Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Percy A. DOUBLE to Mary E. Griffith, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Record- Outlook
newspaper of Dec. 3, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Anna M. POLLOCK, daughter of Mrs. John Pollock of Imperial, and Sgt. Paul C.
DOUDS, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter DOUDS of Carnegie, were united in marriage at ten o?clock mass Thursday, November 11, 1943, in the post chapel, Camp Bowie, Texas by the Rev. Preston J.
MARQUETTE, U.S.A. chaplain.
[ Paul C. DOUDS to Anna M. Pollock, 11 Nov 1943 ] douds_pollock_12-03-1943_ro (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record- Outlook
newspaper of Dec. 8, 1939 page unknown:
Announcement is made of the marriage of Beulah Markle Humbert of Canonsburg, and Samuel S. Douds of Robinson township which occurred Thursday, November 30, 1939, in the parsonage of the Robinson United Presbyterian church. The Rev. J. Walter Irwin, pastor, used the ring ceremony.
The bride wore a dinner gown of wine-colored velvet with a corsage of yellow rosebuds, and her only ornament was a pearl pin, the gift of her mother, Mrs. Anna
Markle. Mr. and Mrs. Douds are at home to their friends at the S. S. Douds farm, R. D. 1,
[ Samuel S. DOUDS to Beulah Markle Humbert, 30 Nov 1939 ] douds_humbert_12-8-1939-r-o
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Note from Carol Taylor-Lanza :
Regarding the Samuel Douds notice -- My parents lived and worked on his farm near Bavington,
two different times, from about 1945 until about 1959. My brother was born there in 1946 and we lived there when my sister Norma was born in 1953 and when I was born in 1956. Norma and I were both born in the Washington Hospital. All my other siblings were born at home. Samuel Douds was not married to Isobel Hixon when my parents moved there in 1945. She had passed away and he was married to his "4th" wife
Buelah. My oldest sister enjoyed hearing about this. She remembered "Teddy" in the notice. He was killed in a car accident about 1951.
From the McDonald, PA Record- Outlook
newspaper of June 26, 1936, page unknown:
Samuel S. DOUDS and Isobel HIXON were united in marriage Thursday evening, June 18, 1936, in the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. J. Walter, IRVIN,
pastor of the Robinson U. P. church. The bride is from Clearfield county and came to this locality last fall to work in the C. M. Black home. She has a son Teddy
by a former marriage. Mr. DOUDS has been married twice before and has grown children. Though a native of Beaver county, he has lived most of his life in this
locality. He resides on the J. D. Bigger farm, is a good neighbor, a member of the Robinson church, and of Burgettstown Grange No. 1502. The couple have the
best wishes of their neighbors.
[ Samuel S. DOUDS to Isabel Hixon, 18 Jun 1936 ] douds_hixon_06-26-1936 (C-TL)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 24 Aug 1928, page
Thursday night, August 9, 1928, in the home of the officiating minister,
the Rev. Greer M. Kerr, pastor of the Raccoon Presbyterian church of
Candor, the marriage of Gertrude Mae Kelso, of R. D. 1, Bulger, and
David Ivan Doughty of R. D., Clinton, took place. Mrs. Doughty is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kelso, of R. D. 1, Bulger, and has the
last three years been a teacher in the Smith township grade schools. Mr.
Doughty is the son of Mrs. Sara Doughty of R. D., Clinton, and is
employed by the Forest Gas and Oil company near Coraopolis.
(Typed by CB)
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 28 Aug 1928:KELSO
[DOUGHTY is the groom ]
Thursday night, August 9, at 7:45 in the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Greer M. KERR, pastor of the Raccoon Presbyterian church, of Candor, the marriage of Miss Gertrude Mae KELSO, of Bulger R. D., and David Ivan
DOUGHTY, of Clinton R. D., took place. Mrs. DOUGHTY is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. KELSO, of Bulger R. D., and has the last three years been a teacher in the Smith township grade schools, and Mr. DOUGHTY is a son of Mrs. Sara DOUGHTY, of Clinton R. D., and is employed by the Forest Gas and Oil company, near Coraopolis.
[ David Ivan DOUGHTY to Gertrude Mae Kelso, 9 Aug 1928 ] Doughty_Kelso_8-28-1928-out
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Percy A. DOUBLE to Mary E. Griffith, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
Paul C. DOUDS to Anna M. Pollock, 11 Nov 1943
Samuel S. DOUDS to Beulah Markle Humbert, 30 Nov 1939
Samuel S. DOUDS to Isabel Hixon, 18 Jun 1936
David Ivan DOUGHTY to Gertrude Mae Kelso, 9 Aug 1928
This page was added June 1, 2007 ; rev. Sept 26, 2007 ; updated Feb. 26, 2009 ; updated May 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023