Bridegrooms by Surname Letter A
From March 5, 1915 McDonald area newspaper:
A marriage license was issued last Saturday to William ASH and Sadie
BROWARSKY, both of McDonald.
From the McDonald, PA Record March 12, 1915:
[ ASH is the groom.]
A wedding of considerable interest to the Jewish population of this
locality was that of Miss Sadie BROWARSKY, the niece of the East Lincoln
avenue merchant, Simon BROWARSKY, and William ASH, an employee of the
McDonald Furniture Co., which occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon BROWARSKY on Sunday evening, March 7th, at six o'clock. The
Rev. M. APPLEBAUM, rabbi of the McDonald synagogue, performed the
ceremony according to the Jewish ritual, in the presence of about sixty
guests. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. L.
BROWARSKY of Pittsburgh [Pa], and the attendants were Mr. and Mrs. H.
BROWARSKY of Oakdale [Pa] and Mr. and Mrs. H. LEVINE of McDonald.
Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. REICHBAUM and Miss Sara
MORGEN of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. ASH have gone to housekeeping in
[ William ASH to Sadie BROWARSKY, March 7, 1915 ] ash_browarsky_3-5-1915_record_license
* |

* See second article below.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 22, 1921, page unknown:
[ ASHBROOK is the Groom. ]
On Tuesday evening, September 20, at 7:30 o'clock, the marriage of Miss Gertrude Elizabeth SHANE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel SHANE, to Mr. William Edward ASHBROOK, of Washington, Pa., was solemnized in the presence of fifty guests at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. B. B. HARRISON, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, assisted by the Rev. R. A. JAMIESON, pastor of the Third United Presbyterian Church of Washington. The service was read before an embankment of cibodium ferns, crotons, and palms. The bride wore a gown of fancy chantilly lace over white georgette crepe, the draperies of the skirt being caught with orange blossoms. Her veil of tulle fell from a coronet of orange blossoms, and her flowers were Ophelia roses showered with lily of the valley. Miss Maurine SHANE, as her sister's maid of honor, wore a pink georgette crepe trimmed in filet lace and her flowers were Columbia roses. On account of the illness of the groom's brother, the bride's brother, Samuel W. SHANE, served as best man. Mrs. Paul N. JORDAN, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music. She wore her wedding gown of satin and tulle, with overdress trimmed in orange blossoms, and her flowers were a corsage of butterfly roses, and lily of the valley. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served, covers being laid for fourteen at the bride's table, which was centered with pink and white astors. Mr. and Mrs. ASHBROOK will sail soon for Edinburgh, Scotland, where Mr. ASHBROOK will take gradate work in Edinburgh University. Following the period spent in Scotland, they will spend some time touring in England and on the continent.
The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward ASHBROOK and Rev. and Mrs. R. A. JAMIESON, of Washington, Pa.; Rev. and Mrs. M. M. McDWITT and Master Marcus McDWITT, of Knoxville; Mr. Harry RONEY and Misses Charlotte and Edna RONEY of Beaver Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Frank WOODBURN of Bellvue; Miss Ina WOODBURN, of Claysville; Miss Olive BRAHAM of Duquesne; Miss Dorothy ERRETT, of Carnegie; Miss Virginia STEVENSON, of Valencia.
[ William Edward ASHBROOK to Gertrude Elizabeth Shane, 20 Sep 1921 ]
ashbrook_shane_09-22-1921_outlook Parts 1, 2, 3 (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 23, 1921, page unknown:
[ ASHBROOK is the Groom. ]
On Tuesday evening, September the twentieth, at 7:30 o'clock, the marriage of Miss Gertrude Elizabeth SHANE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel SHANE, to Mr. William Edward ASHBROOK of Washington, Pa., was solemnized in the presence of fifty guests at the home of the bride's parents in North street, McDonald. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. B. B. HARRISON, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, assisted by the Rev. R. A. JAMIESON, pastor of the Third United Presbyterian church of Washington. The service was read before an embankment of cibodium ferns, crotons, and palms. The bride wore a gown of fancy chantilly lace over white georgette crepe, the draperies of the skirt being caught with orange blossoms. Her veil of tulle fell down from a coronet of orange blossoms. Her flowers were Ophelia roses showered with lilies of the valley. Miss Maurine SHANE, as her sister's maid of honor, wore pink georgette crepe trimmed in filet lace, and her flowers were Columbia roses. On account of the illness of the groom's brother, the bride's brother, Samuel W. SHANE, served as best man. Mrs. Paul N. JORDAN, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music. She wore her wedding gown of satin and tulle, with overdress trimmed in orange blossoms, and her flowers were a corsage of butterfly roses and lilies of the valley. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, covers being laid for fourteen at the bride's table, which was centered with pink and white asters. Mr. and Mrs. ASHBROOK will sail soon for Edinburgh, Scotland, where Mr. ASHBROOK will take graduate work in Edinburgh university. Following the period spent in Scotland Mr. and Mrs. ASHBROOK will spend some time touring in the British Isles and the continent.
