Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
From The McDonald, PA Record of 16 October 1908, page unknown:
Miss Cora ALLEN, a daughter of S. M. ALLEN of Primrose, and Mr. Frank BONE of Newark, Ohio, were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. J. P. JORDAN. Mr. BONE is a baggage master on the Panhandle. The young couple will reside in McDonald.
[ Frank BONE to Cora Allen, no date, in 10-16-1908 paper ] bone-allen-10-16-1908-rec
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From the McDonald, PA Record or Outlook
newspaper of Aug. 11, 1939, page unknown:
[BOOCKS is the GROOM.]
Miss Verna CHAPPELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman CHAPPELL of 549 South Highland avenue, Oakdale, and Mr. Fred BOOCKS of Sturgeon were united in marriage at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 2, 1939, in the parsonage of the Roscoe Methodist church, the Rev. Howard M. PAPE officiating.
The bride's gown was of white net Princess style with a white halo and white veil trimming. She carried white accessories and a bouquet of deep tea roses. Miss Ruth BURGIN of Minneapolis, Minn., the bridesmaid, wore a gown of blue organdie and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Floyd L. SMITH of Oakdale served as bestman. Miss Dorothy BOOCKS, sister of the bridegroom and Mr. Ted BOOCKS, brother of the bridegroom, were also in attendance.
The group motored back to the bride's home in Oakdale where a reception was held. About thirty guests besides the parents of the young couple, were seated at the bride's table with a large wedding cake as the centerpiece. Pink and white predominated. Beautiful cut flowers adorned the home.
The guest list included relatives and friends from Keys, Ohio, Bellaire, Ohio, Carnegie, Federal, McDonald and Oakdale.
The young couple left for Cleveland, Ohio, and other points of interest. They visited the bridegroom's brother in Cleveland. They will reside with the bride's parents in Oakdale.
Mrs. Boocks is a graduate of the Oakdale high school and Mr. Boocks graduated from the Morgan high school. [
Fred BOOCKS to Verna Chappell, 2 Aug 1939 ]
boocks_chappell_08-11-1939_parts 1 and 2 (AM)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
March 6, 1897, page unknown:
Lee BOOKER and Lennia WILLIAMS, McDonald.
[ Lee BOOKER to Lennia Williams, no date, in 3-6-1897 paper ]
booker_williams_03-06-1897_outlook (S)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Nov. 2, 1917, page unknown:
[ BOPP is the Groom. ]
Miss Ethel M. WYANT and Mr. Charles W. BOPP, both of Leechburg, were married at the home of the groom's cousin, Mrs. Walter
KNEPSHIELD, South Side, McDonald, on Tuesday, October 30, 1917, at two o'clock, by the Rev. J. B.
CAVITT. Mr. and Mrs. BOPP will live in Leechburg.
[ Charles W. BOPP to Ethel M. Wyant, 30 Oct 1917 ]
bopp_wyant_11-02-1917_record (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of
Oct. 15, 1937, page unknown:
The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall in Imperial was the scene of a beautiful wedding Monday evening, October 11, 19_7, at _:45 o?clock when their daughter Alice became the bride of Mr. Jerome Borland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Borland of State College. Before the ceremony, Miss Esther Caughey of Avalon sang ?I Love You Truly,? accompanied by the bride?s brother, Dr. C. C. Marshall of Pittsburgh. Immediately following, he played the Lohengrin wedding march as the bride entered the living room on the arm of her father, where she was met by the bridegroom. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Clarence E. Davison, pastor of the Valley Presbyterian church, before an embankment of palms and ferns. The bride wore white lace over white satin, a halo of orange blossoms, and carried white
chrysanthemums. Her only attendant, Miss Louise Everett of Mercer, wore blue moire taffeta and carried bronze chrysanthemums. Mr. William Strouss of Vandergrift was the bridegroom?s attendant. A wedding dinner was served in the home of the bride?s parents. There were fifty guests with fourteen seated at the bride?s table. The centerpiece was a large wedding cake and large candles. Autumn shades predominated the color scheme. After a Southern wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Borland will be at home in Vandergrift. The young couple are both graduates of State college. The wedding was an outstanding event as the bride?s parents celebrated their 32d wedding anniversary on that day. The bridegroom?s parents celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary on October 12.
Mrs. Jerome Borland is the niece of Mrs. L. J. Weir of Third street. [Article
marked R.O. at the end]
[ Jerome BORLAND to Alice Marshall, 11 Oct 1937 ]
borland_marshall_10-15-1937_r-o (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 19, 1938, page unknown:
Miss Martha Jane Cowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cowden of Hickory, and John Kelso Borland, son of Mrs. J. K. Borland of Washington, were united in marriage Friday afternoon, August 12, 1938. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John R.
Louden, assisted by the Rev. David W. Weaver, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, on the lawn of the home of the bride?s brother, M. Kline Cowden, in Hickory. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white marquisette and a finger-tip veil cascading from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Her maid of honor, Miss Mary Edna Morrison of Hickory, wore acquamarine chiffon and a peach-hued picture hat. She carried talisman roses. Mr. Merle G. Liggett of Washington was the
bestman. The bride?s twin nieces, Doris Ann and Dorothy Jane Cowden, were the flower girls. Miss Delal Colwes played the wedding march and Mrs. John Bedillion sang. Only the immediate families were present.
The bride has been secretary in the Alumni office at Washington and Jefferson college. The bridegroom is a graduate of W & J and is a teacher in the Peters township high school at McMurray. The young couple left for a tour of the South. They will reside in Washington.
[ John Kelso BORLAND to Martha Jane Cowden, 12 Aug 1938 ]
borland_cowden_08-19-1938_ro (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
July 3, 1914, page unknown:
On Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's cousin, Samuel C.
SCWART, in Fanny street [sic], Mr. David BORZEE of Liberty street and
Miss May WILSON of Noblestown were quietly marred in the presence of
only the immediate families of the couple and Mr. and Mrs. Fernal
THOMASSAY. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. James M.
BRICELAND, pastor of the Union Church. The couple left on the two
train for a trip to Oklahoma.
[ David BORZEE to May Wilson, no date, in 7-3-1914 paper ] borzee_wilson_07-03-1914_rec
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (AM) Some articles typed by Volunteer Alice Walton Mason.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes:
Frank BONE to Cora Allen, no date, in 10-16-1908 paper
Fred BOOCKS to Verna Chappell, 2 Aug 1939
Lee BOOKER to Lennia Williams, no date, in 3-6-1897 paper
Charles W. BOPP to Ethel M. Wyant, 30 Oct 1917
Jerome BORLAND to Alice Marshall, 11 Oct 1937
John Kelso BORLAND to Martha Jane Cowden, 12 Aug 1938
David BORZEE to May Wilson, no date, in 7-3-1914 paper...
This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated Jan 29, 2009 ; updated June 9, 2009
; updated Aug. 4, 2009 ; updated Sept. 20, 2009 ; updated Oct. 19, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023