Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Oct. 18, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Mary Louise HENDERSON, daughter of Mr. James HENDERSON of Imperial and the late Cecelia MARTIN HENDERSON, and Mr. Forrest W. CHABOT of Aspinwall were united in marriage Saturday, September 28, 1940, in Lexington, KY, the Rev. E. R. GRADEN performing the ceremony. The young couple are at home at 608 Delafield road, Aspinwall [Pa].
[ Forrest W. CHABOT to Mary Louise Henderson, 28 Sep 1940 ] chabot_henderson_10-18-1940-r-o
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 5, 1934, page unknown:
Miss Violet KLEIN, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. KLEIN of Gladden, was united in marriage with Herman
CHABRIER, son of Jack CHABRIER of Cecil, in St. Mary?s church, Cecil. at nine o?clock Wednesday morning, September 26, 1934. The Rev. Fr. KOPERA performed the ceremony before a nuptial high mass.
The bride wore a white chiffon velvet informal gown with matching white turban with nose veil, and carried a bouquet of yellow tea roses. The bride?s sister Mrs. K. CHABASSOL was her only attendant. Her gown was brown velvet with matching brown hat and she carried autumn flowers. Henry KLEIN, brother of the bride, was best man. Mrs. CHABRIER was formerly employed in the First National Bank in Cecil. Mr. CHABRIER is employed by the Seldon Co.
[ Herman CHABRIER to Violet Klein, 26 Sep 1934 ] chabrier_klein_10-05-1934_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Mar 31, 1905, page unknown:
Mrs. Annie Bell PYLES, formerly of this place, and Mr. Henry CHALFANT were recently married at East Liverpool, O., where they will reside.
[ Harry CHALFANT to Annie Bell Pyles, no date, in 3-31-1905 paper
chalfant_pyles_03-31-1905_rec (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
May 19, 1905, page unknown:
Henry R. CHALFANT, a stockholder in and general manufacturer of the Imperial Brick Co., went West on his vacation a few weeks ago and returned on Thursday evening of last week with a bride, formerly Miss McNARY of Iowa. They were given a rousing
serenade by the boys. Mr. and Mrs. CHALFANT are now stopping with Mrs. J. T. COX, but expect to live in the east end of town.
[ Henry R. CHALFANT to Miss McNary, no date, in 5-19-1905 paper ]
chalfant_mcnary_05-19-1905_rec (F)
* (AM) Some articles typed by Volunteer Alice Walton Mason.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
This page includes: Forrest W. CHABOT to Mary Louise Henderson, 28 Sep 1940
Herman CHABRIER to Violet Klein, 26 Sep 1934
Harry CHALFANT to Annie Bell Pyles, no date, in 3-31-1905 paper
Henry R. CHALFANT to Miss McNary, no date, in 5-19-1905 paper
This page was added May 22, 2007 ; updated Feb. 13, 2009 ; updated June 9, 2009 ; updated July 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023