Bridegrooms by Surname Letter A
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of
Jan. 5, 1906, page unknown:
Miss Kittie KELLY, formerly of Midway, was married December 20th to
George ATKINS of Mannington, W.Va. They will reside in Mannington.
[ George ATKINS to Miss Kittie KELLY, Dec. 20, 1906 ]
atkins_kelly_01-05-1906_record_midway (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Jan. 9, 1948, page unknown:
Announcement is made of the marriage on December 1 of Lt. Betty McBRIDE, U.S. Army Nurse Corps and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. MCBRIDE, Sr., of Hickory, to
Sgt. Stanley K. ATKINS, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. ATKINS, Tuscaloosa, Ala. The single-ring ceremony was performed at 5 p.m. in the Old Post Chapel, Fort Sill, Okla.,
with Chaplain Lt. Col. TOBEY officiating.
Attendants to the couple were Lt. Louise POLLARD, Army Nurse Corps, and Sgt. Carl CROCKER, U.S. Army.
The bride is a graduate of Hickory high school, class of 1940. She graduated in 1943 from the Ohio Valley Hospital School of Nursing, Steubenville, Ohio, and in 1944 she
enlisted in the Army Nurse Corps.
Following her separation from the Army, Sergeant and Mrs. ATKINS will make their home in New Orleans, La.
[ Stanley K. ATKINS to Betty McBride, 1 Dec 1947 ] atkins_mcbride_01-09-1948_ro
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NOTE: S.N.P.J. stands for "Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota" (Translation: Slovene National Benefit
Started April 1904 by a group of 12 men in Chicago, 9 were from Chicago, 3 from other areas.
Focus: Fraternal Benefit Society, website:
More info: 1-800-843-7675
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
June 25, 1943, page unknown:
Miss Katherine Mayo DAUDET, daughter of Frank P. DAUDET of Midway, and James ATKINSON, son of Mrs. Sadie ATKINSON of Large,
were united in marriage at 1:35 p.m. Saturday, June 19, 1943, in the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church, McDonald. The
pastor, the Rev. O. E. GARDNER, D.D., performed the single ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a light blue virgin wool suit with navy and white accessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses. The bridesmaid, Mrs.. Iola GEHRKE of Midway, wore a dusty blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of matching roses. Her husband, Matthew GEHRKE of Midway, served as bestman. The bridegroom's mother wore a green dress and a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. O.E. GARDNER was also an attendant.
Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served in the Pitt hotel, McDonald. A reception was held Saturday evening in the S.N.P.J. hall, Midway, where a buffet dinner was served to about 300 guests. The table centerpiece was a 29 1/2-lb. wedding cake with a vase of roses at each end. The young couple received a number of gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. ATKINSON reside with the bride's father in Midway.
[ James ATKINSON to Katherine Mayo Daudet, 19 Jun 1943 ]
atkinson_daudet_06-25-1943_ro (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 29, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Elsie Marie LAUDERBAUGH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde LAUDERBAUGH of Willow street,
Noblestown, and Michael Thomas ATROSTIC of Noblestown were
united in marriage at 3:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon. November 16, 1946, in the manse of the United Presbyterian church,
Noblestown. Dr. R. L. LANNING, the pastor,
performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a blue dress with black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Miss Martha GUERIN of Weirton, W. Va., was bridesmaid and wore a gray dress with
black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Joseph J. ATROSTIC of California, Pa., served as
Following the ceremony a dinner was served. A large wedding cake formed the centerpiece.
The bride is a 1945 graduate of North Fayette high school and the bridegroom is a 1940 graduate of California high school. He is at present attending Robert Morris Business school in Pittsburgh.
The young couple are making their home with the bride's parents.
[ Michael Thomas ATROSTIC to Elsie Marie Lauderbaugh, 16 Nov 1946 ]
atrostic_lauderbaugh_11-29-1946_ro (CT-L)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
unknown date, unknown page after Aug 23, 1940:
Miss Margaret RICHARDS, daughter of Mrs. Margaret RICHARDS and the late Ben
RICHARDS, and Louis AUGUSTINE, son of the Tony AUGUSTINEs of the Westend, McDonald, were married Friday, August 16, 1940, in Wellsburg, W.Va. After a trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest, the young couple will reside in their newly
furnished house in Barr street. [ Louis AUGUSTINE to Margaret Richards, 16 Aug 1940
] augustine_richards_08-23-1940 (D)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~ or ~ Outlook
newspaper of Feb. 14, 1929, page unknown:
[ AUGUSTINE is the Groom. ]
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Imperial at St. Columbkill?s Catholic church on February 7th when Miss Carolyn CEYROLLES of Imperial, daughter of Charles CEYROLLES of Imperial, became the bride of Richard AUGUSTINE of Allentown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father
DERLIC. After the ceremony a luncheon and reception was held at the bride?s home. A number of out-of-town guests were present. The happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to the South.
[ Richard AUGUSTINE to Carolyn Ceyrolles, 7 Feb 1929 ] augustine_ceyrolles_02-14-1929
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~
Record-Outlook newspaper of Feb. 6, 1936, page unknown:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DURAY of North McDonald street, McDonald, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Rose Marie DURAY, to Arthur AURAND, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. AURAND of Valley street, McDonald. The marriage was solemnized Monday, June 8, 1936, in St. Ann's church, Bulger, by the Reverend Father John ROSACZEROSKY.
Miss Mary Louise DURAY, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and
Joseph DOBECK of Carnegie was the best man. The bride was attired in a white chiffon dress with matching accessories and a corsage of white roses. The maid of honor was attired in a pink chiffon dress with white accessories and a corsage of tea roses. A wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home after the ceremony at which twenty-five were present. That evening a reception was held at which fifty were present. Relatives from Donora, Atlasburg, Charleroi, Sturgeon, Carnegie and McDonald were in attendance. [
Arthur AURAND to Rose Marie Duray, 8 Jun 1936 ]
aurand_duray_02-06-1936 (SF)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
No image sent.
___ AUROY to Adelin Argerin, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper
* (D) Typed by Volunteer Amy Denecke.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
This page includes: Stanley K. ATKINS to Betty McBride, 1 Dec 1947
James ATKINSON to Katherine Mayo Daudet, 19 Jun 1943
Michael Thomas ATROSTIC to Elsie Marie Lauderbaugh, 16 Nov 1946
Louis AUGUSTINE to Margaret Richards, 16 Aug 1940
Richard AUGUSTINE to Carolyn Ceyrolles, 7 Feb 1929
Arthur AURAND to Rose Marie Duray, 8 Jun 1936
___ AUROY to Adelin Argerin, no date, in 12-29-1894 paper...
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated July 11, 2009
; updated July 28, 2009
; updated Aug. 13, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023