Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
* See second and third articles below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 20,
1928, page unknown:
[ CROW is the Groom. ]
Wilbert CROW and Miss Hazel LANCE of Clinton were married last Thursday at Wellsburg. They will spend their honeymoon visiting relatives in West Virginia. They will make their home on the H. A. BARTON farm near Clinton, where Mr. CROW is employed.
crow_lance_09-20-1928 (CT-L)
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* See third article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Sept. 21,
1928, page unknown:
Miss Hazel LANCE of Clinton and Mr. Wilbert CROW of Robinson were married in Wellsburg,
W.Va., on Thursday, September 20, 1928. They will spend their honeymoon with friends in West Virginia, and will be at home in the small tenant house of the H. A. BARTON farm near Clinton, where the groom is employed.
crow_lance_09-21-1928 Typed by Volunteer (TR)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Sept. 27, 1928, page unknown:
[ CROW is the Groom. ]
Wilbert CROW and Miss Hazel LANCE of Clinton were married last
Thursday at Wellsburg [WVA]. They will spend their
[ Wilbert CROW to Hazel Lance, Thurs., 13 or 20 Sep 1928, 3 articles written
] Crow_Lance_9-27-28-out (F)
* |

* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of
March 2, 1928, page unknown:
The wedding of Miss Isabelle RUSS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. RUSS of Hastings avenue, and William A. CROW, son of William CROW of Smithfield, took place at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, march 17, 1928, in the home of the bridegroom's father in Smithfield. The Rev. Mr. CASSIDY of the Methodist church officiated. Miss Olive HUFFERD of Eighty-four was the bridesmaid. Only the immediate families were present. The bride is a graduate of Oakdale high school and attended Linden Hall at Litltz?. She was also graduated from Grove City college and at present is teaching in Fairchance.
Mr. and Mrs. CROW will reside in his father's home in Smithfield. Mr. CROW, father of the bridegroom, left Sunday for Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. CROW will leave later for Elk Ranch, Ark.
[ William A. CROW to Isabelle Russ, 17 Mar 1928 ] crow_russ_03-02-1928 (TR)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook
newspaper of
March 22, 1928, page unknown:
The wedding of Miss Isabel RUSS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. RUSS, of Hastings avenue, Oakdale, and William A. CROW, son of William CROW, of Smithfield, took place Saturday afternoon, March 17, 1928, at three o?clock, in the home of the groom?s father at Smithfield. The Rev. CASSIDY of the Methodist church there officiated, and Miss Olive
HUFFORD, of Eighty Four, was the bridesmaid. Only the immediate families were present. The bride is a graduate of the Oakdale High school, and attended school at Linden Hall, Lititz, Pa. She is also a graduate of Grove City college, and, at present, is a teacher in the Georges Township High school near
Fairchance. Mr. and Mrs. CROW will reside in the father?s home in Smithfield, he having left Sunday on a trip to Florida. Later Mr. and Mrs. CROW will leave on a trip to Elk Ranch, Arkansas.
[ William A. CROW to Isabelle Russ, 17 Mar 1928 ]
crow_russ_03-22-1928_outlook (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 16, 1943, page unknown:
Edward MORTREY of East Lincoln avenue, McDonald, announces the marriage of his sister Zela
[MORTREY] to Pvt. Arthur CROWELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar CROWELL of Corry. The couple were married Tuesday, April 6, 1943 in Pittsburgh.
[ Arthur CROWELL to Zela Mortrey, 6 Apr 1943 ]
crowell_mortrey_04-16-1943_ro (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 24, 1942, page unknown:
Miss June KENNEWEG, daughter of Mrs. Edith KENNEWEG of Laurel hill, McDonald, and Gerald
CROWLEY, son of Mrs. Alice CROWLEY of Steubenville, Ohio, were united in marriage at ten o?clock Saturday morning, July 11, 1942, in St. Peter?s rectory, Steubenville, by the Rev. Father
The bride wore a poudre blue street-length dress with beige accessories and a corsage of white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Berna
OLIVER of Steubenville, wore a yellow silk street-length dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Thomas
GRIBBIN of Steubenville served as bestman.
Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the Green Mill.
The couple took a trip to Lake Erie, Niagara Falls, and New York and are now at home in Fifth street, Steubenville.
Mrs. CROWLEY attended McDonald high school. Mr. CROWLEY, who attended Steubenville Central school, is employed by the Weirton Steel Co.
[ Gerald CROWLEY to June Kenneweg, 11 Jul 1942 ]
crowley_kenneweg_07-24-1942_ro (CB)
* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi Ratican.
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Wilbert CROW to Hazel Lance, 13 or 20 Sep 1928, two articles written
William A. CROW to Isabelle Russ, 17 Mar 1928
Arthur CROWELL to Zela Mortrey, 6 Apr 1943
Gerald CROWLEY to June Kenneweg, 11 Jul 1942
This page was added May 28, 2007 ; updated June 15, 2009 ; updated July 29, 2009 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023