Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
[ Nelson BUTTERWORTH to Minnie Phillips, 8 Nov 1893]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of
March 4, 1938, page unknown:
Miss. Anna E. LINDEN, daughter of Joseph LINDEN of Fannie street, McDonald and the late Mrs.
Mary L. LINDEN, and Mr. PETER F. BUZZANELL of Carnegie were united in marriage at seven o'clock Monday morning, February 28, 1938, in St. Alphonsus church, McDonald, the pastor, the Rev. Fr.
Joseph A. BURGOON officiating. The bride was attired in a navy blue crepe informal dress and wore a corsage of gardenias. Miss
Eleanor MULLOOLY of Noblestown [Pa], the bridesmaid, was attired in blue crepe and wore a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Mr.
James DUFFY of Burgettstown was the best man. The newlyweds left on a honeymoon trip to Washington, D.C. and New York. Upon their return will reside in Fannie street, McDonald. The bride attended Oakdale high school. Mr. BUZZANELL attended Carnegie high school and is a brakeman on the Pennsylvania railroad. [ Peter F. BUZZANELL to Anna E. Linden, 28 Feb 1938 ]
buzzanell_linden_03-04-1938-r-o (DG)
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From The McDonald, PA Outlook of 25 September 1897:
On the 21st, in Steubenville, Robert McMULLEN, son of James McMULLEN, East End, McDonald, and Miss Sussana COCHRAN, daughter of Robert COCHRAN, of Coal Street.
On Sept. 22d, J. M. BUZZARD of Sturgeon, and Miss Emma BROCKMYER, daughter of John BUCKMYER, (sic) of Noblestown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. BARRON, of the M. E. Church.
CUMNINS (sic)-MALONE At Canonsburg, on the 15th, Calvin CUMMINS and Miss Tillie MALONE.
[ J. M. BUZZARD to Emma Brockmyer, 22 Sep 1897 ; J. M. BUZZARD to Emma Brockmyer, 23 Sep 1897
] buzzard-brockmyer-9-25-1897-out (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of
Feb. 2, 1940, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry RENN of 335 Fannie street announce the marriage of Miss. Cora B. BOYD to Mr. George Goodrich BYRNES of St. Petersburg,
Florida, at six o'clock Saturday evening, January 27, 1940, at a ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Ronald S. WILSON, pastor of
the Presbyterian church of Winchester, Va.
Miss BOYD has been a teacher of the McDonald public schools for a number of
years. She is a graduate of the Burgettstown high school and attended California
State Teacher's college at California, Pa.
Mr. BYRNES attended Manlius Military institute and the University of Florida. He
is a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. BYRNES left Tuesday to make their home in Miami, Fla.
[ George Goodrich BYRNES to Cora B. Boyd, 27 Jan 1940 ] byrnes_boyd_02-02-1940
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of Jan. 1, 1937, page unknown:
A pretty wedding took place in the First Baptist church at 3:45 o'clock Friday afternoon, December 25, 1936, when Louise Elizabeth LEWIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William LEWIS of the Southside, McDonald, became the bride of Buford BYRON, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. BYRON of Weirton, W.Va., with the Rev. G. E. SALLIE of Sewickley officiating. The church's holiday decorations combined with the nuptial flowers in enhancing the beauty of the occasion. The bride, given away by her father, wore a gown of aqua marine velvet with tulle veil and coronet and corsage of white roses and lillies of the valley. Miss Mabel CARTER was maid of honor, wearing peach satin with a corsage of tea roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Georgia Bee FAIRFAX of Weirton, W.Va., wearing a green satin gown with matching hat and Miss Lillian TABB, who wore royal blue satin with matching hat. Both carried tea roses. Miss Mary Margaret LEWIS, sister of the bride, and Miss Laura Mae GILBERT of Weirton, W.Va., were the flower girls.
They wore dresses of blue satin and carried white and yellow chrysanthemums.
Ira BROWN of Weirton, W.Va., was bestman. Ushers were Henry ELMER of Weirton and William WELLS of McDonald, and the ring bearer was master Edmund MACK of McDonald. Miss Mabel TABB, wearing ivory satin, played the wedding march, and Miss Grace CARTER, in aqua marine crepe, sang, "O Promise Me," and "I Love You Truly." The bride's mother chose brown velvet, and the bridegroom's mother, black velvet.
After the ceremony the couple received and were served luncheon in the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BEARD of Center avenue, where covers were laid for 175 guests, 25 of whom were seated at the bride's table. The home was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and tokens of the season. The gifts were numerous and beautiful. The couple will reside in Weirton.
[ Buford BYRON to Louise Elizabeth Lewis, 25 Dec 1936 ] byron_lewis_01-01-1937
Parts 1, 2, 3 (WD)
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer, Doris
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes:
Nelson BUTTERWORTH to Minnie Phillips, 8 Nov 1893 ;
Peter F. BUZZANELL to Anna E. Linden, 28 Feb 1938 ;
J. M. BUZZARD to Emma Brockmyer, 22 Sep 1897 ;
J. M. BUZZARD to Emma Brockmyer, 23 Sep 1897 ;
George Goodrich BYRNES to Cora B. Boyd, 27 Jan 1940 ;
Buford BYRON to Louise Elizabeth Lewis, 25 Dec 1936
This page was added May 26, 2007 ; updated
Jan 17, 2009 ; updated May 20, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023