OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Mr. John White formerly of Cecil PA
From the
McDonald PA Outlook, January 16, 1892, page unknown:
Mr. John WHITE, brother of David WHITE of Cecil, was visiting friends in
this section last week. Mr. WHITE was formerly a resident of Cecil and
is well known her by many of the older citizens. 34 years ago last
October he was married to Miss CAMPBELL, an Ohio lady, and after
spending a few weeks among friends in Cecil and adjoining townships took
up his residence in Ohio, where he has resided ever since. He relates
that while on his wedding tour in the section in the month of November,
1857, there was some extremely cold weather; that the ground was covered
with snow and the sleighing good, and that while driving in the Miller's
Run Valley one very cold day they saw chickens that were frozen to the
limbs of trees in ... three different places. (Line missing)
He has for several years lived near Wooster, and has given his children
the benefit of the superior educational advantages of that college town.
He has six children, five of whom are graduates of the University of
Wooster. His oldest son, Rev. W. W. WHITE, now a professor in the Xenia
U. P. Theological seminary, is the author of a work on "memory
training," which has helped to bring him to the prominent and
enviable position he now occupies in the church and country. His second
son is now laboring in the interest of the Y. M. C. A., at a salary of
$150 a month and expenses, but it is and has been his intention to enter
the ministry. Two of his daughters are wives of ministers, the third is
yet unmarried, while the third son is shipping clerk for a Montana
mining company. Mr. WHITE's family has so far a very honorable record,
and has good reason to be proud of it.
*Cecil column
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
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Drawings | Major
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| Index
to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1