The out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward ASHBROOK and the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. JAMIESON of Washington, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McDIVITT and Master Marcus McDIVITT of Knoxville, Mr. Harry RONEY and the Misses Charlotte and Edna RONEY of Beaver Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Frank WOODBURN of Bellevue, Miss Ina WOODBURN of Claysville, Dr. and Mrs. Paul N. JORDAN of Bellwood, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. BRUSH of Newton, Kans., the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Henry EDDY of Clarion, Iowa, Miss Olive BRAHAM of Duquesne, Miss Dorothy ERRETT of Carnegie, and Miss Virginia STEVENSON of Valencia.
[ William Edward ASHBROOK to Gertrude Elizabeth Shane, 20 Sep 1921 ]
ashbrook_shane_09-23-1921 Parts 1, 2, 3 (CT-L)
* |

From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of June 20, 1924, page unknown:
[ ASHTON is the Groom. ]
One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized on Wednesday morning, June 18, 1924, in St. Patrick's church, Noblestown, when the Rev. Fr. D. J. Cox officiated at the marriage of Miss Marie Ellen COLLINS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William COLLINS of Noblestown, and Mr. Chester James ASHTON of Oakdale. The altar was beautifully decorated with roses and peonies. The bride was attired in a gown of white satin crepe and carried a shower bouquet of white rosses [sic] and lilies of the valley. Her cap-shaped veil was held in place by rose lace and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Mae Regina KELLY, wore a goldenrod yellow georgette gown with a picture hat to match and carried a bouquet of tea roses. Francis P. McLAUGHLIN was best man. Music for the mass was sung by James P. [DUFFY] and John P. DUFFY, with Miss Hazel ASHTON, sister of the groom, as organist. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held in the bride's home for the bridal party and the immediate families. The couple left Wednesday afternoon for a trip to Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and other Eastern points and will be at home after July 1st at 730 Idlewood avenue, Carnegie. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Katherine ASHTON, Miss Hazel [ASHTON] and Miss Elizabeth [ASHTON] and Miss Josephine ASHTON, Miss Maude REMARK of Oakdale, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. MIDDLETON of New Castle, Mrs. J. KEEFE and son John [KEEFE] of Brackenridge, Mrs. Mayme RODGERS of Natrona, Mrs. Clem SCHLENKE of Wilkinsburg, Miss Anna LINDEN of Primrose, Mrs. Michael McGUANE and Mrs. Charles McGUANE of Gregg, Miss Loretta [COLLINS] and Miss Elizabeth COLLINS of Sturgeon, John RODGERS of Youngstown, Ohio,
Mrs. Albert SCHICKLINE of McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas THOMASSY of
[ Chester James ASHTON to Marie Ellen Collins, 18 Jun 1924 ]
ashton_collins_06-20-1924 Parts 1&2 (LN)
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
newspaper of Oct. 13, 1927, page unknown:
[ ASPINALL is the Groom. ]
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles RICHARDS, of near McDonald, was the scene of a pretty wedding Monday afternoon, October 3, when their daughter, Miss Margaret, became the bride of Charles ASPINALL, of Carnegie. The bride wore Lindy blue taffeta and carried sweetheart roses. Miss Irvine GOSS, the bridesmaid, wore coral taffeta and carried pink roses. Glenn WALLACE, of Carnegie, was best man. The ceremony took place in the presence of the immediate families and a few intimate friends and was performed by Rev. F. LITTELL, of Venice. Miss Ruth McPHERSON, of West View, cousin of the bride, played the wedding march. Following the ceremony the young couple left on a nothern [sic] wedding trip and after October 15 will be at home in Carnegie. Mr. ASPINALL is a graduate of Carnegie Tech. The bride is a graduate of California Normal and the last two years taught in Muse school, Cecil township.
[ Charles ASPINALL to Margaret Richards, 3 Oct 1927 ]
aspinall_richards_10-13-1927 (LN)
* |
From The McDonald, PA Record newspaper of 27 September 1912,
page unknown:
Aaron ATEN and bride are at the ATEN home near Candor. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Margaret REED of Steubenville, formerly of Burgettstown, and
[the bride] taught the Russell school for the past winter.
[ Aaron ATEN to (?) ___ Reed, no date, in 9-27-1912 paper ] aten_reed-09-27-1912-rec
* |
From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
June 29, 1917, page unknown:
[ ATEN is the Groom. ]
On Tuesday, July 17, 1917, occurred the marriage of John ATEN, a son of
Mrs. Margaret ATEN of near Candor, and Miss Eva REED, a daughter of Mrs.
Margaret REED of Steubenville, Ohio. Mrs. Margaret ATEN tendered
the young couple a reception on Wednesday of last week, which was
followed by a rousing serenade. Mr. ATEN is in the employ of the
Peoples Gas Company and he and his bride will live at Heidelberg.
[ John ATEN to Eva Reed, 17 Jul 1917 ] aten_reed_06-29-1917_record
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (LN) = Some articles typed by Volunteer Leslie Nelson.
This page includes:
William Edward ASHBROOK to Gertrude Elizabeth Shane, 20 Sep 1921
Chester James ASHTON to Marie Ellen Collins, 18 Jun 1924
Charles ASPINALL to Margaret Richards, 3 Oct 1927
Aaron ATEN to (?) Reed, no date, in 9-27-1912 paper
John ATEN to Eva Reed, 17 Jul 1917
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated
Sept 20, 2008 ; updated Aug. 29, 2009
; updated Sept. 12, 2009 ; updated Sept. 28, 2009 ; updated Oct. 21, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023