Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
From The McDonald, PA Record of 29 September
1912, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Dauphine DRUGMAND of Tyre, and Dr. BROADHURST was solemnized at Youngstown, Ohio, last Friday. The young couple will make their home in Tyre where the groom has a large practice.
[ Dr. ___ BROADHURST to Dauphine Drugmand, no date, in 9-27-1912 paper ] broadhurst-drugmand-9-27-1912-rec
Note: Possibly
Dr. William S. Broadhurst, and Dorothy D. Broadhurst, Findlay, Imperial,
Allegheny Co PA 1930 US Census, with 2 sons, 2 daughters. His
family was from Ohio. LARGE FILE OPENS IN SEPARATE WINDOW, size
902K, cropped with 1 neighbor (rest cropped out).
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Feb. 21, 1941, page unknown, parts 1, 2, 3:
Wearing her mother?s wedding gown of ivory satin and real lace, Miss Elizabeth WINGATE, daughter of Mrs. Rozier WINGATE of
Amarilo, Texas, became the bride of John Richards BROADHURST, son of Dr. and Mrs. William Shuler BROADHURST of
Imperial [Pa], at a ceremony held at 7 p.m. Saturday, February 8, 1941, in the chapel of the First Presbyterian church,
Rev. T. L. YEARBY, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated. The church decorated with white gladioli and palms, was
candlelighted. For ?something old for
luck? the bride wore a string of heirloom pearls and carried an old rosepointe handkerchief loaned by a friend. Her veil was of illusion and she carried an arm bouquet of gardenias and lilies of the valley.
She was given in marriage by her brother, Thomas WINGATE. The bride?s attendants were Mrs. Thomas WINGATE as matron of honor, her sisters, Miss Martha Ann and Miss Margaret WINGATE, and Mr. BROADHURST?s sister, Miss Mary
BROADHURST, as bridesmaids. The attendants wore gowns of white crepe with lace bonnets and carried bouquets of crimson roses.
Dr. Louis DRUGMAND of Imperial [Pa] was bestman and William ANDERSON of Gulfport, Miss., was groomsman. Mrs. David BROWN sang, ?Heart of Her? and ?I Love You Truly.?
Following the ceremony a dinner was served in Hotel Cortez where decorations were crimson roses.
Mr. BROADHURST and his bride will live at Fort Bliss, Texas. Mrs. BROADHURST was graduated from Ward Belmont college, Nashville, Tn. Mr. BROADHURST attended Geneva college, Beaver
Falls [Pa]. He is now in the surgical division of the United States army. Mr. BROADHURST?s mother and sister went to El Paso
[Tx.] to attend the wedding. A large group of friends and relatives from Amarillo and other Texas points also journeyed for the wedding.
[ John Richards BROADHURST to Elizabeth Wingate, 8 Feb 1941 ] broadhurst_wingate_02-21-1941-r-o
parts 1, 2, 3 (PV)
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Announcement only. Researchers should check to see if the marriage
actually took place.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 12, 1938 [see Note below], page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Nancy Jane MOORE, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. B. MOORE of New Galilee, Beaver county, and William L. BROADHURST, son of Dr. and Mrs. W.
S. BROADHURST of Imperial, was announced in a charming manner by the bride's sister, Miss Marybelle MOORE, when she entertained relatives of both young people at
a launching party on August 10. The veranda of the home was cleverly decorated to represent the deck of a yacht on which four tables of cards were in play, at the close
which the quests were requested to gather at the lower end of the deck where a realistic sailboat was about to be launched. Little replicas of champagne bottles were
passed to the guests on which was inscribed:
"You're gathered her to launch this craft on the Matrimonial Sea,
And to wish the crew a bon voyage and much prosperity.
Who is this crew, you ask? It's been a secret up
to date (August 14, 1937),
But Captain Bill will man the wheel and Nancy is first mate."
The guests then adjourned to the diningroom, where a dainty luncheon was served. In the center of the table stood a toy yacht with ribbons to each placed tied to candy
life savers. The nautical color scheme was carried out in pink and blue. Mrs. BROADHURST is a graduate of the Beaver Falls high school and the Slippery Rock Teachers
college and is a member of the teaching force at Pfeiffer school at Rochester. Mr. BROADHURST is a graduate of Findlay high school and received his pre-dental training
at Geneva college. He will continue the study of dentistry at the University of Pittsburgh this fall.
[ William L. BROADHURST to Nancy Jane Moore, 10 Aug 1938 ] broadhurst_moore_08-12-1938
NOTE: The dates on this seem wrong. Images were marked as
August 12, 1938. But the announcement uses August 14, 1937 "It's been a secret up
to date (August 14, 1937)". Then, Sandy uses the marriage date of
August 10, 1938 but that was the day of the party when "The marriage of Miss Nancy Jane MOORE, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. B. MOORE of
New Galilee, Beaver county, and William L. BROADHURST, son of Dr. and Mrs. W.
