Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
20, 1941, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Lilla HOULIHAN and Fred J.
BERNER was solemnized on Thursday morning, June 5, 1941, in the St. Francis de Sales church, McKees Rocks, the Reverend Fr.
MOORE officiating, assisted by the Reverend Fr. SCHRINGER and the Reverend Fr.
The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. HOULIHAN, of McKees Rocks, was given in marriage by her father.
She wore a gown of white net over satin and finger-tip veil, carrying white roses and gardenias. Miss Lillian
MULLOOLY of McDonald, a cousin of the bride, her only attendant, wore peach net.
Mr. Pierre FAULKENHAN of Pittsburgh was bestman and Charles HOULIHAN of Norfolk, Va., and John HOULIHAN of McKees Rocks, brothers of the bride, were ushers.
After a trip to Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs.
BERNER will be at home at 1015 Second street, McKees Rocks.
[ Fred J. BERNER to Lilla Houlihan, 5 Jun 1941 ]
berner_houlihan_06-20-1941 (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 22, 1925, page unknown:
[ BERRY is the Groom. ]
Before an embankment of palms and ferns intermingled with yellow chrysanthemums arranged in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max B SCHREIBER, 348 Fanny street the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen Wilma SCHREIBER and C.
Edward BERRY was solemnized Wednesday evening, October 21, at 5:30 o'clock by the Rev. B. F. HEANY, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in schell
[sic] pink chiffon, beaded with rhinestones, with a bandeau of rhine-stones
[sic] in her hair and she carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Isabelle
BENARD was maid of honor and wore a gown of orchid chiffon trimmed with silver and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. John C. BERRY brother of the groom, was best man.
Mrs. Harry MASQUELIER played the wedding music. A dinner and reception followed the ceremony. Covers were laid for twelve at the bridal table. Mr. and Mrs. BERRY left the same evening for a trip to Philadelphia and New York.
[ C. Edward BERRY to Helen Wilma Schreiber, 21 Oct 1925 ]
berry_schreiber_10-22-1925 (DG)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Dec. 6, 1923, page unknown:
[ BERRY is the Groom. ]
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Norma MYERS, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. I. MYERS of the Venice road and Mr. Chauncey BERRY, son of Mrs. Emma BERRY of Terrace street.
The young couple eloped to Wellsburg, W. Va. on September 6, 1923
and were married in the manse of the Wellsburg Presbyterian church at 1:30 o'clock. The Rev. E. E.
VON PACHY, pastor of the church officiated. Mr. BERRY is employed as a fireman for the P. C. C.
& St. Louis railroad. Mr. and Mrs. BERRY expect to go to housekeeping about the first of the New Year.
[ Chauncey BERRY to Norma Myers, 6 Sep 1923 ] berry_myers_12-06-1923 (AD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
July 16, 1909, page unknown:
Married at Wellsburg, W. Va., on July 31, by 31, by Rev. Mr. HOLMES, Miss Freda FREDRICK, daughter of Mrs. Emma BEHLING of the the East End, McDonald, and Mr. James BERRY of Lester, Ill. Both are respected young people. They left are July 4th for their new home at Lester, Ill.
[ James BERRY to Freda Fredrick, 2 Jul 1909 ]
berry_fredrick_07-16-1909_rec (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Feb. 15, 1935, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. John L. POST of Taylorstown announce the marriage of their daughter Alice Rebecca to Robert M. BERRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. BERRY of Eightyfour
on September 29, 1934, in Wellsburg, W. Va. The bride is a graduate of Indiana State Teachers college and has been a successful teacher in the county for several years.
Her father is controller of Washington county and a former member of the General Assembly. Mr. BERRY is a graduate of the School of Architecture of Pennsylvania
State college. He has been employed the past months as draftsman on a county project.
[ Robert M. BERRY to Alice Rebecca Post, 29 Sep 1934 ] berry_post_02-15-1935
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page
No image sent.
Rolley BERRY to Tish Rea, no date, in 12-12-1898 paper
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
March 8, 1935, page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Thelma LEWIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LEWIS of R. D. 1, Canonsburg, and Warren BERRY, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. BERRY of Hickory,
took place at four o'clock, Saturday, March 1, 1935, in the LEWIS home. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate families by the Rev. F. L.
pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Houston. The bride wore a flock of skyblue, and her sister Estella LEWIS, as bridesmaid, appeared in an ensemble of
brown. Kenneth BERRY, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Supplementing the ceremony a dinner was served in the LEWIS home, with covers laid for twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. BERRY will make their home in Imperial.
[ Warren BERRY to Thelma Lewis, 1 Mar 1935 ] berry_lewis_3-8-1935_out (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 25, 1939, page unknown:
Miss Alda Dorothy Nea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nea of Sturgeon, and Mr. William J. Berry, son of Mrs. Emma Berry of McDonald, and the late Jerry Berry, were united in marriage at seven o?clock Wednesday evening, August 23, 1939, in Noblestown by the Rev. Fr. C. M. Keane, pastor of St. Patrick?s church. Mr. and Mrs. John
Penderville, of R. D. 4, McDonald, were the only attendants.
A reception followed in the home of the bride?s parents. Following a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Berry will reside in North Central avenue, Canonsburg.
Mrs. Berry attended the North Fayette high school. Mr. Berry, a graduate of McDonald high school, is employed by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board in Canonsburg.
[ William J. BERRY to Alda Dorothy Nea, 23 Aug 1939 ] berry_nea_08-25-1939 (CB)
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (DG) = Some articles typed by volunteer Doris Greaves.
This page includes:
Fred J. BERNER to Lilla Houlihan, 5 Jun 1941
C. Edward BERRY to Helen Wilma Schreiber, 21 Oct 1925
Chauncey BERRY to Norma Myers, 6 Sep 1923
James BERRY to Freda Fredrick, 2 Jul 1909
Robert M. BERRY to Alice Rebecca Post, 29 Sep 1934
Rolley BERRY to Tish Rea, no date, in 12-12-1898 paper
Warren BERRY to Thelma Lewis, 1 Mar 1935
William J. BERRY to Alda Dorothy Nea, 23 Aug 1939...
This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated Jan 29, 2009 ; updated June 9, 2009
; updated June 10, 2009 ; updated Aug. 7, 2009 ; updated Oct. 30, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023