Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 29, 1928, page unknown:
[ DEVANDUY is the Groom. ]
The Wedding of Miss Cornella PIAZZA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [?] PIAZZA, to Fred
DEVANDUY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew DEVANDUY of Pittsburgh, was solemnized Saturday, November 24, by Rev. Fr. COX. Miss Ophemia PIAZZA, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Frank
DEVANDUY, brother of the groom was best man. A dinner was served at twelve o'clock, after which the happy couple left on a wedding trip to Tennessee where they will spend the winter. The bride was dressed in blue chiffon and a small turban hat, and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. The bridesmaid was dressed iin [sic] tan crepe and carried yellow pompons. Among those who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.
PARENTI, Mr. and Mrs. C. MUCCI, Mr. and Mrs. John CA_GRANDA, Miss Victoria
MONDIU, M__ Curyela ABINATO, Mr. and Mrs.
S.[?] PIAZZA, Mrs. A. PEDRIZ, Mr. and Mrs. M. BERCHINI, E.H. JENNINGS, Edith MAZZINI, Althea and Ray STURGEON, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo PHILLIPS, Leonard SANTA, Mr. and Mrs. Charles COLAERAI and sons, Mr. and Mrs.
PARDUI, Mr. and Mrs. PIAZZA and daughter Lena [PIAZZA] and son Alfred [PIAZZA], Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
HEFFELFUGLE, Mrs. BOMARTIN, Cecelia RUGANI, Mr. and Mrs. M. RAVA, Carnella
CARSANILLI, Miss Mildred MUCCI, Mrs. C. RAVA, Mr. and Mrs. C. SILVIN, Mr. and Mrs.
PEROUI, Mr. and Mrs. MAZINI, Lena MAZINI, John MONDON and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick DELLA PIAZZA, Mr. and Mrs. John
ZADRA, Glen WARD, Helen and Steve PIAZZA, Alice DREPHUS, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
SEPERAFRIE, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace STURGEON, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham PIAZZA, Bud HAYES, Laura
ROSESTTER, Jean MAZZIER, Frank MEZACCI, Mr. and Mrs. John BONOTTA, Mr. and Mrs.
CREZIC, Mike MONDIN, Mr. and Mrs. MONGI, Mr. and Mrs. M. NOIR, Mr. and Mrs. Ted NOIR and family, Mr. and Mrs. L.
ARGENTO, Mr. and Mrs. Pete VANETIA, Mr. and Mrs. W. BEGGS, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford PEACOCK, Harry DUVALL, Mr. and Mrs. NOVAS.
[ Fred DEVANDUY to Cornelia Piazza, 24 Nov 1928 ]
devanduy_piazza_11-29-1928 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 18, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Mary Jane McELROY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. McELROY of Clinton, and John J.
DeVILLARS, son of Mrs. A. M. DeVILLARS of Noblestown, were united in marriage at ten o'clock Wednesday morning, September 9, 1942, in the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. G. NEAL,
pastor of the Hebron Presbyterian church before a mantel decorated with ferns and dahlias. The Rev. Mr. NEAL was assisted by the Rev. Ross S. WILSON, pastor of
the Clinton U. P. church.
The bride wore an airforce blue suit with brown accessories. Her flowers were pink roses.
A wedding breakfast was served to the immediate families in the McELROY home.
The couple took a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada and are now at home in
Mrs. DeVILLARS is a graduate of Findlay high school, Imperial, and Indiana State Teachers college. She is a sixth-grade teacher in the Clinton schools. Mr.
DeVILLARS, a graduate of Pitt university, is employed by the Union Trust Co., Pittsburgh.
[ John J. DeVILLARS to Mary Jane McElroy, 9 Sep 1942 ] devillars_mcelroy_09-18-1942_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 16, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Betty M. CARSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. CARSON of Bridgeville, and 2Lt. A. Sidney
DeVOSS III, son of Mr. and Mrs. August S.
DeVOSS of 214 Fannie street, McDonald, were united in marriage at 6:31 p.m. Friday, July 2, 1943, in the Bridgeville Methodist church, by
the pastor, the Rev. Sidney DAVIS.
The bride wore a white satin gown with white accessories and a veil with crown of white plumes. She carried a white Bible with a marker of orchids. The bridesmaid, Miss Virginia CARSON, sister of the bride, wore a light orchid dress and carried white roses. Ray CARSON of
Bridgeville served as bestman and the ushers were Donald FLOOD and Frederick CAIN. Warren CARSON of Bridgeville played the wedding
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the CARSON home for the immediate families. Twenty were present. The young couple
motored to the Northeast coast.
Lieutenant DeVOSS is in the finance department of the U. S. army, stationed at Miami, Fla.
[ A. Sidney DeVOSS, III to Betty M. Carson, 2 Jul 1943 ]
devoss_carson_07-16-1943_ro (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper April
4, 1896, page unknown:
George W. Ferris and Elizabeth PHILLIPS, both of Midway.
On the 2d inst., by Rev. Dr. Irons,
Anthony DEVRONDE, of Cecil, and Zelia DINDAL, of McDonald [Pa]. The groom has a
home at Cecil [Pa] ready for occupancy.
[ Anthony DEVRONDE to Zelia Dindal, 2 Apr 1896 ]
Devronde_Dindal_4-4-1896-outlook (F)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Fred DEVANDUY to Cornelia Piazza, 24 Nov 1928
John J. DeVILLARS to Mary Jane McElroy, 9 Sep 1942
A. Sidney DeVOSS, III to Betty M. Carson, 2 Jul 1943
Anthony DEVRONDE to Zelia Dindal, 2 Apr 1896
This page was added May 28, 2007 ; updated May 15, 2009 ; updated Aug. 16, 2009
; updated Oct. 21, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023