S. BROADHURST of Imperial, was announced in a charming manner by the bride's sister, Miss Marybelle MOORE, when she entertained relatives of both young people at
a launching party on August 10." So the year 1938 could be
wrong; or the couple married August 14, 1937 as the article seems to
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 29, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Katherine MOSLEY of Columbia, Tenn., and Pfc. Clarence H. BROCKMAN of Camp Forrest, Tenn., were united in marriage at 2:30 p.m. Sunday,
January 17, 1943, in the Methodist church of Columbia by the minister of the church.
Private BROCKMAN is a graduate of Midway high school, class of 1940. He entered the army and was sent to Camp Forrest in June 1942. He is a son of Clarence BROCKMAN of Burgettstown. He recently spent a furlough with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. WELSH, Midway.
[ Clarence H. BROCKMAN to Katherine Mosley, 17 Jan 1943 ]
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 18, 1947, page unknown:
Burgettstown Man
Weds Local Girl
Miss Naomi Ruth JACKSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy OATES of McDonald, and Clarence H. BROCKMAN, son of Clarence BROCKMAN of Burgettstown and the late
Ruth WELSH BROCKMAN of Midway, were united in marriage at 6:35 p.m. Friday, April 11, 1947, in the home of the bride's parents. The Rev. Joseph H. RODGERS,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church, McDonald, performed the ceremony by candlelight before an embankment of ferns.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a brown gabardine suit with yellow and brown accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Miss Doris COCHRAN of
Midway, the bride's only attendant, wore a navy blue suit with red and white accessories and a corsage of red
rosebuds. Fred BLANCHARD of Midway served as bestman.
The bride's mother wore a pink silk print dress with a corsage of pink carnations. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Hazel SPEER played "Oh Promise Me" and the "Bridal
Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the home of the bride's parents. Gold and white appointments were used on the table which was centered with a three-tiered wedding cake
topped with a miniature bride and groom. Twelve were seated at the bride's table.
Mrs. BROCKMAN, a 1944 graduate of the McDonald high school, is employed by the Bell Telephone Co. at the McDonald office.
Mr. BROCKMAN, 1940 graduate of the Midway high school, is employed by the Pittsburgh Coal Co. at Champion Preparation Plant No. 1. He served 39 months with the
80th Division of the army, most of which was spent overseas in Germany and France. He received his honorable discharge in October 1945.
Following a brief wedding trip to the mountains, Mr. and Mrs. BROCKMAN will make their home with the bride's grandparents in North street, McDonald.
Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Dora CAIN of Pittsburgh, cousin of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. John COVODE, Jr., and Miss Ruth BROCKMAN, all of Cincinnati, Ohio,
brother-in-law and sisters of the bridegroom. Other guests were present from Burgettstown, Midway, and McDonald.
[ Clarence H. BROCKMAN to Naomi Ruth Jackson, 11 Apr 1947 ] brockman_jackson_04-18-1947_ro
* |
Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
[ Clarence BROCKMAN to Ruth Welsh, 17 Aug 1914 ]
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 20, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Eva Martha KRAEER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. KRAEER, Sr., of Midway
[Pa], and William BROCKMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N,. BROCKMAN of Midway [Pa], were united in marriage Friday evening, August 13, 1943, in the home of the Rev. S. A.
McCOLLAM, D.D., pastor of the First United Presbyterian church,
McDonald [Pa].
The bride wore a light blue wool suit with brown accessories and a corsage of rosebuds. The bride?s only attendant, Miss Carrie E. SCHAFFER, an aunt, wore a pink crepe
dress with blue accessories and a corsage of rosebuds
The young couple will reside in Midway.
[ William BROCKMAN to Eva Martha Kraeer, 13 Aug 1943 ]
brockman_kraeer_08-20-1943-r-o (PV)
* (PV) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Pamela Villafuerte.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes:
(___?) BROADHURST to Dauphine Drugmand, no date, in 9-27-1912 paper
John Richards BROADHURST to Elizabeth Wingate, 8 Feb 1941
William L. BROADHURST to Nancy Jane Moore, 10 Aug 1938
Clarence H. BROCKMAN to Katherine Mosley, 17 Jan 1943
Clarence H. BROCKMAN to Naomi Ruth Jackson, 11 Apr 1947
Clarence BROCKMAN to Ruth Welsh, 17 Aug 1914
William BROCKMAN to Eva Martha Kraeer, 13 Aug 1943...
This page was added May 25, 2007 ; updated Feb. 22, 2009 ; updated July 9, 2009
; updated Sept. 20, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023