Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Record of Dec. 25,
1914, page unknown:
On Wednesday at high noon at the bride's home occurred the marriage
of Miss Laura May BELL, daughter of Mrs. E. J. BELL, and
Harry Elmer CLELAND, son of Mrs. Ida CLELAND. The Rev. R. D. HAYS, pastor
of the Robinson Church, of which the bride is a member, performed the
ceremony in the presence of only the immediate families. The
wedding march (Lohengrin) was played by Mrs. Clarence DICK of Butler, a
sister of the bride. The ring ceremony a sumptuous wedding dinner was
served. The home was beautifully decorated with the Christmas
colors. The bride was dressed in white lace and voile. Mr. and Mrs. CLELAND
left on the 3:40 train for Beaver County, where they will spend their
honeymoon. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson Dennis
of Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. George Clarence DICK and children of
Harry Elmer CLELAND to Laura May Bell, no date, in 12-25-1914 paper ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
May 9, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Doris Jean FULTON, daughter of the Rev. R. B. and Mrs. FULTON of Robinson township, and Howard Dean CLELAND, son of Mrs. Laura CLELAND of Midway, were united in marriage at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, May 3, 1947, in the Robinson United Presbyterian church. The Rev.
R. B. FULTON, father of the bride, performed the double ring ceremony before an embankment of spring flowers.
The bride, given in marriage by her brother, R. Wells FULTON of Meadville, was attired in a colonial gown of white slipper satin with long sleeves, round neck, white lace bodice and full skirt. Her fingertip veil fell from a halo of white satin and seed pearls, and she carried an arm bouquet of white roses and white satin streamers. Her only jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. The maid of honor, Miss Janet FULTON, sister of the bride, wore a pastel blue
taffeta gown and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Robert CLELAND of R.D. 1, Imperial, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman. Wedding music was played preceding and during the ceremony by Miss Joan CLELAND of Midway, sister of the bridegroom.
Following the ceremony, a reception for 50 guests was held in the home of the bride's parents. A three-tiered wedding cake formed the table centerpiece and was cut by the young couple. Following a Southern wedding trip, the young couple will be at home for the present with the bride's parents. For her going-away outfit, the bride chose an aqua suit with white accessories.
Mrs. CLELAND, a 1943 graduate of Midway high school, was employed by Talon Inc., Meadville. Mr. CLELAND served 28 months with the navy and was honorably discharged December 5, 1945, as a seaman first class.
He is employed as a shovel operator by the Aloe Coal Co., Robinson township.
[ Howard Dean CLELAND to Doris Jean Fulton, 3 May 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record Jan. 27, 1927, page unknown:
John CLELAND of Midway __ Wednesday, January 18, was united in _
marriage with Miss Marion JOHNSTON of Turtle Creek. The groom has
been employed as a carpenter in Portland, Oregon, for three years, but
has been home since September on a vacation. He made preparations
to return to his work in Oregon on Monday, but instead of going back to
the West on Monday he went to Turtle Creek _ and surprised his family at
Midway on _ Wednesday afternoon by a telephone message stating that he
had been married that morning at 11 o'clock and that he and his wife
would leave for El Paso, Texas that evening at 4 o'clock. Mr. and
Mrs. CLELAND expect to make a trip through Texas, then northward through
the West, stopping for a few days at Yellowstone Park before making
their home in Portland [Oregon]. Mr. CLELAND is a son of Robert CLELAND,
a well known dairyman of near Midway, and has a host of friends in this
[John CLELAND to Miss Marion JOHNSTON, Wed., Jan. 18, 1927 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 1, 1939, page unknown:
A pretty wedding took place Thursday, November 23, 1939, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crist Chalmers JOHNSTON, Walnut Street, Turtle Creek, when their daughter, Nancy Eleanor, was given in marriage by her father to Robert Henderson CLELAND of Imperial. The ceremony was performed before an altar of orchid chrysanthemums and ferns, the Rev. W. E. M. COPELAND officiating.
The bride wore a dress of rust velvet with hat and veil to match and carried a colonial bouquet. Miss Anna May JOHNSTON of Richmond, Va., was her sister's maid of honor. She wore grape velvet with hat and muff to match. Miss Agnes CLELAND, sister of the
bridegroom, was bridesmaid; her dress was of aqua velvet with matching hat and muff. The attendants wore corsage bouquets of bronze mums and tea roses on their muffs.
Mr. Franklin YARIAN of Sharon was Mr. CLELAND's bestman. The wedding breakfast was served at The Maples in East McKeesport.
Mr. and Mrs. CLELAND will be at home in Midway after December 1.
[ Robert Henderson CLELAND to Nancy Eleanor Johnston, 23 Nov 1939
cleland_johnston 12-01-1939_ro (TR)
* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes: Harry Elmer CLELAND to Laura May Bell, no date, in 12-25-1914 paper
Howard Dean CLELAND to Doris Jean Fulton, 3 May 1947,
John CLELAND to Miss Marion JOHNSTON, Wed., Jan. 18, 1927
Robert Henderson CLELAND to Nancy Eleanor Johnston, 23 Nov 1939
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated June 15, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023