Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
March 5, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Betty LaFerne GLADFELTER and Robert Norman BELL, both of Midway, were married at 3:45 p.m. Friday, February 26, 1943, in the Methodist parsonage. The single ring ceremony was performed by the Rev.
The bride wore navy blue with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. For her "something old" she carried a handkerchief which was brought to this country from France after World War I by the late Charles
SNEDDON. The attendant, Miss Edith Jean SMITH, wore a navy blue with white accessories and a a
[sic] corsage of carnations and sweetpeas. Thomas SMITH served as
After the ceremony, a four-course turkey dinner was served in the home of the bride's foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOLLAND. Twelve were seated at the bride's table which had for its centerpiece spring flowers and white tapers in crystal holders. Miniature silver slippers were used as place cards and favors.
The young couple went on a short trip.
Mrs. BELL is a grduate [sic=graduate] of Midway high school. Mr. BELL, a graduate of Midway high school and previously employed as a clerk at the Westinghouse, Pittsburgh, left Monday for the navy.
[ Robert Norman BELL to Betty LaFerne Gladfelter, 26 Feb 1943 ] bell_gladfelter_03-05-1943_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
April 5, 1940, page unknown:
Miss Angeline Mary SELLA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Constan SELLA of Detroit, Mich., formerly of McDonald, and Mr. Thomas A
BELL, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BELL of Fannie street, McDonald, were
united in marriage at two o'clock Saturday afternoon, March 30, 1940, in the manse of the Presbyterian church, Detroit, the Rev. Mr.
HOOT performing the ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with a
finger-tip veil. She carried white roses and gardenias. The bridesmaid,
Miss Olga MILLER, wore green velvet with matching accessories and carried
pink roses. Mr. Bruno SELLA, brother of the bride, served as bestman.
A wedding dinner was served in the home of the bride's parents.
A reception was held in the evening. The young couple received many gifts.
After a wedding trip to Chicago and other points of interest, the newlyweds
will be at home to their friends about April 15 at 5151 Kendall avenue, Dearborn, Mich.
Mrs. BELL is a 1937 graduate of McDonald high school and her husband graduated
from McDonald high with the class of 1935.
Mrs. VINCENTI of Primrose, an aunt of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
BELL of McDonald attended the wedding.
[ Thomas A. BELL to Angeline Mary Sella, 30 Mar 1940 ]
bell_sella_04-05-1940_ro (AD)
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From McDonald, PA Outlook of 17 November
1894, page unknown:
William M. M. BELL Midway
Caroline E. SNYDER New York City
From the McDonald, PA Record of 19 Jul 1912:
William M. BELL of Midway and Miss Carrie E. SNYDER of New York City were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. H. DUFF of Wilkinsburg, on Thursday evening, July 11, at 6 o'clock. The bride's uncle, the Rev. David BARCLAY, of the United Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony. The bride was dressed in a white lingerie frock and carried sweet peas. Mrs. BELL is a sister of H. L. SNYDER of Oklahoma, a former resident of Midway. Mr. BELL is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James BELL of Midway. After the ceremony the bride and groom left for an Eastern trip and will be at home at Belmon Terrace, Midway after September 1.
[ William M. BELL to Carrie E. Snyder, 11 Jul 1912 ] (F)
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Note: HEAZLETT may be HAZLETT which is common in SWPA
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 4, 1936, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BROWN announce the marriage of their niece, Mary Jane HEAZLETT of Blairsville, to William BELL of Midway, Saturday, August 29, 1936. The couple were married in Wellsville, W.Va., by the Rev.
B.D. EVANS. Accompanying them on the trip was the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Alex BELL, the bride's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
TRAUGER, and the bride's brother Francis of Blairsville. Mrs. BROWN entertained at a dinner Sunday for the newlyweds. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. HENRY and grandson, Roland HENRY, of New Bethlehem, Miss Margaret KELSO of Midway,
J. Z. BROWN and Doris KELLY of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph TRAUGER and Francis HEAZLETT of Blairsville.
[ William BELL to Mary Jane Heazlett, 29 Aug 1936 ] bell_heazlett_09-04-1936
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of 17 November
1894, page unknown:
Wm. BELL and Sadie S. JONES, both of McDonald.
Note: Originally was listed as Wm. BELL to Sadie S. James, no date, in 11-17-1894 paper
(F, also typed by S)
* (R-K) = Some articles typed by Volunteer, Carma
* (AD) = Some articles typed by volunteer Amy Denecke.
This page includes:
Robert Norman BELL to Betty LaFerne Gladfelter, 26 Feb 1943
Thomas A. BELL to Angeline Mary Sella, 30 Mar 1940
William M. BELL to Carrie E. Snyder, 11 Jul 1912 (and marriage license notice)
William BELL to Mary Jane Heazlett, 29 Aug 1936
Wm. BELL to Sadie S. James, no date, in 11-17-1894 paper; Wm. BELL and Sadie S. JONES,
This page was added May 24, 2007 ; update
June 10, 2008 ; updated June 20, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023