Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of June 25, 1937, page unknown:
Of interest to many McDonald people will be the announcement of the wedding of Miss Anne IVEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. IVEY of Ruston, La, to Donald K. DILLON
of McDonald. The ceremony was solemnized at two-thirty Monday afternoon, June 14, with the Rev. S. E. MCFADDEN reading the marriage vows in the presence of a
few close friends who had gathered at the Presbyterian manse in Ruston for the occasion.
Miss Audie SCARLETT was the only attendant for the bride, while Mr. Thomas IVEY served the bridegroom as
The bride was lovely in her thistle-colored suit, with which she wore white accessories, accentuating her vivacious brunette beauty. She carried a bride's bouquet of white
carnations with Queen Anne lace.
Mr. and Mrs. DILLON left immediately after the ceremony for a short honeymoon on the Texas Gulf coast. They will return to Ruston for a short visit before going to
Pittsburgh to make their home, where Mr. DILLON is employed as a draftsman in the steel mills.
Mr. and Mrs. DILLON are both graduates of Louisana Tech. Mr. DILLON having received his degree in engineering from the Ruston college.
[ Donald K. DILLON to Anne Ivey, 14 Jun 1937 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 14, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Gloria Ada HAINAUT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip HAINAUT of R. D. 4, McDonald, and Edmond Dillon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmond
DILLON of Orchard street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 8, 1944, in the manse of the Center United
Presbyterian church, Midway, by the pastor, the Rev. Alfred HUBBARD.
The bride wore net over pale blue silk and a tiara of blue veiling and flowers. Her corsage was of gardenias and she wore a string of pearls.
The bridesmaid, Miss Amelia HAINAUT, sister of the bride, wore pale pink silk with a tiara of pink roses and a corsage of pink sweetpeas and
roses. Sgt. Robert DILLON, attached to the 399th Bomber squadron, Avon Park army airbase, Fla., served as his brother's
Following the ceremony, a reception was held for 18 guests in the home of the bride. A dance was held in the evening in the Beldian club,
Mr. DILLON, a 1937 graduate of McDonald high school, is employed by the Federal Supply Co. He enlisted in the army on January 8, 1939,
and was sent to Ft. Slocum, N.Y. He served at Puerto Rica, Panama, Argentina, Pearl Harbor, and Honolulu before being discharged on
September 26, 1943, with the rank of staff sergeant. He had been connected with the 27th Fighter squadron naval airbase, Argentina.
After a brief wedding trip, the young couple will reside in McDonald.
[ Edmond DILLON, Jr. to Gloria Ada Hainaut, 8 Apr 1944 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Sept. 11, 1914, page unknown:
Miss Mary ROHDE and William DILLON were united in
marriage Tuesday afternoon, September 8, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ROHDE. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. J. S. HITE. The house was beautifully decorated in
pink and white. The color scheme was also carried out in the
three-course dinner that was served immediately after the
ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white embroidered crepe voile
and carried bride's roses. Miss Agnes RICHL, a cousin of the bride, was
bridesmaid and wore a gown of pink crepe marquisette trimmed with white
lace and carried pink roses. Walter DILLON, a brother of the
groom, was best man. The groom is a son of Mrs. John TAYLOR. The happy
couple left on the 5 o'clock train for Cleveland [O] and other places of
interest and on their return will be at home to their friends in the
house recently vacated by W. R. Estman [sic= Eastman? or is there no
[ William DILLON to Mary ROHDE, 8 Sep 1914 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper
March 10, 1911, page unknown:
Dallas DILLY of Ray Milton and Miss Ethel SWARTHOUT of this place were
married at the bride's home here Wednesday at high noon. The
bride's pastor, Rev. J. G. Reaney, performed the ceremony. Only
the immediate relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. DILLY left for
Ray Milton on the four [o'clock] train Wednesday evening. The
bride's traveling suit was navy blue serge and her hat was white braid
trimmed in white plumes. Quite a number of young people were
gathered at the station. They were accompanied as far as McDonald
[Pa] by Miss SWARTHOUT [e.g. Mrs. Ethel SWARTHOUT DILLY's] father and
Margaret HERD, Rachel COCHRAN and Natalie NASH.
