Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 18, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Leona MONACO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward MONACO of Cecil, and Martin BISTARKEY of
Southview, were united in marriage at nine o'clock Saturday morning, September 12, 1942, in St. Mary's church, Cecil by the Rev. Fr. Leo
The bride wore a white chiffon gown with inserts of lace and a long train. Her veil was of cap effect and her headdress of white gardenias hung in long points in the back. She carried a white prayer book with a marker of gardenias and small yellow mums. The maid of honor, Miss Ann MONACO of Cecil, wore a deep orchid velvet and taffeta gown. The bridesmaids were Miss Domenica PETTRELLO of Cuddy, and Miss Sophie STUMP of Southview, who wore blue velvet and taffeta, Miss Columbia GULIANA, cousin of the bride, and Miss Dora CONASCUTIS, both of Cecil, who wore coral velvet and taffeta, and Miss Clara BISTARKEY of Southview, sister of the bridegroom, who wore green velvet and taffeta. Their headdresses were of veil effect with tiny velvet ribbons. The gowns had velvet tops and taffeta bottoms. James PATNESKY of Southview served as bestman and the ushers were Ted CHECCA, Eno CONASCUTIS, Elidio MONACO, and Charles DINARDO, all of Cecil, and Charles BISTARKEY of Southview. All wore tuxedos. Miss Mary QUINN, the church organist, played the wedding music.
The young couple took a trip to Cleveland and Youngstown, Ohio and are now at home with the bride's parents.
Mrs. BISTARKEY is a 1942 graduate of Cecil high school. Mr. BISTARKEY, also a graduate of Cecil high, is employed in the Westland mine.
[ Martin BISTARKEY to Leona Monaco, 12 Sep 1942 ] bistarkey_monaco_09-18-1942_ro
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From "a" McDonald, PA newspaper from some
date after July 18, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Pauline Grohoski, daughter of Mrs. Julia Grohoski of Imperial, and Mr. John Bjalobak of McKees Rocks, were united in marriage at 9:00 o?clock Thursday morning, July 18, 1940, in St. Columbkille?s church, Imperial, by the Rev. Fr. S. C.
The bride wore a white molle gown with a tulle finger-tip veil cascading from a crown of pearls. She carried white roses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor, Miss Mary Sobol of McKees Rocks, wore pink net and carried pink roses. Mr. Anthony Vavrock of Erie, a friend of the bridegroom, served as
Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served to the immediate families in the Grohoski home. A large wedding cake formed the table centerpiece. The home was decorated with garden flowers.
The couple left immediately for a five-day tour of the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls and upon their return will reside at the Kenmawr District Midway drive, McKees Rocks.
Mr. Bjalobak is a machinist at the Leetsville plant of the Bethlehem Steel corporation.
John BJALOBAK to Pauline Grohoski, 18 Jul 1940 ]
bjalobak_grohoski_07-26-1940 (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
August 4, 1894, page unknown: [ BLACKWOOD - WILLISON ] Licensed to marry: R. M. BLACKWOOD, Londonderry, O., and Anna M. WILLISON, Hickory.

From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
August 11, 1894, page unknown: [ BLACKWOOD - WILLISON ] BLACKWOOD -
WILLISON - On the 25th ult., at the home of the bride, near Hickory, by Rev. W. A. McCONNELL, R. M. BLACKWOOD, of the R. P. Theological Seminary,
Allegheny City, and Miss Anna M., daughter of Samuel and Jane JOHNSON WILLISON. [
R. M. BLACKWOOD to Anna M. Willison, 25 Jul 1894 ]
blackwood_willison_08-11-1894_outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of
Jan. 31, 1941, page unknown:
Miss Bette Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Phillips of Raccoon, formerly of McDonald, and Frank Blaine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Blaine of Burgettstown, were united in marriage at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 18, 1941, in the home of Rev. William E.
Flurkey, pastor of the Westminster church, Burgettstown.
The bride wore a blue street-length dress with a corsage of white roses.
Those who accompanied the young couple were the bride?s mother and her sister, Miss Jeanne, and the bridegroom?s brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blaine and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blaine.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Blaine are graduates of Union high school, Burgettstown. They will reside in the Frederick apartments, Burgettstown.
[ Frank BLAINE to Bette Phillips, 18 Jan 1941 ] blaine_phillips_01-31-1941_r-o (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of Jan. 5,
1906, page unknown:

Howard BLAIR and Nellie SMITH were married at Steubenville [Ohio] on Tuesday
[ Howard BLAIR to Nellie SMITH, no date, paper 1-5-1906-record ]
blair_smith_1-5-1906-record-d.jpg (Florian)
See From the McDonald, PA Record of Jan. 6, 1906, page unknown:
Harry BELLAIRE and Miss Nellie SMITH were married Tuesday at
Steubenville [Ohio].
[ Harry BELLAIRE to Miss Nellie SMITH, no date, in newspaper
1-5-1906-record ] bellaire_smith1-6-1906-outlook-3_nt.jpg See blair_smith_1-5-1906-record-d.jpg
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 9 Dec 1893, page unknown:
Married, on November 25, 1893, by Rev. Joseph THOMPSON, at the residence of the bride's parents,
Centerview, Johnson County, Mo., assisted by Rev. D. H. BLAIR, of Butler, Mo., Rev. R. Downey BLAIR, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Blue Springs, and Ellen M. G. THOMPSON, only daughter of the officiating clergyman. Rev. Mr. THOMPSON is a native of Mt. Pleasant Township.[Rev. R. Downey BLAIR to Ellen M. G. THOMPSON on November 25, 1893] (S)
[R. Downey BLAIR to Ellen M. G. Thompson, 25 Nov 1893 ]
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* Record-Outlook newspaper Established 1895.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 7, 1942, page unknown:
AUGUST 7, 1942
Miss Margaret Ann MALETZ, daughter of Mrs. Katherine P. MALETZ of Pittsburgh and the late Matthew MALETZ, was married to Lieut. Joseph R.
BLAIR, U.S.N., on July 17 at Pensacola, Fla. Lieutenant BLAIR is the son of Mrs. Mary BLAIR of Burgettstown and the late John BLAIR.--Wash. (D.C.)
Times-Herald of August 3, 1942.
[ Joseph R. BLAIR to Margaret Ann Maletz, 17 Jul 1942 ]
blair_matetz_08-07-1942_ro (CT-L)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (CR-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes:
Martin BISTARKEY to Leona Monaco, 12 Sep 1942
John BJALOBAK to Pauline Grohoski, 18 Jul 1940
R. M. BLACKWOOD to Anna M. Willison, 25 Jul 1894
Frank BLAINE to Bette Phillips, 18 Jan 1941
Rev. R. Downey BLAIR to Ellen M. G. THOMPSON on November 25, 1893
Joseph R. BLAIR to Margaret Ann Maletz, 17 Jul 1942
This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated June 21, 2009 ; updated July 5, 2009 ; updated Sept. 20, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023