From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of June 7, 1928, page unknown:
W. & J. Football Star Weds
The marriage of Miss Dora Mae POLAN and William E. AMOS, both of Washington, Pa., took place Wednesday afternoon in the Central Presbyterian church of Washington.
Mr. AMOS graduated from Washington and Jefferson college with the class of 1928, and has won a national reputation in college athletics. He will be a member of the athletic coaching staff at W. & J. during the coming year.
[ William E. AMOS to Dora Mae Polan, no date, in 6-7-1928
paper ] amos_polan_06-07-1928_outlook (F)

From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of May 26,
1944, page unknown:
Miss Margaret Isabelle BROWN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. BROWN
of near Hickory, R. D. 3, McDonald [Pa], and Frank K. AMREIHN of Toledo,
Ohio, son of Mrs. Mary AMREIHN of Youngstown, Ohio, were united in
marriage at four o'clock Thursday afternoon, May 18, 1944 in the manse
of the Mt. Prospect Presbyterian church, Hickory [Pa], by the pastor,
the Rev. C. S. THOMAS.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length
ensemble of light blue crepe with a half-hat of brown straw and pink
roses and matching accessories. Her corsage was a colonial bouquet of
pink rosebuds, for- get-me-nots and lilies-of-the-valley. The matron of
honor, Mrs. Robert HOOP, of Uniontown [Pa], sister of the bride, wore a
shrimp pink ensemble and a corsage of red rosebuds. The bridesmaid, Mrs.
William McCOOL of Ft. Belvoir, Va., another sister of the bride, wore
daffodil yellow and a nosegay of shasta daisies and pink rosebuds.
Robert HOOP of Uniontown served as bestman.
The bride's mother wore a dusty rose ensemble with black accessories
and a corsage of talisman roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy and
white ensemble and a corsage of daisies and roses.
Following the ceremony, a reception and dinner for 50 guests was held
in the Mt. Vernon room of the George Washington hotel. The table was
decorated in pink and blue delphinium and yellow roses. A three-tiered
wedding cake formed the centerpiece of the bride's table.
Mrs. AMREIHN is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. Mr. AMREIHN,
a graduate of Notre Dame, is owner of the Ottawa Memorial park, Toledo,
and president of Selected Estate Bonding Co., and Park Sales Real Estate
at Toledo. They will reside at the Secor hotel, Toledo.
Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. SIMPSON of Manor [Pa], Mr.
and Mrs. Clair AULTMAN of Irwin [Pa], Dr. and Mrs. Walter BROWN of
Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Robert BROWN, Mr.
and Mrs. John BROWN, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard BROWN, all of Hickory, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel GREENE of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Robert HOOP of Uniontown,
Mrs. Emma CHAMBON of McDonald [Pa], and Dr. and Mrs. L. L. HALL of
Youngstown [Ohio].
[ Frank K. AMREIHN to Margaret Isabelle Brown, 18 May 1944 ]
amreihn_brown_5-26-1944 (F)