Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C

* Badly damaged. Webmaster has no other info.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
May 26, 1944, page unknown:
Mrs. Elsie Jane DINSMORE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. DINSMORE of Hickory, and Forrest B. CLARKE, son of Mrs. Olive CLARKE of R. D. 6, Washington, were united in marriage at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18, 1944, before the palm and ivy banked altar of the Mt. Prospect Presbyterian church, Hickory. Garden flowers and candelabra flanked each side of the altar. The pastor, the Rev. C. S. THOMAS, performed the double ring ceremony. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. C. S. THOMAS played a medley of nuptial airs and Miss Mary WHITE of Hickory sang "Because" and "At Dawning."
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white marquisette gown with three-quarter length sleeves, fitted bodice, and full skirt. Her jewelry consisted of two strands of pearls. Her beaded coronet was attached with a finger-tip veil edged in English lace. She carried an arm bouquet of white rosebuds and white antirrhinum. The matron of honor, Mrs. James DALLMEYER of
LaJunta, Colo., sister of the bride, wore a blue taffeta gown, styled similarly to the bride's. She carried an arm bouquet of mix__ spring flowers with multicolored roses. The bridesmaids, Miss
__na MORGAN of Bridgeville, cousin of the bride, and Miss Martha _____ Hickory, wore identical gowns of pink Jacquard voile.
Th__ bouquets were mixed flowers ____ and they wore
flow____ _____ _____ Glenn CLARKE ____ _____, serv__ _____ ushers were ____
____ of the bride. The bride's mother wore a light blue street-length ensemble and a corsage of gardenias and the bridegroom's mother wore royal blue and a corsage of gardenias.
Following the ceremony, a reception for fifty guests was held [__ in
the? at the?__] DINSMORE home, which w____ ____ ated with yellow and w____ flowers. A three tiered _____ cake formed the bride___ ___
Mrs. CLARKE is a ______ Hickory high school ____ ____ graduate of Penn ____
___lege. Prior to her ____ ____ a stenographer at ____ _____ Co. Her husband ____ ____ Trinity high school ____ ___
The young ____ ____ Eastern wedd___ _______ their return wi___ ____.
[ Forrest B. CLARKE to Elsie Jane Dinsmore, 18 May 1944 ] clarke_dinsmore_05-26-1944_ro
Parts 1 & 2 (TR)
This is likely what the blanks SHOULD say, possibly.
...The bride, given in marriage by her father,
[ see above]. The bridesmaids, Miss [Anna?] MORGAN of Bridgeville, cousin of the bride, and Miss Martha
____ [of] Hickory, wore identical gowns of pink Jacquard voile. Th__ bouquets were mixed flowers ____ and they wore
flow ____ _____ _____ Glenn CLARKE ____ _____, serv__ _____ ushers were ____
____ of the bride. The bride's mother wore a light blue street-length ensemble and a corsage of gardenias and the bridegroom's mother wore royal blue and a corsage of gardenias.
Following the ceremony, a reception for fifty guests was held [__ in
the? at the?__] DINSMORE home, which [was decorated ?] with yellow and
[white ?] flowers. A three tiered _____ cake formed the bride [bride's
table? centerpiece?].
Mrs. CLARKE is a [year?] [graduate of?] Hickory high school ____
[and a?] graduate of Penn [State college]. Prior to her ____ [she was?
or Mrs. CLARKE was?] a stenographer at [the?] _____ Co. Her husband
[graduated from? was graduated from] Trinity high school ____ ___.
The young [couple] [took?] [an?] Eastern [wedding trip?]. [Mr. and
Mrs. CLARKE?] their return [will reside?] ____ ____. ---
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 27, 1936, page unknown:
At a pretty ceremony in the First Baptist church, Pittsburgh, at 5:45 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, November 18, 1936, before the cibotuim fern and chrysanthemum decked altar, the Rev. Dr. Bernard C. CLAUSEN solemnized the marriage of Miss Violet BRUTOUT and William T. CLAWSON. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles BRUTOUT of Ambridge, wore a gown of ivory satin made with a small lace collar, and a fingertip veil of tulle caught with orange blossoms. She carried orchids and bouvardia.
Her maid of honor, Miss Florence DOUGLAS, chose turquoise supper satin made with short puffed sleeves, and she carried tea roses, snap dragons, and Queen Anne lace. In her hair she wore a wreath of the Queen Anne lace.
Kenneth NETTING served as best man for the bridegroom, who is a son of Mrs. John
CLAWSON, and ushering were Elmer KLABER and Arthur BRUTOUT, brother of the bride. Mrs. KLABER, cousin of the bridegroom, played the wedding music.
The bride's mother wore dark green velvet with matching hat and a corsage of red roses and the bridegroom's mother appeared in deep red velvet with matching hat and a corsage of Talisman roses.
There was a breakfast at the Pines for fourteen guests, after which Mr. and Mrs. CLAWSON left by motor for the East. After December 7 they will live in Noble avenue, Crafton.
Mrs. CLAWSON is well known in this community for having resided for several years in Valley street. She attended the McDonald schools with the class of 1931.
[ William T. CLAWSON to Violet Brutout, 18 Nov 1936 ] clawson_brutout_11-27-1936
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 2, 1937, page unknown: CLAYTON - KRAEER
The marriage of Thomas A. CLAYTON to Miss Ruth M. KRAEER, both of McDonald, was solemnized at high noon last Friday, June 25, 1937, in the Robinson's Run parsonage, with the Rev.
R. T. CAMPBELL, D.D., performing the ring ceremony. The young couple will reside in South McDonald street.
[ Thomas A. CLAYTON to Ruth M. Kraeer, 25 Jun 1937 ]
clayton_kraeer_07-02-1937 (CR-K)
* (TR) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Trudi
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
This page includes: Forrest B. CLARKE to Elsie Jane
Dinsmore, 18 May 1944
William T. CLAWSON to Violet Brutout, 18 Nov 1936
Thomas A. CLAYTON to Ruth M. Kraeer, 25 Jun 1937
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated June 15, 2009 ; updated June 27, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023