OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
Are these folks your family?
Political Candidates and Office Holders

Court Building
a candidate for a seat in the legislative body of McDonald PA
From the
Oakdale PA Times newspaper, Feb. 15, 1908, page unknown:
Mr. Bert M. MCCARTNEY, who served three years in council with unusual
fidelity, is again a candidate for a seat in the legislative body of our
town. His career in council was marked by a spirit of progressiveness,
and his associates honored him with the presidency, which he ably and
impartially filled for two years.
Bert MCCARTNEY is always has been a busy man, but when in office has
ever given his time and best effort to the borough, often at great
personal sacrifice. He values most highly the call to pubic duty, and
esteems it an honor to serve the town of McDonald. He does not hesitate
to say that he aspires to office; but comes out frankly and says it is
his loftiest ambition to be found worthy of it.
Mr. MCCARTNEY was born on a farm in Moon township, Allegheny County, and
after receiving some education in the common school there, in the year
1890 came to McDonald and attended the Ingleside Academy for a short
time, afterwards clerking for J. C. MAY. In 1892 in company with his
father he purchased the business from Mr. MAY and conducted it
successfully until they sold to Frank WOODS in 1900. Mr. MCCARTNEY then
engaged in various business enterprises until May 1903, when he
purchased his present business from Samuel SMITH. The progress of this
establishment is a striking illustration of the success that may come by
continued, persistent effort, intelligently applied. From a small retail
tobacco store it has grown to one of the largest wholesale and retail
establishments in this section of the state.
An idea of Mr. MCCARTNEY’s activities may be gained by reciting that
he is a member of the present Board of Health the most wide awake and
active the town has had in years. He is treasurer of the Ferguson Hose
Company, secretary of the Royal Arcanum, presiding officer of McDonald
Lodge No. 665, I. O. O. F., and a member of a number of other
fraternities. He has always been prominent in the advancement he
realizes the fact that there is always room at the top.
also Prof W. L. MOORE from McDonald PA Outlook newspaper Jan. 19, 1918:
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
| Fashion
| History
| Location - Scenes |
Drawings | Major
Life Events | Military
| News and Glances
| Obituaries
| People-Biographies
| Politicians
- Politics | Reunions
| Schools | Sports
| Worship-Churches
| Index
to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1