Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Outlook or Record
newspaper of Oct. 27, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Martha RICHARDS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James RICHARDS of R.D. 1, Bulger
[Pa], and John G. CARTIER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave CARTIER of Bulger, were united in marriage at 12:45 o'clock Thursday afternoon, October 19, 1939, in the parsonage of the Raccoon Presbyterian church,
Candor [Pa], the pastor, the Rev. James P. SHAW, officiating. The bride wore a gown of moss green with brown accessories and a corsage of sweet peas and mums.
A wedding dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. J. RICHARDS and daughter Elenore and William RICHARDS of
Candor [Pa], Mr. and Mrs. G. CARTIER, Mr. and Mrs. A. BARONIO and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
BARONIO, and Harry L. REMMERT of Bulger, Mr. and Mrs. George SCHUSTER and daughter Katherine of Midway, and Miss Mildred HAINAUT of Primrose. Mrs. CARTIER is a 1934 graduate of McDonald high school. Mr. CARTIER, a 1935 graduate of Union high school, Burgettstown, is employed in the Aliquippa mills. The young couple will reside in Bonny
Meade [in Pa].
[ John G. CARTIER to Martha Richards, 19 Oct 1939 ] cartier_richards_10-27-1939
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of May 3, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Jennie SLOKA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence SLOKA of Gladden, and Mr. Amil CASCIOLA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony CASCIOLA of Morgan, were united in marriage at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 27, 1940, in St. Mary's church, Cecil, by the Rev. Fr. John KOPERA.
The bride wore a white chiffon gown with a long lace veil and carried calla lilies. The bridesmaids were Miss Victoria PROVOLICH of Gladden and Miss Mildred QUARTURE, Cuddy. Mr. Frank SLOKA of Gladden, brother of the bride, served as bestman, and Mr. Carlo CASCIOLA, brother of the bridegroom, was the usher. Miss Mary QUINN of Cecil played the wedding music and sang.
A reception followed in the home of the bride's parents. There were 50 guests with 13 seated at the bride's table. Both Mr. and Mrs. CASCIOLA are graduates of South Fayette high. Mr. Casciola is employed by the National Mining Co. at Morgan. They will reside in Gladden.
[ Amil CASCIOLA to Jennie Sloka, 27 Apr 1940 ]
casciola_sloka_05-03-1940-r-o (AM)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of xxxxxx, page unknown:
John CASE to Amy Dick, no date, in 2-10-1900 paper ;
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of xxxxxx, page unknown:
Wm. H. CASE to Annie B. Prescott, no date, in 7-7-1900 paper
* (AM) Some articles typed by Volunteer Alice Walton Mason
This page includes: John G. CARTIER to Martha Richards, 19 Oct 1939 ;
Amil CASCIOLA to Jennie Sloka, 27 Apr 1940 ;
John CASE to Amy Dick, no date, in 2-10-1900 paper ;
Wm. H. CASE to Annie B. Prescott, no date, in 7-7-1900 paper
This page was added May 22, 2007 ; updated Feb. 13, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023