Mr. Paul Usnesnik, Mr. Eli Perock, and Mr. Joseph Potocnik. Tommie
Ergen, younger brother of the bridegroom, carried the ring on a satin pillow.
A wedding breakfast was served at Hotel Imperial. A dinner was served in the afternoon in the bride?s home and a reception was held in the evening in the
S.N.P.J. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ergen will reside at Hotel Imperial, of which Mr. Ergen is the manager.
[ Frank ERGEN to Anna Kosenina, 27 Jul 1940 ]
ergen_kosenina_08-02-1940-ro parts 1, 2, 3 (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 10 Jul 1897, page unknown:
On the 24th, by 'Squire John A. SMITH, Mr. Arthur ERWIN and Miss Emma FINK.
The groom is a well known McDonald man, and the bride is a sister of the wife of the officiating justice. Mr. and Mrs. ERWIN went for a wedding rip to the North.
[ Arthur ERWIN to Emma Fink, 24 Jun 1897 ]
erwin_fink_07-10-1897 (S)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: J. H. EMLER to Alice Ladshaw, no date, in 4-3-1897 paprer
Charles ENGEL to Carrie Smith, no date, in 1-7-1905 paper
Herman J. ENGEL to Clara England, 30 Aug 1922
Frank ERGEN to Anna Kosenina, 27 Jul 1940
Arthur ERWIN to Emma Fink, 24 Jun 1897
This page was added June 1, 2007 ; updated Feb. 26, 2009 ; updated May 18, 2009 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023