Bridegrooms by Surname Letter B
From the McDonald, PA Record of 27 Feb 1914,
page unknown:
Harry I. BABBITT Married
Miss Pearl Elizabeth HOWELL and Harry I. BABBITT, both of Washington, were united in marriage last Saturday at nine o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Matthew RUTHERFORD, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church, at his home in Washington, Pa. Only the immediate families of the contracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. BABBITT left over the B. & O. for a Southern trip, their destination being New Orleans. They will visit other points of interest, and also at the home of an aunt of Mr. BABBITT, at Chipley, Fla. Upon their return they will go to housekeeping at No. 17 West Chestnut street, Washington. Mrs. BABBITT is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. HOWELL of Fayette street. She has been an efficient stenographer in the office of District Attorney R. G. MILLER, and prior to that time was in the local offices of the Bell Telephone Co. Mr. BABBITT is a son of Mrs. Emma BABBITT of Washington. He is superintendent of the West Penn Lighting Co. at Washington and formerly held a similar position in McDonald, where he has many friends.
[Harry I. BABBITT to Pearl Elizabeth Howell, no date, in 2-27-1914 paper]
Babbitt_Howell_2-27-1914_rec (S)
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From "a" McDonald, PA newspaper,
dated before Dec. 3, 1937, page unknown:
John Romish of Fannie street announces the marriage of his daughter, Miss Estelle Geraldine, to James Roy Babington, son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Babington of Washington, which took place Saturday, November 27, 1937, in Cumberland, Md. The Rev. N. E. Webb, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated. [ James Roy BABINGTON to Estelle Geraldine
Romish, 27 Nov 1937
] babington_romish_12-03-1937 (D)
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
Apr. 28, 1905 page unknown:
The marriage of Miss Martha CRAVEN to Mr. P. E. BACON took place yesterday
evening at seven o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CRAVEN, north of town. Rev. W. D. IRONS, D. D., performed the ceremony.
[ P. E. BACON to Martha Craven, 26 Apr 1905 ]
bacon_craven_04-28-1905_rec (F)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
No image sent.
A. S. BAILEY to Carrie Patton, 27 Jun 1894
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From "a" McDonald, PA newspaper, dated after
Jan. 28, 1944, page unknown:
Bailey-Federoff Miss Eva Federoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Federoff of East Lincoln Avenue, McDonand, and Pvt. Bernard Bailey, in military training at Miami, Fla., were united in marriage on Saturday, January 8, 1944, in Miami. The young man, who is 27, expects to be sent overseas on completion of his training. His father is a teletype operator in Miami. The bride and her sister Helen, both of whom went to Florida in November, are employed in a Miami department store.
The Peter Federoffs have 2 sons in the military service. Staff Sgt. Andrew Federoff is in
the Intelligence department in Alaska, and Cpl. Frank Federoff is teaching in the tank ______________________
Knox, Ky., where he interprets technical drawings to men in training to operate
and repair army tanks. Frank has been in the service two years_____. [ Bernard BAILEY to Eva
Federoff, 8 Jan 1944
] bailey_federoff_01-28-1944 (D)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of June 27, 1924, page unknown:
[ BAILEY is the Groom. ]
A pretty wedding took place in St. Alphonsus' church at seven-thirty Wednesday morning, June 25, 1924, when Miss Kathryn Regina WRIGHT of Fifth street became the bride of Henry Francis BAILEY, son of Edward J. BAILEY of Connellsville, before a nuptial mass. The Rev. Fr. Joseph A. BURGOON officiated. The bridal couple entered the church and marched to the altar to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Jeannette RANDOUR of Station street. During the ceremony Mrs. Sherman BRAUN of Station street sang, "Because" and "At Dawning." The altar was beautifully decorated in the season's flowers. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Francis Leo Brown WRIGHT, was gowned in a beautiful poudre blue romain crepe embroidered in orchid and beaded with steel beads with a hat to match. She carried an arm bouquet of Killarney roses showered with lilies of the valley. Miss Margaret Bernadette HOGAN of Georgetown, a cousin of the bride, served as bridesmaid. She wore a gown of peach georette crepe with a black...
[ rest of article is missing].
[ Henry Francis BAILEY to Kathryn Regina Wright, 25 Jun 1924 ]
bailey_wright_06-27-1924 (WD)
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Click here for Large image
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of Oct. 10, 1896, page unknown:
BAILEY-ACKLESON--On the 1st, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Eleanor ACKLESON, Findley Tp., Al. Co., by Rev. Wm. McKEE, Mr. John P.
BAILEY, of Robinson Tp., Wash. Co., and Miss Belle J. ACKLESON.
[ John P. BAILEY to Belle J. Ackleson, 1 Oct 1896 ] from multiple-b_10-10-1896_outlook_d.JPG
multiple-b_5_bailey_ackleson_10-10-1896_outlook (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Feb. 27, 1897, page unknown:
BAILEY - ALSTON--Thos. H. BAILEY and Annie ALSTON, McDonald.
[ Thos. H. BAILEY to Annie Alston, no date, in 2-27-1897 paper ]
[ The other Marriages can be found under the grooms names. ]
* (D) Typed by volunteer, Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (WD) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Harry I. BABBITT to Pearl Elizabeth Howell, no date, in 2-27-1914 paper
James Roy BABINGTON to Estelle Geraldine Romish, 27 Nov 1937
P. E. BACON to Martha Craven, 26 Apr 1905
A. S. BAILEY to Carrie Patton, 27 Jun 1894
Bernard BAILEY to Eva Federoff, 8 Jan 1944
Henry Francis BAILEY to Kathryn Regina Wright, 25 Jun 1924
John P. BAILEY to Belle J. Ackleson, 1 Oct 1896
Thos. H. BAILEY to Annie Alston, no date, in 2-27-1897 paper ...
This page was added April 28, 2007 ; updated May 24, 2007 ; March 15,
2009 ; June 2, 2009 ; updated Aug. 24, 2009
; updated Oct. 6, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023