Bridegrooms by Surname Letter E
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 15, 1892, page unknown:
Married---At the residence of the bride's mother, in Midway, on the 14th inst., Mr. John EATHORN and Miss Lizzie TAYLOR.
[John EATHORN to Lizzie Taylor, 14 Oct 1892 ] eathorn_taylor_10-15-1892_outlook (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
April 28, 1917, page unknown:
Miss Gladys ESTMAN of Midway and Henry T. EATON of Corliss, were united in marriage, Wednesday at 3:45 p.m., in the First Baptist church of
Pittsburg [sic], Rev. W. A. RUPERT of Crafton, officiating at the ceremony. Mrs. J. H. MEIGHAN, Mrs. Wallie ROSS of Corliss, a sister of the groom and Miss
Lois ESTMAN, sister of the bride, served as bridesmaids and Mr. Wallie ROSS as best man. The bride wore a traveling suit of sand color, poiret twill
and carried a bouquet of white Killarney roses and lilies of the valley tied with white taffeta ribbon. Miss Lois ESTMAN wore a sand color suit and the
other tow bridesmaids wore suits of navy blue serge and carried bouquets of pink Killarney roses and sweet peas, tied with pink satin ribbon. Following
the wedding ceremony, the bridal party was conveyed to MCCREEVY's, where an elaborate five-course dinner was served. The couple left Wednesday evening for Washington, D. C. It is not yet known when they will be at home to their (missing word)
[ Henry T. EATON to Gladys Estman, no date, in 4-28-1917 paper
] eaton_estman_04-28-1917_outlook
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of April 30, 1926, page unknown:
[ EBEL is the Groom. ]
Miss Viola CARTER of Noblestown and Robert EBEL of McDonald were married at eight o'clock on Wednesday evening, April 21, 1926, in the Noblestown U. P. church.
The Rev. W. V. GROVE performed the ceremony. Mrs. EBEL is a graduate of McDonald high school.
[ Robert EBEL to Viola Carter, 21 Apr 1926 ] ebel_carter_04-30-1926
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* Researchers should check to make sure the marriage
actually took place.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Aug
1892, page unknown: LICENSE
Licensed to marry: James ECCLES and Anna DARBY, both of Willow Grove.
[ Marriage License for James ECCLES to Anna Darby, no date, in paper
Aug 1892 ] Eccles_Darby_license_8-1892-out (S)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
[ John ECCLES to ---lla M. Scott, no date, in 10-20-1894 paper ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record, or Outlook,
or Record-Outlook newspaper of June 11, 1937, page unknown:
At a quiet home wedding at high noon Saturday, June 5, 1937, in the presence of close friends of the two families, Miss Viola Evelyn PHILLIPS, daughter of Mrs.
Elizabeth PHILLIPS, Hickory, became the bride of Harold E. ECKERT of Tyrone. Using the single ring ceremony, vows were exchanged before an embankment
of orange blossoms at which the bride's pastor, the Rev. C. S. THOMAS, of the Mt. Prospect Presbyterian church officiated. The bride was attired in white chiffon
with turban and accessories to match and carried a corsage of gardenias and red roses.
Mrs. ECKERT, since her graduation from the University of Delaware in 1935, has been assistant supervisor of home economics in the Mr. Pleasant township
vocational high school, Hickory.
Mr. ECKERT, a graduate of Gettysburg college, 1935, and a member of the Signa Chi fraternity, is now a teacher of mathematics and assistant football coach in
the Danville high school, Danville.
Immediately following the ceremony, a three-course luncheon was served and Mr. and Mrs. ECKERT left for an Easter trip. They will reside in Danville.
[ Harold E. ECKERT to Viola Evelyn Phillips, 5 Jun 1937 ] eckert_phillips_06-11-1937
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
This page includes: John EATHORN to Lizzie Taylor, 14 Oct 1892
John EATHORN to Lizzie Taylor, 14 Oct 1892
Henry T. EATON to Gladys Estman, no date, in 4-28-1917 paper
Robert EBEL to Viola Carter, 21 Apr 1926
Marriage License for James ECCLES to Anna Darby, no date, in paper Aug 1892
John ECCLES to ---lla M. Scott, no date, in 10-20-1894 paper
Harold E. ECKERT to Viola Evelyn Phillips, 5 Jun 1937
This page was added June 1, 2007 ; updated
Aug 1, 2008 ; updated May 15, 2009
; updated Aug. 24, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023