Bridegrooms by Surname Letter A
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 4, 1893, page unknown:
Mr. H. S. ANDERSON and Miss Mary B. SHAW, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. SHAW, of Midway, were married at the bride's home on Wednesday, October 25th, 1893.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. GRAHAM, of the Centre United Presbyterian church of Midway, a brother-in-law of the bride. The wedding was a home affair,
and was witnessed by relatives and intimate friends. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served. The bride and groom are now in Chicago. Many handsome gifts
received testified to the esteem in which both are held. Among them are the following: Bed-room suite, Rev. SHAW; damask and linen, Mrs. SHAW; silver knives and forks,
Rev. and Mrs. GRAHAM; china dinner set, Mr. and Mrs. James BELL; gravy ladle, Miss Lizzie MAJOR, Carlton, Kansas; water set, Miss Minnie BELL; silver butter dish,
Mr. and Mrs. David BAMFORD; china fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. SHAW, Newcastle; taney lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Robert GALLIE, Pittsburg.
[ H. S. ANDERSON to Mary B. Shaw, 25 Oct 1893 ]
anderson_shaw_11-4-1893_out (CT-L)
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From a McDonald, PA Record newspaper of July 26,
1940, page unknown:
Miss Margaret KUMER of Westland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex KUMER, and Joseph ANDERSON, formerly of Washington [Pa], were united
in marriage Thursday, July 11, 1940, in the Union Presbyterian church, San
Juan, Puerto Rico. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Andrew J.
KEENER, a 1901 graduate of Washington and Jefferson college. Mr. ANDERSON
is a staff sergeant of Headquarters battery, Camp Buchanan, San Juan. They
will reside in San Juan.
[ Joseph ANDERSON to Margaret Kumer, 11 Jul 1940 ] anderson_kumer_7-26-1940
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
April 26, 1935, page unknown:
Established 1895
April 26, 1935
Recent Weddings
Miss Ann HULYK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. HULYK of McDonald, and Mr. Lloyd T. ANDERSON, son of the late Mrs. H. REDMOND of Warren, Ohio, were united in
marriage April 22, by the Rev. Wallace T. MCAFEE, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Warren, Ohio. The wedding took place at 1:30 o'clock in the home of the
officiating minister. The bride and groom were unattended. Mr. Anderson has a position with the Republic Steel Corporation. The young couple will reside in Warren, Ohio.
[ Lloyd T. ANDERSON to Ann Hulyk, 22 Apr 1935 ] anderson_hulyk_04-26-1935_rec
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook
newspaper of ......, page unknown:
No image sent.
[ Philip ANDERSON to Betty Cobbs, June 1898 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 12, 1924, page unknown:
[ ANDERSON is the Groom. ]
Theodore M. ANDERSON of Strabane and Margaret H. GRANT of Midway were married at 7:30 Wednesday evening, September 3, 1924, by the Rev. George W. POLLOCK, at his home at 38 South Wade avenue, Washington. The only guests of the occasion were the parents of the bridegroom and Miss Freda MYERS of Strabane, and Mr. and Mrs. Lenail B. ANDERSON.
[ Theodore M. ANDERSON to Margaret H. Grant, 3 Sep 1924 ]
anderson_grant_09-12-1924 (WD)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (WD) Some articles typed by Volunteer Wilberta DiVincenzo.
This page includes: Joseph ANDERSON to Margaret Kumer, 11 Jul 1940
Lloyd T. ANDERSON to Ann Hulyk, 22 Apr 1935
Philip ANDERSON to Betty Cobbs, June 1898
Theodore M. ANDERSON to Margaret H. Grant, 3 Sep 1924
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated Sept 9 2007 ; updated June 10, 2009 ; updated Aug. 15, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023