Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 11, 1940, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Mel MOORHEAD announce the marriage of their daughter Julia
Douglas [MOORHEAD] to Dr. George S. CUNNINGHAM. The wedding was quietly solemnized in the study of the First United Presbyterian church, McDonald, on Thursday, October 10, 1940, at eight o'clock in the morning, the Rev. S. A.
MCCOLLAM, D.D., officiating. Dr. and Mrs. CUNNINGHAM will occupy the residence of the late Dr. W. A. LAROSS at 118 West Lincoln avenue.
[ George S. CUNNINGHAM to Julia Douglass Moorhead, 10 Oct 1940 ] cunningham_moorhead 10-11-1940_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook
newspaper of [between June 15 to July 4], 1892:
[ CUNNINGHAM is the groom]
A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick's Church, Noblestown,
by Rev. Father KIERNAN, on Friday, June 21, at 3:30 p.m. The
contracting parties were Miss Carrie E. HENDERSON, of Willow Grove, and
Mr. Peter CUNNINGHAM, of Bradford, Pa. Miss Kate CONNELLY, of Bradford,
was bridesmaid and Mr. John CUNNINGHAM, of Sisterville, W. Va., was best
The bride was handsomely attired in a gray travelling [sic] dress,
with other accessories to correspond. The happy pair will spend their
honeymoon at Clearfield, Pa., and will then reside at Pew City, Pa.,
where Mr. CUNNINGHAM is superintendent of the extensive interests of
[ Peter CUNNINGHAM to Carrie E. Henderson, 21 Jun 1892 ] cunningham_henderson_6-15 to_7-4-1892-outlook
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 20, 1921, page unknown:
[ CUNNINGHAM is the Groom. ]
Miss Olie DAUGHERTY and Mr. Walter CUNNINGHAM were married at Wellsburg, W.Va., on Saturday, January 15th. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.E. Barcus, pastor of the Methodist church of that place. For the present Mr. and Mrs. CUNNINGHAM are staying at the home of Charles Bolt of Grant avenue.
[ Walter CUNNINGHAM to Olie Daugherty, 15 Jan 1921 ] cunningham_daugherty_01-20-1921_outlook (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 9, 1925, page unknown:
[ CUPPS is the Groom. ]
Miss Mary E. McCARTNEY and Mr. Lawrence CUPPS of Clinton were married at eight o'clock January 1, 1925, at the home of the bride's mother in Carnot. The Rev. C. M. STEWART came from his father's home in Linesville to perform the ceremony. Those who attended the wedding were the mother, Mrs. Mary McCARTNEY, Mr. and Mrs. James CUPPS, parents of the bridegroom; Clyde CUPPS, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
GITTENS. Miss Helen McELROY was bridesmaid and Mr. Charles GITTENS was best man. The young couple will stay at the home
of the bride's mother during Mrs. McCARTNEY's absence for the winter months in Florida.
[ Lawrence CUPPS to Mary E. McCartney, 1 Jan 1925 ]
cupps_mccartney_01-09-1925 (CT-L)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi Ratican.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: George S. CUNNINGHAM to Julia Douglass Moorhead, 10 Oct 1940
Peter CUNNINGHAM to Carrie E. Henderson, 21 Jun 1892
Walter CUNNINGHAM to Olie Daugherty, 15 Jan 1921
Lawrence CUPPS to Mary E. McCartney, 1 Jan 1925
This page was added May 28, 2007 ; updated Mar. 12, 2009 ; updated June 16, 2009 ; updated Aug. 21, 2009 ; updated Aug. 22, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023