Bridegrooms by Surname Letter C
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 3, 1926, page unknown:
[ CALEFFE is the Groom. ]
Miss Viola STRUTH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John STRUTH of Primrose, and August CALEFFE of Cherry Valley were married in Wellsburg, W.Va., on Tuesday, August 10, 1926. Mr. and Mrs. CALEFFE will leave on a wedding trip the latter part of this month.
[ August CALEFFE to Viola Struth, Tuesday, August 10, 1926 ]
caleffe_struth_09-03-1926 (LN)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 11, 1935, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Winifred BOYD, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. BOYD of Casey, Ill., and Mr. James L. CALLAHAN, son of Mrs. Elizabeth C. CALLAHAN of Oakdale,
took place at four o'clock December 27, 1934, in the First Methodist Episcopal church in Casey, Ill. Among those who attended the wedding were Mrs. Elizabeth C.
CALLAHAN of Oakdale, Miss L. ARMOR and Mr. W. A. CLARK of Pittsburgh and Mr. Frank H. KENNEDY of Oakdale.
James L. CALLAHAN to Winifred Boyd ] callahan_boyd_01-11-1935_ro
* |
* This must have been printed on Thanksgiving Day, same day as the
wedding, but was written as though it would be printed later (unless the
newspaper date is wrong?).
* See second article below
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Nov.
28, 1929 page unknown:
[ CALLENDER is the Groom. ]
Of interest to the residents of McDonald is the ceremony uniting Mrs.*
Janet McDonald ANDREWS in marriage to Mr. Henry Fink CALLENDER on
Thanksgiving afternoon. The wedding took place at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Isabelle McDONALD of Fanny street and Rev. A. R.
Armstrong of the Robinson's Run church officiated. The bride wore a gown
of pansy crepe and carried orchid chrysanthemums which harmonized
beautifully with the brown dress of Miss Jennie SMITH who was the only
bridesmaid. Mr. William PATTERSON of the North side, Pittsburgh was best
man and Mr. Archie McDONALD also assisted. The short wedding ceremony
was read, after which a wedding dinner was served to the guests. Those
present at the wedding were: Mrs. Isabelle McDONALD, Miss Elizabeth
McDONALD, sister of the bride; a brother Archie McDONALD and Mrs. Archie
McDONALD of Harmerville, Mrs. Charles PIKER of Canton, Ohio, Mr. William
PATTERSON of the North side, Pittsburgh, Miss Jennie SMITH, Mr. and Mrs.
McCULLOUGH and Rev. and Mrs. A. R. ARMSTRONG, all of McDonald. Mr. and
Mrs. CALLENDER will live at Cheswick, Pa.
[ Henry Fink CALLENDER to Mrs. Janet McDonald ANDREWS,
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, 1929 ] andrews_callender_11-28-1929_record (S)
*Underline on Mrs. added by the webmaster.
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 5, 1929, page unknown:
[ CALLENDER is the Groom. ]
Of interest to the residents of McDonald is the ceremony uniting Mrs. Janet MCDONALD ANDREWS in marriage to Mr. Henry Fink CALLENDER on Thanksgiving afternoon.
The wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Isabelle MCDONALD of Fanny street and Rev. A. R. ARMSTRONG of the Robinson Run church officiated.
The bride wore a gown of pansy crepe and carried orchid chrysanthemums which harmonized beautifully with the brown dress of Miss Jennie SMITH who was the only
bridesmaid. Mr. William PATTERSON of the North side, Pittsburgh was best man and Mr. Archie MCDONALD also assisted. The short wedding ceremony was read,
after which a wedding dinner was served to the guests. Those present at the wedding were: Mrs. Isabelle MCDONALD, Miss Elizabeth MCDONALD, sister of the bride; a
brother Archie MCDONALD of Harmarville, Mrs. Charles PINKER of Canton, Ohio, Mr. William Patterson of the North side, Pittsburgh, Miss Jennie SMITH, Mr. and Mrs.
MCCULLOUGH and Rev. and Mrs. A. R. ARMSTRONG, all of McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. CALLENDER will live at Cheswick, Pa.
[ Henry Fink CALLENDER to Mrs. Janet McDonald ANDREWS,
Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, 1929 ] callender_andrews_12-5-1929 (CT-L)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 12, 1929, page unknown:
[ CALTUNA is the Groom. ]
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. POSKIN was the scene of a pretty wedding Thursday evening when their daughter Mary became the bride of Mr. Alfred CALTUNA, son of Mrs. M. DORIA. The bridal party entered the room to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March. Mrs. Thomas VEZIE sang "At Dawning" and "O Promis Me," with violin accompaniment by Miss Florence SALLES. The ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Auguste DEVOS
before an embankment of palms, ferns and fall flowers. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of shell pink chiffon and carried a shower bouquet of
lilies-of-the-valley and bride roses. She wore an agate necklace a gift of the groom. Miss Julia DENNY was bridesmaid and wore a gown of yellow chiffon and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Miss Doris POSKIN, small sister of the bride, was flower girl and Mr. George FRANKLIN was best man.
[ Alfred CALTUNA to Mary Poskin ]
caltuna_poskin_09-12-1929 (CT-L)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes:
August CALEFFE to Viola Struth, Tuesday, August 10, 1926
James L. CALLAHAN to Winifred Boyd,
Henry Fink CALLENDER to Mrs. Janet McDonald ANDREWS, Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, 1929
Alfred CALTUNA to Mary Poskin
This page was added May 22, 2007 ; updated June 10, 2009 ; updated Oct. 7, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023