Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 31, 1924, page unknown:
[ CULLEY is the Groom. ]
Miss Ethel Myra PYLE and Mr. Clifford Moorhead CULLEY were united in marriage at four o'clock Saturday afternoon, October 25, 1924, in the First United Presbyterian church, Northside, Pittsburgh, the Rev. J. B. CAVITT of Hamilton, Ohio, officiating. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. James RUMBAUGH of Terrace street, McDonald. The bride was attired in a dark blue traveling suit with hat to match, and wore a corsage bouquet of brides roses. Following the ceremony dinner was served at the High Noon club in Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. Seven were seated at the bride's table. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. CULLEY left on a motor trip to Detroit, Mich., where they will be guests at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. Kelly SEAMON, and also visit many points of interest in and about Detroit. On their return to McDonald they will reside at 226 Center avenue.
The bride is a graduate of the McDonald high school and of Grove City college, and has been active in local church and society circles. For a number of years she was bookkeeper, and more recently the business manager of the McDonald Milling company. She has a large circle of friends.
Mr. CULLEY is a highly respected young man of the community.
[ Clifford Moorhead CULLEY to Ethel Myra Pyle, 25 Oct 1924 ]
culley_pyle_10-31-1924 (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Harry CULLEY to Joanna Speer, 26 Dec 1928
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 29, 1926, page unknown:
[ CULLEY is the Groom. ]
Miss Estella HUGHES of Washington [Pa] and Wayne CULLEY of Burgettstown were quietly married Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the home of the
Rev. Matthew RUTHERFORD in Washington, in the presence of a few friends who
had gathered at the RUTHERFORD home. Miss HUGHES was attended by her sister, Mrs. Margaret HUGHES MOUNTS of Washington,
and Attorney George BLOOM of Burgettstown acted as best man for Mr.
The bride is well known in Washington in musical and business circles, being a member of the First National Bank force, and the bridegroom
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. CULLEY of Burgettstown, and is postmaster at Burgettstown. Mr. and Mrs. CULLEY left
immediately for a wedding trip by automobile to Philadelphia and Virginia, after which they will be at home to their
friends at 310 Church street, Burgettstown.
[ Wayne CULLEY to Estella Hughes, no date, in 10-29-1926 paper
] culley_hughes_10-29-1926_outlook (AD)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
Gilbert CUMMINGS to Margaret Johnston, 3 Jul 1900
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Badly damaged but some information is still visible.
No image sent to me.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 10, 1892, page unknown:
CUMMINS-YOUNG---November ... by the Rev. J. I. BROWNS... at his residence in Washington, John M. CUMMINGS and M ... M. YOUNG, both of near Hickory.
[ John M. CUMMINGS to M. M. Young, Nov 1892 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 28, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Lois Edith DAME, daughter of Leslie DAME of Coraopolis, and Mr. John CUMMINGS of Imperial, son of Mrs. James MARSHALL of Noblestown, were united in married [sic] at 6:30 o'clock Monday evening, October 17, 1938, in the First Baptist church, Winchester, Va., the Rev. Mr. CLARK officiating. The bride wore a fall costume with matching accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. The newlyweds went on a Southern trip. They are residing in Imperial where Mr. CUMMINGS is a druggist. Mrs. CUMMINGS graduated from the Coraopolis high school. Mr. CUMMINGS graduated from the McDonald high school and the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy.
[ John CUMMINGS to Lois Edith Dame, 17 Oct 1938 ]
cummings_dame_10-28-1938_ro (LN)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes: Clifford Moorhead CULLEY to Ethel Myra Pyle, 25 Oct 1924
Harry CULLEY to Joanna Speer, 26 Dec 1928
Wayne CULLEY to Estella Hughes, no date, in 10-29-1926 paper
Gilbert CUMMINGS to Margaret Johnston, 3 Jul 1900
John M. CUMMINGS to M. M. Young, Nov 1892
John CUMMINGS to Lois Edith Dame, 17 Oct 1938
This page was added May 28, 2007 ; updated Aug. 20, 2009 ; updated Sept. 7, 2009
; updated Oct. 8, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023