Bridegrooms by Surname Letter D

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug.
6, 1937, page unknown:
Miss Grace BROWN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton S. BROWN of South Hills, Pittsburgh, and the Rev. Clarence E. DAVISON, pastor of the Valley Presbyterian church, Imperial, son of Charles DAVISON of Library, were united in marriage at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, August 4, 1937, in the Bethel Presbyterian church, South Hills, Pittsburgh, the Rev. Dr. C. Reiter MURRAY officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her brother,
H.W. BROWN of McKees Rocks, was attired in white net over white satin, set on Princess lines with a long train and a hallow of white tulle plasted with white orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses and showers of lillies of the valley. The maid of honor, Mrs. Hamilton Weldon Brown, sister-in-law of the bride, was attired in green net with flowers in her hair. She carried a bouquet or yellow roses. The bridesmaids, Mrs. John LOUDEN of Hickory, Miss Bess COCHRAN of North Braddock, Miss Esther EMERICK of Butler, and Miss Blanche SCHWARTZ of
Dormont, were attired in orchid net gowns and carried bouquets of pink roses. The flower girls, Shirley DAVISON and Wilma Mae BROWN, nieces of the bride, were attired in yellow organdy. The ushers were the Rev. Merle SWIHART of Tarentum and Mr. Lawrence BUSH, Mrs. Charles DAVISON, and Mr. James DAVISON of Overbrook. The Rev. Robert STEPHENS of Pittsburgh was the best man. He also sang "I Love You Truly" and "Because." Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents with covers laid for only members of the wedding procession and immediate families. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for an extended trip. After September 1 they will reside in Imperial. Mrs. DAVISON is a graduate of Grove City college and was a teacher in Bethel high school. Mr. DAVISON is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and of the Western Theological Seminary.
[ Clarence E. DAVISON to Grace Brown, 4 Aug 1937 ]
davison_brown_08-06-1937_ro parts 1 & 2 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Oct. 23, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Marian F. RAPP, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. RAPP of Elverson, near Philadelphia, and Donald Davison DAWSON, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. DAWSON
of Cliff Mine, R. D. 1, Imperial, were united in marriage at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, October 10, 1942, in St. Vincent's Evangelical Reformed church, Spring City, near
Philadelphia. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. Robert G.
ROSCHY, who also sang "O Promise Me" and "O Perfect Love."
The bride wore a white bengaline gown of her own making, made princess style with a sweetheart neckline and a finger-tip veil with a cluster of orange blossoms. She
carried a white Bible with orange blossom streamers.
The matron of honor, Mrs. Robert RAPP of Elverson, sister-in-law of the bride and only
attendant, wore a royal blue gown with a combination of velvet and taffeta and made
similar to that of the bride's She carried a bouquet of tea roses. Harry SEIFEN of
McKeesport, a roommate of the bridegroom at Penn State college, served as bestman
and the ushers were Herbert SHAW of Carnegie, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, and Irvin RAPP, brother of the bride, a student at Penn State college.
The bride's mother wore a plum-colored dress with black accessories and a corsage of white roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a green dress with maroon accessories
and a corsage of white roses.
Mrs. Floyd DAWSON, organist and choir director of the Valley Presbyterian church, Imperial, gave a twenty-minute organ recital preceding the ceremony. She wore an
orchid taffeta gown and a corsage of white gardenias.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the RAPP home. There were fifty guests with ten seated at the bride's table.
Mr. and Mrs. DAWSON took a motor trip and they now reside temporarily in Butler.
Mrs. DAWSON is a graduate of Penn State college and before her marriage was on the Home Economics extension service of Penn State college in Beaver county. Mr.
DAWSON, also a graduate of Penn State college, is serving with the Eastern States Farmers' exchange in Butler.
Donald Davison DAWSON, Jr. to Marian F. Rapp, 10 Oct 1942 ] dawson_rapp_10-23-1942_ro
parts 1 & 2 (C-TL)
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook newspaper
of July 13, 1928, page unknown:
DAY - MEANOR [Note: typeset was dirty so it looks like Meaner in
the text heading.]
