Bridegrooms by Surname Letter A
From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of Aug. 10, 1934, page unknown:
Mr. Kenneth ADAMS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ADAMS of Oakdale, and Miss Maud
EWING, daughter of Mrs. Ida EWING of Oakdale, were united in marriage in Oakdale on June 23, 1934, by Justice of the Peace Land, by whom Miss
EWING has been employed for many years. Mr. ADAMS was graduated from Oakdale high school in 1925 and in 1926 he was graduated from McDonald high school. Both young people are well known in Oakdale.
[ Kenneth ADAMS to Maud Ewing, 23 Jun 1934 ] adams_ewing_08-10-1934 (CB)
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of 20 Jun 1941, page
Miss Martha MANNONTH of Sturgeon and Corporal Robert ADAMS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve ADAMS of Cecil, were married Saturday, June 7, 1941, in Wellsburg, W.Va.
The bride wore a dusty pink dress with matching hat. The bridesmaid, Miss Phoebe MANNERING of Cuddy, wore a blue dress and a corsage. Mr. Joseph MARKOVICH of Cecil served as
Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Marianna.
Mr. ADAMS was made a corporal in the Schoen Field (Chicago) army camp, where he is stationed.
[Robert ADAMS to Martha Mannonth, 7 Jun 1941]
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Image never
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper of ......, page unknown:
No image sent. No transcription available.
Thomas E. ADAMS to F. Alice Wasson, 15 Mar 1900
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From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook of 3 Dec 1937,
page unknown:
Miss Albena ANTOINETTA, daughter of Stephen ADAMSKI of McConnells Mills, and Mr. Steve
ADAMSKI, son of Mrs. Mary ADAMSKI of R. D. 3, McDonald, were united in marriage recently in Cumberland, Md., by the Rev. N. C. Webb. The bride wore royal blue velvet and carried pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Angeline EMBERT of McConnells Mills, chose royal blue velvet and carried pink roses. Mr. Joseph ADAMSKI of R. D. 3, McDonald, was the
bestman. The young couple left on a trip to Washington, D.C. They will reside in Cecil.
[Steve ADAMSKI to Albena Antoinetta, no date, in 12-3-1937 paper]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook newspaper
of Feb. 19, 1925, page unknown:
[ ADAMSON is the Groom. ]
Miss Margaret MANDALE, daughter of Mr. William MANDALE of Valley street, and Mr. James ADAMSON, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles ADAMSON of College street, Canonsburg were united in marriage on Tuesday evening, February 17th, 1925 in the
Trinity Episcopal church, Pittsburgh at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. Frederick LAUDERBURN officiated. Miss Mary CUMMINGS
of Noblestown, was bride's maid and John MANDALE, a brother of the bride served as best man. Mr. and Mrs. ADAMSON will
reside in Canonsburg.
[ James ADAMSON to Margaret Mandale, 17 Feb 1925 ]
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From the McDonald, PA Record ~or~ Outlook
~or~ Record-Outlook newspaper of Sept. 11, 1936, page unknown:
Mrs. Bertha KRAEER of South McDonald street announces the marriage of her daughter Gladys E. to James D. AGNEW, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. AGNEW of Hall avenue, Washington.
The ceremony took place Tuesday night, September 1, 1936 in Wheeling, W.Va., by the Rev. William POTTER. Mr. and Mrs.
George BRINKS of Washington were the attendants. Mrs. AGNEW is a graduate of McDonald high school and was formerly
employed in the Douglass drug store. Mr. AGNEW is manager
of the meat department of the P. H. Butler store, Main and Chestnut streets, Washington. They will reside in the
Keystone apartments, Washington.
[ James D. AGNEW to Gladys E. Kraeer, 1 Sep 1936 ]
agnew_kraeer_09-11-1936 (SF)
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* Second marriage for William M. AGNEW. (Donald W. AGNEW served as his father’s bestman.)
From the McDonald, PA Record-Outlook newspaper
of July 25, 1947, page unknown:
Loretta A. MESSLER of Laurel Hill, McDonald, and William M. AGNEW of Burgettstown were united in marriage at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, July 19, 1947, in the St. Alphonsus rectory, McDonald, the Rev. Fr. J. A.
BURGOON performing the ceremony.
The bride wore and aqua suit with navy accessories. Mrs. Becky M. SMITH, aunt of the bride, wore a beige dress with brown accessories. Each wore an orchid corsage. Donald W.
AGNEW served as his father’s bestman. A wedding breakfast was served in the Village Tavern, Oakdale, with covers for 22 guests. A reception was held in the evening in the home of the bride. Upon their return from a brief wedding trip, the newlyweds will reside in McDonald. [ William M.
AGNEW to Loretta A. Messler, 19 Jul 1947 ] agnew_messler_07-25-1947_ro (CB)
* (SF) Some articles typed by volunteer Susan Freer.
* (CB) = Some weddings typed by Volunteer Cindy Burchell.
This page includes: Kenneth ADAMS to Maud Ewing, 23 Jun 1934
Robert ADAMS to Martha Mannonth, 7 Jun 1941
Thomas E. ADAMS to F. Alice Wasson, 15 Mar 1900
Steve ADAMSKI to Albena Antoinetta, no date, in 12-3-1937 paper
James ADAMSON to Margaret Mandale, 17 Feb 1925
James D. AGNEW to Gladys E. Kraeer, 1 Sep 1936
William M. AGNEW to Loretta A. Messler, 19 Jul 1947
This page was added April 28, 2007 ; updated July 24,
2009 ; updated July 29, 2009 ; updated Sept 28, 2009

More than 3,000 couple’s wedding and marriage- related
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023