Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 27, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Grace Albert LOTTES became the bride of Clifford Wendell COMBS at 7:45 o'clock on Wednesday evening, September 18, 1946, in her home with a quiet wedding before an altar of ferns and palms with the Rev. C.A. CLARK of Sheraden officiating, with only the immediate families in attendance.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. LOTTES of Coraopolis Heights, wore a gray suit with black accessories and carried a white testament with an orchid marker. Her only attendant was Miss May BURFORD as maid of honor, wearing a black suit with gray accessories and she wore a corsage of yellow roses. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. COMBS, of Carnot, chose the bride's brother, Russell LOTTES, as bestman. The bride's mother was dressed in blue crepe while the bridegroom's mother chose black crepe and their matching corsages were pink roses.
A reception followed the ceremony. A five-tier wedding cake adorned the table.
The couple are graduates of Moon township high school classes of '43 and '46. The bridegroom was recently discharged from the navy after two and a half years' service. They are residing in the home of the bride's parents.
[ Clifford Wendell COMBS to Grace Alberta Lottes, 18 Sep 1946 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of June 13, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Verna Mae FIKE, daughter of Mrs. John L. FIKE of Oakdale, and W. Clayton CONKLE of Hookstown were united in marriage at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, June 7, 1947, in the Presbyterian manse, Heinz Terrace, Sharpsburg, with the Rev. Vernon B. VANDERSOLL performing the double-ring ceremony.
The bride wore aqua crepe with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. For "something old" she carried the handkerchief which her mother carried on her wedding day. She was given in marriage by her mother who wore brown and white print sheer with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses and babies' breath.
A reception for the immediate families was held in the home of Robert CONKLE, the bridegroom's brother.
After a wedding trip to Baltimore, Washington, and New York, the newlyweds will be at home in
The bride is a graduate of Indiana State Teachers' college and was a teacher in the Champion school of North Fayette township.
[ W. Clayton CONKLE to Verna Mae Fike, 7 Jun 1947 ]
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* [Note: "Mrs. Maude ___ WAGLE" maiden name unknown]
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of Nov. 6, 1942, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McILVAINE last Saturday evening entertained at a reception in their home in Hickory in honor of the latter's brother, William CONKLE, and bride who are on an Eastern wedding trip following their marriage in Seaview, Washington.
Mrs. CONKLE, the former Mrs. Maude WAGLE, is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John VOGLE, formerly of Hickory, and Mr. CONKLE is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry CONKLE of Hickory. Their marriage took place Sunday, October 18, 1942, in the Shelburne hotel at Seaview, with the Rev. George CHAMBERS of Portland, Ore., cousin of the bride officiating.
William CONKLE to Mrs. Maude ___ Wagle, 18 Oct 1942 ]
conkle_wagle_11-06-1942_ro (CT-L)
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* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of Feb.
3, 1928, page unknown:
Miss Marie KASSAU, daughter of Mrs. Hannah KASSAU of Station street, and Mr. Joseph CONLEY were united in marriage Wednesday, January 25, 1928. The ceremony was performed in the home of the Rev. Milton ALLISON, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Wellsburg, W.Va. Mr. and Mrs. CONLEY will reside in New Castle.
[ Joseph CONLEY to Marie Kassau, 25 Jan 1928 ]
conley_kassau_02-03-1928 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of Feb. 10,
Miss Marie KASSAU, daughter of Mrs. Hannah Kassau of
Station street, and Mr. Joseph CONLEY were united in marriage Wednesday,
January 25, 1928. The ceremony was performed in the home of the Rev.
Milton ALLISON, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Wellsburg, W.Va.
Mr. and Mrs. CONLEY will reside in New Castle[Pa]. [ Joseph CONLEY to Marie
Wed., 25 Jan 1928 ]
conley_kassau_2-10-1928-record (F)
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes:
Clifford Wendell COMBS to Grace Alberta Lottes, 18 Sep 1946
W. Clayton CONKLE to Verna Mae Fike, 7 Jun 1947
William CONKLE to Maude Wagle, 18 Oct 1942
Joseph CONLEY to Marie Kassau, 25 Jan 1928
This page was added May 26, 2007 ; updated Aug. 25, 2009 ; updated Oct. 3, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023