Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
June 20, 1929, page unknown:
[ DUBOIS is the Groom. ]
On Wednesday morning, June 19 [1929], at 8:30, Miss Esther Mae SAWHILL, daughter of Frank SAWHILL of North McDonald street, and Jules DUBOIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry DUBOIS of Liberty street, were quietly married in the DUBOIS home. The Rev. Auguste DEVOS performed the ceremony and the attendants were Miss Julia DENNY as bridesmaid, and Henry DEVOS as best man. Mary and Jennie HUTCHINSON, nieces of the groom, were flower girls.
[ Jules DuBOIS to Esther Mae Sawhill, 19 Jun 1929 ]
dubois_sawhill_06-20-1929 (CT-L)
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* [remainder of article missing]
* G. I. DUCRAY = ? Gustave DUCRAY
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 9, 1897, page unknown:
Wedding in a Well Known South Fayette Family
At the marriage of Mr. Gustave DUCRAY and Miss Maude WEITZEL, which took place at the home of the bride in South Fayette on the 31st ult., Rev. Mr. JORDAN officiated, the bridesmaids were Miss Anna WEITZEL, Miss Ella DUCRAY and Miss Jennie McNALL, and the groomsmen were Mr. August WEITZEL, Mr. William WEITZEL and Mr. R.G. WEITZEL. The marriage was at 3 o'clock.
After the ceremony, a fine dinner was set up, WALKER & JOHNSON, of McDonald, being the caterers.
Mr. DUCRAY is a Meadville man, an oil well driller and contractor. Mr. and Mrs. DUCRAY will live in the WEITZEL residence on Fourth St.
The guests of the wedding together.... [remainder of article missing]
[ G. I. DUCRAY to Maud F. Weitzell, no date in 1-1-1897 paper ]
ducray_weitzel_01-09-1897_outlook (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
July 4, 1924, page unknown:
[ DUCRAY is the Groom. ]
he marriage of Miss Doris Odessa ROY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ROY of Noblestown, and Leon A. DUCRAY, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. DUCRAY of McDonald, was solemnized Wednesday evening, June 25, 1924, in the Noblestown United Presbyterian church by the pastor, the Rev. W. V. GROVE.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of delicately tinted chiffon and lace with headdress of silver leaves. She carried a shower bouquet of roses, lilies of the valley and smilax. Miss Violet E. ROY, as her sister's maid of honor, was gowned in blue taffeta and carried pink roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Helen WEITZEL, who was gowned in orchid georgette, and Mrs. Norma ROY, gowned in yellow taffeta. The bridesmaids carried arm bouquets of pink peonies. Ralph DUCRAY, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The users were Ralph ROY, brother of the bride, and Clovis DUCRAY, brother of the bridegroom. Jean MURPHY of Coraopolis, in a little blue voile dress, was flower girl and Robert THOMASSY of Noblestown acted as ring bearer. Miss Viola CARTER, gowned in orchid georgette, played the wedding music and Mr. John DUFFY sang 'O Promise Me" preceding the ceremony.
A reception in the home of the bride followed the ceremony. Covers were laid for twenty at the bride's table. The wedding cake, embanked in roses, formed the centerpiece.
Mr. and Mrs. DUCRAY will make their home in Noblestown for the present.
Leon A. DUCRAY to Doris Odessa Roy, 25 Jun 1924 ] ducray_roy_07-04-1924_outlook
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook or Record-Outlook
newspaper of April 16, 1937 page unknown:
Mrs. J. R. HULL of Third street, McDonald, announces the marriage of her daughter Gladys to Charles DUFFY of
Noblestown, which took place Monday, April 5, 1937.
They will reside in Noblestown.
[ Charles DUFFY to Gladys Hull, 5 Apr 1937 ]
duffy_hull_04-16-1937 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 15, 1937 page unknown:
Miss Josephine Ference, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Ference of East Lincoln avenue, and Mr. Sylvester Dufey of Sturgeon were united in marriage at two o?clock Wednesday afternoon in the Robinson?s Run U. P. parsonage, Dr. Ross T. Campbell, officiating. The bride?s aunt, Mrs. John Sanders, was the only attendant. The young couple will reside with the bride?s mother for the present.
[ Sylvester DUFFY to Josephine Ference, no date, in 10-15-1937 paper ] dufey_ference_10-15-1937-ro
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Jules DuBOIS to Esther Mae Sawhill, 19 Jun 1929
G. I. DUCRAY to Maud F. Weitzell, no date in 1-1-1897 paper ;
Leon A. DUCRAY to Doris Odessa Roy, 25 Jun 1924 ;
Charles DUFFY to Gladys Hull, 5 Apr 1937 ;
Sylvester DUFFY to Josephine Ference, no date, in 10-15-1937 paper
This page was added June 1, 2007 ; updated Feb. 26, 2009 ; updated Sept. 10, 2009
; updated Sept. 27, 2009 ; updated Sept. 29, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023