Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D
From the McDonald, PA Record ~ or ~ Outlook
newspaper of Jan., unknown day, 1905 page unknown:
A very pretty wedding occurred last Thursday evening at 7 o'clock when Miss Kittie B.
McELHANEY, daughter of Mrs. Stella McELHANEY of Noblestown, and Mr. Henry F. DOEHRE were united in marriage at the home of the
bride's brother, Mr. Henry
Rev. Mr. BORN of the German Lutheran church at Hickory performed the ceremony in the presence of about seventy-five guests, and the attendants were Miss DOEHRE and Mr. Henry
McELHANEY. The bride's gown was a beautiful robe of white lace and she wore a white aigrette in her hair. The bridesmaid was attired in a dainty white lace-trimmer gown. An elegant dinner followed the ceremony and during the evening the band tendered them a pleasing serenade. Mr. and Mrs. DOEHRE received many beautiful gifts, conspicuous among them being a bedroom suit and rocker from the
bride's mother and three brothers, a set of chairs from the groomsman, a check for fifty dollars from the
groom's father and a couch from the bridesmaid and sisters.
[ Henry F. DOEHRE to Kittie B. McElhaney, no date, in Jan 1905 paper
] doehre_mcelhaney_01-unk-1905 (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA (probably) Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan.
13, 1939, page unknown:
The marriage of Mrs. Mary B. HEWITT of Washington and Henry F. DOEHRE of R.D. 4, McDonald, was solemnized in the Jefferson Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 28, 1938. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.
O. J. RISHEL. Mr. and Mrs. DOEHRE are at home to their friends on R.D. 4, McDonald.
[ Henry F. DOEHRE to Mrs. Mary B. Hewitt, 28 Dec 1938 ]
doehre_hewitt_01-13-1939 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 5, 1946, page unknown:
Miss June E. SCOTT, daughter of J. Philip SCOTT of Midway and the late Selina WEBBER SCOTT, and Lester R. DOEHRE, son of Henry DOEHRE of R.D. 4, Burgettstown, were united in marriage at 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 28, 1946, in the manse of the United Presbyterian church, McDonald, by the officiating pastor, the Rev.
S. A. McCollam, D.D.
The bride was attired in navy blue with pink accessories. Mrs. Glenn WILLIAMSON, the matron of honor, wore black with white accessories. Edward KAMENSKI, friend of the bridegroom, served as
A wedding dinner for nine guests was served at the Fort Pitt Inn after which the young couple left for a week's trip to Canada.
[ Lester R. DOEHRE to June E. Scott, 28 Jun 1946 ]
doehre_scott_07-05-1946_ro (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of May 1, 1914, page unknown:
[ DOLAN is the Groom.]
The marriage of Miss Annie HANEY of Pittsburgh [PA] and Charles DOLAN
of McDonald [Pa] was solemnized in St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburgh, on
Thursday, April 23, [1914] at 9 o'clock. Clarence LEMON of this
place and Miss Mary HANEY, sister of the bride, were the attendants.
After a wedding breakfast at the Fort Pitt Hotel the party came to
McDonald [Pa], where a reception was given in their honor by Mrs. Mary
Messrs. Henry and Robert COBURN, members of the Holy Name Choir,
Steubenville, Ohio, sang two very beautiful solos, accompanied by Miss
Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. P. J. FITZPATRICK, Mr. and
Mrs. George KAY, Misses Nora and Mary HANEY, Delia and Anna
MULLEN, Messrs. Michael HANEY and Thomas HOPE of Pittsburgh, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. CORBETT of New Kensington [Pa] and Miss Kathryn HANIHAN of
Carnegie [Pa].
Mr. and Mrs. DOLAN have gone to housekeeping in Johns avenue.
[ Charles DOLAN and Annie HANEY, Thursday, April 23, 1914 ]
Haney_Dolan_5-1-1914-record (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Aug. 1, 1947, page unknown:
At a pretty ceremony performed in St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, Canonsburg, Saturday morning, July 26, Miss Elizabeth Ann BISTARKY, daughter of Mrs. Mary BISTARKY of Southview, became the bride of Michael G. DOMSIC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DOMSIC of Canonsburg. The double ring ceremony was performed at 10 o'clock with Rev. John MACKO officiating.
Given in marriage by her uncle, Louis MARKS of Follansbee, W.Va., the bride appeared in a white satin gown, fashioned with high neckline trimmed with lace, long sleeves and fitted bodice. The skirt was styled with a bustle back ending in full court train. Her full length veil cascaded from a crown of seeded pearls and she carried an arm bouquet of white roses. A triple-strand of pearls, a gift of the
bridegroom, was her only jewelry. Miss Dorothy DOMSIC, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and Miss Madelyn WOLFE, Miss Helen MEDOFER, and Miss Ann BRINDAK were bridesmaids. Peter BENIC of Meadowlands served as his cousin's bestman.
The couple left for a northern motor trip and upon their return will reside in their furnished apartment at Erie, where Mr. DOMSIC is employed.
[ Michael G. DOMSIC to Elizabeth Ann Bistarky, 26 Jul 1947 ] domsic_bistarky_08-01-1947_ro (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of Oct. 15, 1926, page unknown:
[ DONAGHY is the Groom. ]
A pretty wedding took place at 11:45 o'clock Saturday morning, October 9, 1926 when
Miss Dorothea Anita SIMPSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. SIMPSON of Oakdale, became
the bride of Herbert S. DONAGHY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel DONAGHY of Rennerdale.
The Rev. M. W. RIDDLE, pastor of the Oakdale United Presbyterian church, performed the
ceremony at the SIMPSON home in Hastings avenue. The bride, who was given in marriage
by her father, wore a gown of pink silk crepe trimmed in pearl and carried a bouquet
of bride's roses showered with lilies of the valley. Miss Margaret
HADDEN was bridesmaid, and she wore a gown of pale green crepe and carried a bouquet of rosebuds.
Cornelius Emanuel of the Eastend, Pittsburgh, was best man. The bridal party
entered the room and marched to the improvised altar to the strains of Mendelsohn's wedding
march played by Miss Evelyn COPP of Gaston, W.Va. A dinner and reception followed the
ceremony. Covers for twelve were laid at the bride's table, which had for its
centerpiece pink and white dahlias. The house was tastefully decorated throughout
with pink and white dahlias. Mr. and Mrs. DONAGHY left that day for an Eastern trip,
and after November first they will be at home in the Crawford apartments in Ingram.
The bride is a graduate of Oakdale high school and of Indiana State normal school.
Mr. DONAGHY is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and is employed as chemist
by the Armstrong Cork company in Pittsburgh.
[ Herbert S. DONAGHY to Dorothea Anna Simpson, 9 Oct 1926 ]
donaghy_simpson_10-15-1926 (AD)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Henry F. DOEHRE to Kittie B.
McElhaney, no date, in Jan 1905 paper
Henry F. DOEHRE to Mrs. Mary B. Hewitt, 28 Dec 1938
Lester R. DOEHRE to June E. Scott, 28 Jun 1946
Charles DOLAN to Annie Haney, 23 Apr 1914
Michael G. DOMSIC to Elizabeth Ann Bistarky, 26 Jul 1947
Herbert S. DONAGHY to Dorothea Anna Simpson, 9 Oct 1926
This page was added May 28, 2007 ;
updated Oct 15 2007 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009
; updated Oct. 3, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023