Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
No image sent.
[ Cassius Edward ALTON to Erma Eldridge, no date, in 9-4-1908 paper ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of Aug. 28, 1942, page unknown:
Mrs. M. J. AUSTIN and Mrs. Ella MCNERNEY recently attended the wedding of Mark ALTON, son of
J. T. ALTON of Mt. Washington,
and Miss Margaret Ann GRIFFITH, niece of the Hornes of Mt. Lebanon. They reside in Mt. Bluff, N.C. Deane ALTON served
as his brother's bestman. Deane left August 11 for the army and is stationed at Kelly field, San Antonio, Texas. [
Mark ALTON to Margaret Ann Griffith, no date, in 8-28-1942 paper ]
alton_griffith_08-28-1942_ro (SF)
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See below.
From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
June 14, 1928, page unknown:
[ AMDUR is the Groom. ]
On Sunday evening, June 10, Miss Florence WEISSBERG, daughter of Mrs. E. E. WEISSBERG of North Third street, McDonald, became the bride of Charles J.
AMDUR, son of Mrs. S. AMDUR of Pittsburgh, Pa. The ring ceremony was used and was performed before the altar in the Tree of Life synagogue, with Rabbi Herman HAILPERIN officiating. Miss
WEISSBERG, who was given in marriage by her mother and brother, Joseph, entered the church from one side, while the groom with his mother and brother, Elliot, entered from an opposite entrance to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Charlotte HELLER of Pittsburgh, a cousin of the groom. The bride was gowned in peach georgette with shoes and picture hat to match, and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about 200 guests from Pittsburgh, Canonsburg, and McDonald, and ones from other places included Mrs. M. WEISSBERG of Los Angeles, Mrs. KRANITZ of Youngstown, Mr. and Mrs. J. SCHULTZ and family of Oil City, Miss Lorraine FREDENHELMER of New York City and Miss Libby ADDELSON of Kittanning. A luncheon in the church supple-
mented the ceremony, immediately after which Mr. and Mrs. AMDUR left on a two weeks wedding trip to Canadian
and eastern places. After July first, they will be at home in Oil City, Pa.
[ Charles J. AMDUR to Florence Weissberg, Sunday, 10 Jun 1928 ]
amdur_weissberg_06-14-1928_outlook (CT-L)
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From a McDonald, PA newspaper of June 15,
1928, page unknown:
Miss Florence WEISSBERG, daughter of Mrs. E. E. WEISBERG of North
Third street, McDonald, and Mr. Charles J. AMDUR, son of Mrs. S. AMDUR
of Pittsburgh, were married at seven o'clock Sunday evening, June 10,
1928, in the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh. Rabbi Herman
HAILPERIN performed the ring ceremony. The bride was given in marriage
by her mother and brother, Mr. Joseph WEISSBERG. The bride wore a gown
of peach georgette with hat and shoes to match, and carried an arm
bouquet of pink roses. The wedding march was played by Miss Charlotte
HELLER, cousin of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony a luncheon was
held in the synagogue. The young couple left on a two weeks' trip to
Canada and Eastern points. After July first they will be at home in Oil
City [Pa].
Out of town guests at the wedding were Mrs. KRANTZ of Youngstown,
Ohio, Mrs. M. WEISSBERG of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. J. SCHULTZ
and children of Oil City [PA], Miss Libby ADDELSON of Kittanning [PA],
Miss L. FREDENHEIMER of New York City. About two hundred attended from
Pittsburgh, Canonsburg, and McDonald [PA].
[ Charles J. AMDUR to Florence Weissberg, Sunday, 10 Jun 1928 ]
amdur_weissberg_6-15-1928 (F)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of March 5, 1937, page unknown:
Miss June CLEMENTS of Sturgeon and Paul AMIC of Fannie street extension were united in marriage
Wednesday, February 24, 1937, in Wellsburg, the Rev. Mr. WADE officiating. [
Paul AMIC to June Clements, 24 Feb 1937 ]
amic_clements_03-05-1937_ro (SF)
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From the McDonald, PA Record of 2 Nov 1917
[AMON is the groom.]
Mr. H. D. AMON and Mrs. Elmeda ALLISON, both of McDonald, were united in
marriage at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning, October 30, 1917, at
Robinson's Run parsonage by the Rev. J. B. CAVITT. Mr. and Mrs. AMON are
taking a motor trip through the Ligonier valley. On their return they
will go to housekeeping in McDonald.
[ H. D. AMON to Elmeda Allison, 30 Oct 1917]
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Cassius Edward ALTON to Erma Eldridge, no date, in 9-4-1908 paper
Mark ALTON to Margaret Ann Griffith, no date, in 8-28-1942 paper
Charles J. AMDUR to Florence Weissberg, 10 Jun 1928
Paul AMIC to June Clements, 24 Feb 1937
H. D. AMON to Elmeda Allison, 30 Oct 1917
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated Aug. 4, 2009 ; updated Sept. 20, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023