From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
Nov. 13, 1942, page unknown:
Miss Alvera MILLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MILLER of Clinton, and Ralph AHLBORN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles AHLBORN
of Cliff Mine, were united in marriage at ten o'clock Tuesday morning, November 10, 1942, in St. Columbkille's church,
A reception was held that evening at SAUER's hall.
[ Ralph AHLBORN to Alvera Miller, 10 Nov 1942 ]
ahlborn_miller_11-13-1942_ro (SF)
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Image never sent from Sandy Miklavic.
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
No image sent.
Grover AHRNS to Mary Somerlade, 7 Oct 1908
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of 7 Mar 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde DOWNER of Richmond, Ohio, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Gertrude Frances DOWNER, to William Clair AHRNS, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Grover AHRNS of Hickory. The ceremony was solemnized at
7:30 p.m. Friday, December 27, 1940, in the Hamline Methodist church,
Steubenville, Ohio, the Rev. William CAVEN officiating.
The bride was attired in an ensemble of rose and teal with nave
accessories and a corsage of orchids. The only attendants were Mr. and
Mrs. Birney WEST, Jr., brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Mrs. WEST
wore burgundy and gold with a corsage of yellow rosebuds.
The bride is a graduate of Amsterdam (Ohio high school, and is attending
Office Training school, Columbus, Ohio. The bridegroom attended the Mt.
Pleasant Township Vocational high school, Hickory, and Penn State
Commercial college, Washington. He is an employee of the Blue Ridge Bus
Lines. Immediately following the ceremony the couple left for a short
wedding trip.
[William Clair AHRNS to Gertrude Frances Downer, 27 Dec 1940]
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of
July 5, 1946, page unknown:
Miss Mildred McConnell TAIT, daughter of Mrs. Francis Bland TAIT of Grove City, and O. Glenn
AIKEN of Duke Center, son of O. V. AIKEN of Midway, were united in marriage at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, June 8, 1946, in the Grove City college chapel, Grove City, by Dr. Homer B.
The bride was attired in white satin and she carried calla lilies. The matron of honor, Adelaide
LEVY of Grove City, wore yellow sheer and carried Talisman roses. The bridesmaid, Margaret
MONTGOMERY of Grove City, wore blue sheer and carried red roses. Donald
SHAFF of Duke Center served as bestman. Robert ALLEN of Grove City and J. M.
CUNNINGHAM, Jr., of Burgettstown were the ushers. Mrs. Katherine RAINEY of Detroit, Mich., organist, Prof. Oscar A.
COOPER of Grove City college provided the wedding music.
Following the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests was held in the social room, Crawford hall Grove City college. The young couple left for a Southern wedding trip and will be at home in August in Duke Center.
Mrs. AIKEN is a graduate of Grove City. Mr. AIKEN , also a graduate of Grove City, is at present finishing his master of arts degree at New York university. He will resume his position as supervisor of music in Otto township school, Duke Center, this September.
[ O. Glenn AIKEN to Mildred McConnell Tait, 8 Jun 1946 ] aiken_tait_07-05-1946_ro
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook ~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of
Dec. 28, 1934, page unknown:
Miss Mabel Virginia [RANKIN], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. RANKIN of Washington, and Robert Clark AIKEN, son of O. V. AIKEN of Midway, were united in marriage in Pittsburgh,
on Saturday, December 15, 1934. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. Marshall MUIR, pastor of the Bellefield Presbyterian church. The bride is a graduate of Muskingum college, and a teacher in the Midway schools, having taught there for the past six years. For the present the bride and bridegroom will reside in the AIKEN
home in Midway.
[ Robert Clark AIKEN to Mabel Virginia Rankin, 15 Dec 1934 ] aiken_rankin_12-28-1934
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From the McDonald, PA Outlook newspaper of
Oct. 4, 1928, page unknown:
[ AIKIN is the Groom. ]
On the morning of September twenty-fifth, in Washington, D. C., Miss Audrey M. KELLY of Noblestown and Charles AIKIN of Washington were married. The Rev. C. E.
HAWTHORNE officiated. Mrs. Mary A. KELLY, mother of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. SNYDER of Washington was present at the
ceremony. Mrs. AIKIN is a graduate of Oakdale high school and Muskingum College. Mr. AIKINS
was graduated from the Ohio State University Law College and is a member
of the Ohio Bar. He is at present engaged in legal research (missing
word... in?) Washington. The couple will reside in Washington.
NOTE: Some letters missing. The last 2 entries of Washington
likely means Washington, D.C., instead of "Little
Washington"/Washington, PA.
[ Charles AIKEN to Audrey M. Kelly, 25 Sep 1928 ] aikin_kelly_10-04-1928
(CT-L) Also typed by (LD)
* (CT-L) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Carol
* (LD) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Liz DuBois.
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
This page includes: Ralph AHLBORN to Alvera Miller, 10 Nov 1942
Grover AHRNS to Mary Somerlade, 7 Oct 190/8
William Clair AHRNS to Gertrude Frances Downer, 27 Dec 1940
O. Glenn AIKEN to Mildred McConnell Tait, 8 Jun 1946
Robert Clark AIKEN to Mabel Virginia Rankin, 15 Dec 1934
Charles AIKEN to Audrey M. Kelly, 25 Sep 1928
This page was added May 23, 2007 ; updated June 3, 2009 ; updated June 9, 2009 ; updated July 23, 2009 ; updated July 29, 2009 ; updated Aug. 4, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023