Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
From the McDonald, PA Record of Jan. 6,
1906, page unknown:
Harry BELLAIRE and Miss Nellie SMITH were married Tuesday at
Steubenville [Ohio].
[ Harry BELLAIRE to Miss Nellie SMITH, no date, in newspaper
1-5-1906-record ]
bellaire_smith1-6-1906-outlook-3_nt.jpg See blair_smith_1-5-1906-record-d.jpg
See also under Blair:
Howard BLAIR and Nellie SMITH were married at Steubenville [Ohio] on
Tuesday afternoon.
[ Howard BLAIR to Nellie SMITH, no date, paper 1-5-1906-record ]
blair_smith_1-5-1906-record-d.jpg (Florian)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
July 28, 1922, page unknown:
[ BENARD is the Groom. ]
The marriage of Miss Jennie COLLARD of Sturgeon and Alexander BENARD of McDonald took place on Tuesday. Miss COLLARD was employed in
WEISSBERG's store. Mr. BENARD is a member of McDonald's baseball team.
[ Alexander BENARD to Jennie Collard, no date, in 7-28-1922 paper
] benard_collard_07-28-1922 (LN)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Feb. 2, 1926, page unknown:
[ BENARD is the Groom. ]
Miss Lillian COX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter COX of Miller street, and Ernest BENARD, son of Mrs. Alex BENARD of Barr street, were quietly married on Saturday morning, February 6, 1926, in the courthouse in Pittsburgh, the clerk of courts officiating. Mr. and Mrs. BENARD have gone to housekeeping in Miller street.
[ Ernest BENARD to Lillian Cox, 6 Feb 1926 ]
benard_cox_02-02-1926 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 18, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Veronica Margaret WHYTE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. WHYTE of Laurel hill, McDonald and Francis M. BENARD, son of Mrs. Peter BENARD, also of Laurel hill, were united in marriage at 7:00p.m. Friday, December 11, 1942, in the rectory of St. Alphonsus' church, McDonald by the Rev. Fr.
The bride wore winter white with brown accessories and a corsage of gardenias. The bridesmaid Mrs. Samuel THOMPSON of Canonsburg, wore a corsage of red roses. Mr. THOMPSON served as
Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was served at the Seventh Avenue hotel, Pittsburgh.
The bride, a graduate of McDonald high school, attended Indiana State Teachers college and Duke university, North Carolina. She is a teacher in McDonald junior high school.
Mr. BENARD is employed in the library machine shop of the Pittsburgh Coal Co. [
Francis M. BENARD to Veronica Margaret Whyte, 11 Dec 1942 ] benard_whyte_12-18-1942_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
March 18, 1923, page unknown:
[ BENDLER is the Groom. ]
A home wedding was solemnized in Lexington avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, were Miss Mary KURELA of Latrobe, Pa. was married to Joseph N. BENDLER of Waterbury, Conn. The wedding ceremony took place at 8 o'clock. The bride's gown was white georgette crepe. She wore a tulle veil caught in cap style with orange blossoms and carried a shower
bouquet of lilies of the valley and roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Elizabeth LAZORCHAK of Austin, Pa., who wore a gown of salmon pink taffeta with corsage of pink sweetpeas. The bride's little sister, Miss Susan, acted as flower girl. Harold F. GERRARD of Cleveland, acted as bestman. The ceremony was performed by Dr. DILWORTH of the First Unitarian church of Cleveland.
Mrs. BENDLER is a graduate of the Pittsburgh University and a member of Phil Theta Kappa fraternity. Mr. BENDLER is finishing his course at the Applied School of Sociology of Eastern Reserve University. Both Mr. and Mrs. BENDLER while students at the University of Pittsburgh were active in the Intercollegiate Cosmopolitian Club of Pittsburgh. Mr. BENDLER for a time made his home at the BELL farm south of Oakdale.
[ Joseph N. BENDLER to Mary Kurela, no date, in 3-8-1923 paper ]
bendler_kurela_03-18-1923 (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 7, 1944, page unknown:
Miss Margaret MAGA of Midway, daughter of John MAGA and the late Jennie Lauff
MAGA of R. D. 1, McDonald, and Edward BENEK, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
BENEK of R. D. 1, Imperial, were united in marriage at 10:50 p.m. Saturday, April 1, 1944, by the Rev. O. J.
HOWEARTH, pastor of the Christian church, Wellsburg, W.Va.
The bride wore a lavender dress with black accessories. Her attendant, Miss Elizabeth
BALDIGOWSKI of R. D. 1, McDonald, wore a brown and tan ensemble. Karl
PORNAK of Tyre served as bestman.
Mrs. BENEK, a 1941 graduate of North Fayette high school, made her home with
her aunt, Mrs. Russell Grant, Midway, before her marriage. Mr. BENEK, a farmer,
is a 1936 graduate of Findlay high school. They young couple reside on R. D. 2, West Sunbury.
[ Edward BENEK to Margaret Maga, 1 Apr 1944 ]
benek_maga_04-07-1944_ro (AD)
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Note: This does not appear to be a wedding notice, but
maybe a Social Glances?

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of July
23, 1892, page unknown:
J. P. BENJAMIN, of Willow Grove, and Miss Alice STANTON, of Washington, were on
Tuesday at the latter place.
[ J. P. BENJAMIN and Alice Stanton, Jul 1892 ] benjamin_stanton_7-23-1892
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 31, 1896, page unknown:
SMITH - TIDBALL.- On the 28th, at the bride's home in North Fayette, Mr. Edward SMITH and Miss Maud E. TIDBALL.
[ Edward SMITH to Maud E. Tidball, 28 Oct 1896 ]
From multiple-i_10-31-1896_outlook_.JPG
* (R-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma Rey-Klaja.
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes:
Alexander BENARD to Jennie Collard, no date, in 7-28-1922 paper
Ernest BENARD to Lillian Cox, 6 Feb 1926
Francis M. BENARD to Veronica Margaret Whyte, 11 Dec 1942
Joseph N. BENDLER to Mary Kurela, no date, in 3-8-1923 paper
Edward BENEK to Margaret Maga, 1 Apr 1944
J. P. BENJAMIN to Alice Stanton, Jul 1892
This page was added May 24, 2007 ; updated June 20, 2009 ; updated Oct. 1, 2009
; updated Oct. 2, 2009 ; updated Oct. 10, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023