One of the pretty weddings of the season was that of Mildred MEANOR, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scott MEANOR of Carnot, and Walter Teagarden DAY, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Day of Washington. The marriage took place Thursday, June 28, 1928 at 4:30 o'clock, in the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Nancy MEANOR, in Carnot. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.H. DOWNING, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Linesville. In reading the service, the beautiful ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a bouffant gown of white faille taffeta. Her veil of tulle was caught with a wreath of orange blossoms to a cap of handmade lace which belonged to her great-great-grandmother. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and valley lillies. Her only attendant, Miss Sara FERRIS of Buffalo, N.Y., wore a gown of flowered chiffon with a pouf of yellow taffeta on the side, forming the train. She wore a hat of matching yellow horsehair braid, and carried a bouquet of butterfly roses and delphinium. Hamilton S. DAY of Oakland, Pittsburgh, was his brother's best man. Miss Virginia DALLY of Carnot sang "I Love You Truly" and Mrs. Charles H. McCUTCHEON of Carnot played Mendelssohn's wedding march. After the ceremony there was a reception and wedding supper in the MEANOR home. The bride and bridegroom left for a wedding trip through Western New York and Canada. On their return they will be at home at 370 Burton avenue, Washington.
[ Walter Teagarden DAY to Mildred Meanor, 28 Jun 1928 ]
day_meanor_07-13-1928 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 24, 1936, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy BERTHOLD of Clinton avenue, Oakdale, announce the marriage of their daughter Alice to Martin DEAN, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin DEAN
of Muse. The ceremony was performed at 12:30 noon Thursday, July 16, 1936, in the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church, New Cumberland, W.Va., the
Rev. Mr. MCDEVITTE officiating. The bride was attired in a white gown with accessories to match. Her bridesmaid, Miss Margaret DEAN of Muse, was attired in yellow
with white accessories. Mr. Thomas CARROLL of McDonald was the best man. They were accompanied by Mrs. Charles BERTHOLD of Oakdale. After the
ceremony, a wedding supper was served in the home of the bride's parents. Ten guests were seated at the bride's table. The young couple will reside in East State
street, Oakdale. The bridegroom is employed in the National mine in Muse. Among those present at the reception were: Mr. and Mrs. George BERTHOLD of
Bridgeville, Mrs. Margaret LUDAS and children of Carnegie. Mr. and Mrs. W.S. KUNKLE and son William of McDonald, Roman CHESLESKI of Venice, Mr. and Mrs.
DEAN and children of Muse, Thomas CARROLL of McDonald, Samuel FREEMAN, Miss Irene TARAP, John BERTHOLD, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles BERTHOLD, all
of Oakdale.
[ Martin DEAN, Jr. to Alice Berthold, 16 Jul 1936 ]
dean_berthold_7-24-1936 (C-TL)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Oct 27, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Mildred WALKER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William WALKER of Muse, formerly of McDonald, and Mr. Elmer DEANDREA of Muse were united in marriage at nine o'clock Saturday morning, October 14, 1939, in St. Mary's church, Cecil. The bride wore teal blue with dubonnet accessories and carried red roses. The maid-of-honor, Miss Virginia WALKER of Muse, sister of the bride, wore dusty rose with black accessories and carried pink roses. Mr. Romeo RUBIS served as bestman. Miss Mary QUINN of Cecil played the wedding music and sang.
A reception was held in Independence hall. There were eight at the bride's table. The young couple took a trip to New York. They will reside in Muse. Both are graduates of Cecil high school.
[ Elmer DeANDREA to Mildred Walker, 14 Oct 1939 ] deandrea_walker_10-27-1939_ro (LN)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Clarence E. DAVISON to Grace Brown, 4 Aug 1937
Donald Davison DAWSON, Jr. to Marian F. Rapp, 10 Oct 1942
Walter Teagarden DAY to Mildred Meanor, 28 Jun 1928
Martin DEAN, Jr. to Alice Berthold, 16 Jul 1936
Elmer DeANDREA to Mildred Walker, 14 Oct 1939
This page was added May 28, 2007 ; updated Apr. 8, 2009 ; updated May 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023