Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of July 14, 1922, page unknown:
The recent marriage of Winifred Sackville STONER, JR., of New York, to M. Charles de BRUCHE, a man 15 years her senior, recalls the marvelous achievements of this "wonder child" who is only 20 years old now. She speaks 12 languages, has written 20 books, and is a prolific writer of verse. At 12 years of age she passed the entrance examinations of the the University of Wisconsin with such brilliancy as to astonish the faculty. At the same time she was an expert chess player. She has been on the lecture platform for eight years. Her mother recently spoke in McDonald as one of the Chautauqua attractions.
[ M. Charles Philippi de BRUCHE to Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr., no date, in 7-14-1922 paper
de bruche_stoner_07-14-1922 (WD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Oct.
1, 1937, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. PUSKAR of Imperial announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Marie PUSKAR, to Corbert W. DeCOUDRES, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.B. DeCOUDRES of Brentwood.
The ceremony took place Saturday, September 25, 1937, and Miss Katherine MULHOLLAND and Robert MAWHINNEY were the only attendants.
The bride is a graduate of Slippery Rock State Teachers' college, and the bridegroom attended the University of Pittsburgh. They will be at home in Elton avenue, Brentwood.
[ Corbert W. DeCOUDRES to Marie Puskar, 25 Sep 1937 ] decoudres_puskar_10-01-1937
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 9, 1943, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. CROMBIE of Tonette street, Swissvale, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Rose Marie CROMBIE, to Dr. William F. DEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. DEE of Beechwood boulevard, Squirrel Hill, formerly of Homestead.
The beautiful ceremony was performed at ten o'clock Monday morning, June 7, 1943, in St. Anselm's church, Swissvale, before an altar banked with ferns and peonies.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride appeared in a gown of white satin covered with tulle. The bodice had a yoke and slevettes of chantilly lace and the skirt was bouffant style. Her veil of matching tulle was draped from a coronet of orange blossoms and her bouquet was orchids and white roses, sprayed with stephanotis.
Mrs. Leslie H. STROHM, the bride's sister, as matron of honor, wore a gown of camille pink with a matching crownless bonnet of net. Her flowers were tea roses and snapdragons.
The bridesmaids, Miss Excie M. LAIRD of Alexandria, Va., Miss Olga M. OLSEN of North Braddock, Miss Maureen CUNNINGHAM of Homestead, Mrs. Donald McGOVERN of Sewickley, Mrs. Clarke WERNER of Wilkinsburg, and Mrs. Robert WALSH of Swissvale, were attired in bouffant skirted gowns of deb aqua mousseline de soie, crownless bonnet type hats of corresponding color and carried bouquets of yellow roses and gold snapdragons.
James R. DEE was his brother's bestman. In the usher group were William ROLLINSON, Robert PEAT, James GARVEY, James HAFER, and the bride's two brothers, Master Sgt. Charles K. CROMBIE and Pvt. Carlin CROMBIE.
For the wedding Mrs. CROMBIE wore French blue with navy accessories. Dr. DEE's mother chose dusty pink with brown accessories. Their corsages were orchids.
Supplementing the ceremony a reception was held at the University club. The bridal couple left on an extended Southern trip, which included a week's stay at Sea Island, Ga., and on returning are at home temporarily in the Morrowfield apartments.
Dr. DEE, who is on the medical staff of the Homestead hospital, graduated from Homestead high and the University of Pittsburgh.
The bridegroom's parents gave the rehearsal dinner in the Royal York hotel.
The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. George GILLESPIE, formerly of the Venice road, but at the present staying with her sister, Mrs. Emile T. ROBERT, Fannie street.
[ William F. DEE to Rose Marie Crombie, 7 Jun 1943 ] dee_crombie_07-09-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Feb. 4, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Elaine DeVALKENEER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vick DeVALKENEER of Midway, and Pfc. David DEER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
DEER, also of Midway, were united in marriage Monday evening, January 31, 1944, in the parsonage of the Center United Presbyterian church,
Midway, by the pastor, the Rev. Alfred HUBBARD.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an orchid suit with pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss
Simone DeVALKENEER, sister of the bride, wore pale green with yellow and a corsage of white carnations. Ronald
HANNAN, an ex-service
man, served as bestman. After the wedding a supper was held in the DeVALKENEER home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred DRUGMAND
of Bulger, Mr. and Mrs. Vick DeVALKENEER, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh DEER, Mrs. William
NOURIGAT, Jr., Mrs. Ed WELSH, Peggy DEER, Mrs.
Ralph WILLIAMSON, and Louis LOUNG.
The young couple are both graduates of Midway high school. Previous to his induction into the army, Private First Class DEER was affiliated with the Pennsylvania railroad. He is a graduate of Granite City engineers maintainence
[sic=maintenance] training center. Mrs. DEER, who was also employed by the Pennsylvania railroad, will remain with her parents for the present.
[ David DEER to Elaine DeValkeneer, 31 Jan 1944 ]
deer_devalkeneer_02-04-1944_ro (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
John DeFRANCE to Mrs. J. M. Robinson/Roberson, 21 Dec 1892
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes:
M. Charles Philippi DeBRUCHE to Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr., no date, in 7-14-1922 paper
Corbert W. DeCOUDRES to Marie Puskar, 25 Sep 1937
William F. DEE to Rose Marie Crombie, 7 Jun 1943
David DEER to Elaine DeValkeneer, 31 Jan 1944
John DEFRANCE to Mrs. J. M. Robinson/Roberson, 21 Dec 1892
This page was added May 28, 2007 ; updated Apr. 8, 2009 ; updated Aug. 3, 2009
; updated Aug. 16, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023