[Dallas DILLY to Miss Ethel SWARTHOUT, Wednesday, no date 1911]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Sept. 24, 1925, page unknown:
[ DIMMACK is the Groom. ]
Coming as a complete surprise to their many friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Anna Elizabeth PROSSER and Mr. Frank DIMMACK, both of Warwood, W. Va. The wedding was an event of Saturday, September 12th and was performed by R. P. ANDREWS at the parsonage of the Wellsburg Methodist Episcopal church. The couple were attended by the groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Martin GRIMM also of Warwood, W. Va.
The bride wore an attractive gown of brown crepe. Her hat, slippers hose and gloves were of a hamonizing shade. Mrs. GRIMM was attired in a fall model gown of blue crepe with accessories to match. Mrs. DIMMACK is the well known young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John PROSSER of Warwood, W. Va. and is an employee of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company being stationed in the Warwood office. She was a former student of the Warwood high school. Mrs. DIMMACK is well known in McDonald having attended the public school here. Mr. DIMMACK is the son of Mrs. Nora DIMMACK of Warwood and is a carpenter of the Warwood branch of the Scott Lumber Company. He is also a former student of the Warwood High school. The happy couple will be at home to their many friends at 2100 1/2 Warwood avenue where they will make their home.
[ Frank DIMMACK to Anna Elizabeth Prosser, 12 Sep 1925 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 9. 1948, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. REED of Hickory announce the marriage of their daughter, Elsie, to Frank J.
DIMPEGNO, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward DIMPEGNO of West New York, N.J.
The double ring ceremony was solemnized in the manse of the First Presbyterian church, Winchester, Va., December 22, 1947, at 11 a.m., by the Rev. Joseph DUCKWALL.
Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. DIMPEGNO spent their honeymoon in Richmond, Washington, D.C., and New York.
The bride is a graduate of Mr. Pleasant township Vocational high school, Hickory, and attended Muskingum college, New Concord, Ohio, and California State Teachers' college. She is a teacher in the Mt. Pleasant township schools.
Mr. DIMPEGNO is a graduate of the Memorial high school, West New York, N.J., and the University of New York. He is a veteran of World War II.
[ Frank J. DIMPEGNO to Elsie Reed, 22 Dec 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 11, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Ruth Ellen[?] ATCHISON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ATCHISON of Westend, became the bride of William Gi..[unreadable] DINSMORE, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. DINSMORE of Hickory, at a morning ceremony solemnized Friday, July 4, 1947, in the Westend United Presbyterian Mission[?] The Rev. John M. SCOTT, pastor of the North Buffalo United Presbyterian church, performed the double-ring ceremony at 10:00 a.m., before an embankment of palms, ferns and white hydrangeas lighted with six-spired[?]
candelabra. Miss Lucille McCALMONT, pianist, of Hickory, played selections which included "Because," "Always," and "O Promise Me."
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white linen suit with white accessories and a corsage of red roses.
Miss Anne[?] BARTON, as maid of, wore a blue wool suit with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bridesmaids, Miss
[Jan?] BENTRUM[?], Mrs. Lillian PILKINGTON, and Mrs. James DALLMAYER, all wore pink linen suits with white accessories and corsages of white carnations.
The bride's mother wore a poudre blue dress with white accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore brown with matching accessories. Each wore a corsage of pink carnations.
Ralph HAGAN of Pulacki was bestman and ushers were Robert ATCHISON, brother of the bride, A.D. PILKINGTON and James DALLMAYER.
Following a wedding trip to Atlantic City the young couple will reside in Aspinwall.
The bride graduated from the Mt. Pleasant Vocational school with the class of 1947. The bridegroom, a 1945[?] graduate of the same school, is a World War II veteran, having spent a year with the U.S. Navy, including overseas duty. He is now enrolled in the School of Aeronautics in Pittsburgh.
[ William Glenn DINSMORE to Ruth Ellen Atchison, 4 Jul 1947 ]
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* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Donald K. DILLON to Anne Ivey, 14 Jun 1937
Edmond DILLON, Jr. to Gloria Ada Hainaut, 8 Apr 1944
William DILLON to Mary Rohde, 8 Sep 1914
Frank DIMMACK to Anna Elizabeth Prosser, 12 Sep 1925
Frank J. DIMPEGNO to Elsie Reed, 22 Dec 1947
William Glenn DINSMORE to Ruth Ellen Atchison, 4 Jul 1947
This page was added May 28, 2007 ;
updated Oct 15 2007 ; updated Aug. 1, 2009
; updated Sept. 7, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023