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From the McDonald PA Record-Outlook newspaper, 11-7-1984, page

Elsa SCHREIBER TROMBLA, a native of McDonald, has been honored by the state of Wisconsin for her outstanding volunteer work with the Easter Seal Society for over 50 years.
Mrs. TROMBLA, who was one of the original Easter Seal volunteers in Manitowoc County,
Wisc.., in 1934, was honored recently at a banquet in Manitowoc for her many years of service to Wisconsin residents with physical disabilities.
Wisconsin Gov. Anthony S. EARL declared July 26, 1984, as "Elsa TROMBLA Day" in the state, and the Easter Seal Society of Wisconsin's Outstanding Volunteer Award was renamed the "Elsa TROMBLA Award."
Mrs. TROMBLA was born and raised in McDonald and attended McDonald Elementary School. Her good friend for many years, Julia PETERS of Station Street, said that although Elsa had no formal education as a young girl, she was eager and ambitious to learn. She got a job years ago in the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Pittsburgh.
With her railroad pass, she traveled extensively and met her future husband, William TROMBLA of Wisconsin. After her marriage, Elsa left McDonald and has lived in Manitowoc for over 50 years. She and her late husband had a grocery store for several years and later operated a rooming house in Manitowoc for 35 years. The TROMBLAs had four children, one of whom had a speech handicap as a youngster. He overcame it and is now a high school guidance counselor.
Elsa's brother, the late Max SCHREIBER, was a florist who operated greenhouses in two location in McDonald in the 1960's.
Since she first arranged medical care and raised funds to help a little boy with a crippled foot to walk normally in 1934, Mrs. TROMBLA has worked as a fund raiser and dedicated volunteer for Easter Seals.
She organized one of the best "loan _sets" in the state of Wisconsin with about 200 pieces of equipment for handicapped people who could not get the equipment from any other source.
Mrs. TROMBLA was executive secretary of the Easter Seal Society of Manitowoc County for the past 15 years and the organizations' treasurer for the last six years.
Although Mrs. TROMBLA, 88, has arthritis and is confined to a wheelchair, she still works at home seven days a week as an Easter Seal volunteer.
Among her many honors is a letter of commendation from President Ronald REAGAN in recognition of her long service in helping others.
Mrs. PETERS, a former school teacher in South Fayette Township, said that she and Elsa TROMBLA visited back and forth in McDonald and Wisconsin until about 12 years ago. At the ages of 88 and 90, they still keep in touch with each other through correspondence.
Page added April 28, 2008
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