From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
May 9, 1947, page unknown:
Lucille BELL, daughter of Mrs. Constance Synder BELL of Washington, and Jay R.
ALLISON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard ALLISON of Hickory, were united in marriage May 1.
The Rev. Paul B. RHODES, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiated at the ceremony which was read in the church parsonage at 8:30 p.m. Witnessing the exchange of vows were members of the immediate families. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, John Daniel BELL
of Kimball, W.Va. Mrs. Paul HICKMAN of Pittsburgh was matron of honor and Bud
ALLISON, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman.
Mrs. ALLISON is employed as a private secretary to T. S. FITCH, president of the Washington Steel Company. Mr.
ALLISON is associated with his father in business.
[ Jay R. ALLISON to Lucille Bell, 1 May 1947 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook of 16 Nov 1902, , page unknown
Married, at Sturgeon, on Nov. 12 [1902], R. F. ALLISON, of Sturgeon, and Miss Gillie
BANDIN, of McDonald. They will make their home in Sturgeon.
Invitations are out for two weddings here next week. Miss Mary BRITT and Steve FLOOD, on the 19th, and Miss Ida ROMAIN and Jules DELANEY on the 22d.
[R. F. ALLISON to Gillie Bandin, 12 Nov 1902]
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From the McDonald, PA Record newspaper of
June 22, 1917, page unknown:
[ ALLISON is the Groom. ]
Miss Jane C. McCREARY, daughter of J. C. McCREARY of Hickory, and Willard K. ALLISON, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. ALLISON of Hickory, were united in marriage on Tuesday afternoon, June 19, 1917, at two o’clock. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles STUNKARD at the United Presbyterian manse. The bride wore a dark blue traveling suit. There were no attendants. Mr. and Mrs. ALLISON left afterwards for a wedding trip by automobile. Mr. ALLISON is a member of the hardware firm of Denny & Allison, and both he and his bride are well known and popular in Hickory.
[ Williard K. ALLISON to Jane C. McCreary, 12 Jun 1917 ]
allison_mccreary_06-22-1917_record (LD)
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper of
Aug. 27, 1926, page unknown:
Weddings of the Week
[ ALLOWAY is the Groom. ]
Noel ALLOWAY of Imperial and Miss Nancy LONGSTRETH of Sturgeon have announced their marriage at Wellsburg, W. Va., on June 26, 1926. Mr. and Mrs. ALLOWAY left Wednesday for a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada.
[ Noel ALLOWAY to Nancy Longstreth, 26 Jun 1926 ]
alloway_longstreth_08-27-1926 (CT-L)
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page
No image sent.
[ George ALLSHOUSE to Anna Chochol, 24 Aug 1926 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Sept. 19, 1947, page unknown:
Miss Vera Annette COOPER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham R. COOPER of North McDonald street, McDonald, and Mario J. ALOUISE, son of Mrs. and Mrs.
Ignatio ALOUISE of Raccoon, were united in marriage at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 10, 1947, in the manse of the First
U. P. church, McDonald, with the pastor, the Rev. S. A. MCCOLLAM, D.D., performing the double ring ceremony.
The bride wore a gray suit with navy blue accessories and a corsage of orchids. Miss Emilie COOPER of Akron, Ohio, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid and wore
a Kelly green suit with brown accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Samuel COSTELLO of Pittsburgh, uncle of the bridegroom, served as bestman. The bride's
mother wore a black dress with sequins. The bridegroom's mother was attired in a navy blue dress. They each wore a corsage of red roses.
A reception was held in the evening at Argenia hall, Raccoon, with about 200 guest in attendance. A three-tiered wedding cake formed the centerpiece on the bride's table.
Following a wedding trip to New York City the young couple will be at home in Raccoon.
The bride, a graduate of North Fayette high school, is employed in the G. C. Murphy store in McDonald. The bridegroom, a graduate of Union high school, Burgettstown, is
employed by the Climax Molybdenum Co., Langeloth, and is a veteran of World War II, having served in the navy.
[ Mario J. ALOUISE to Vera Annette Cooper, 10 Sep 1947 ]
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From a McDonald, PA newspaper of Aug. 16,
1940, page unknown:
Miss Irene BARSODY of Canonsburg and Mr.
Sylvan ALTIERI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy ALTIERI of Cecil [Pa], were
united in marriage at two o'clock Saturday afternoon, August 10, 1940,
in the BARSODY home.
The bride wore a white silk crepe gown trimmed in black and she
carried roses. A reception followed in Canonsburg. There were 200 guests
with 75 seated at the bride's table.
The bride is a graduate of Canonsburg high school. The bridegroom, a
graduate of Cecil high school, is employed by the Pennsylvania railroad.
They will reside in Gladden [Pa].
[ Sylvan ALTIERI to Irene Barsody, 10 Aug 1940 ] altieri_barsody-8-16-1940
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol Taylor-Lanza.
This page includes: Jay R. ALLISON to Lucille Bell, 1 May 1947
R. F. ALLISON to Gillie Bandin, 12 Nov 1902
Williard K. ALLISON to Jane C. McCreary, 12 Jun 1917
Noel ALLOWAY to Nancy Longstreth, 26 Jun 1926
George ALLSHOUSE to Anna Chochol, 24 Aug 1926
Mario J. ALOUISE to Vera Annette Cooper, 10 Sep 1947
Sylvan ALTIERI to Irene Barsody, 10 Aug 1940 ...
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated July 11, 2009 ; updated Sept. 18, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023