OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Sketch about H. S. Phillips born April 9th, 1845
McDonald PA Outlook newspaper, January 23, 1892, page unknown:
[About H. S. Phillips]
Is perhaps as well know throughout Washington County as any other person we can
this week find for this column. Was born at what for more than a century
has been known as the "Rural" on Rocky Hill farm in Cecil on April
9th, 1845. In early life with a body composed mostly of long, bony arms
and legs and a backbone with innumerable joints, and with about as much heart
for work as a romantic girl of sixteen, he for a living mauled out white oak
rails, the regularly recurring strokes resounding through the primeval forest,
and he at intervals resting his uncouth frame upon a log reading Pollock's
Course of Time or wondering what in the world he was made for. He was not
content for this lot, for he did not (missing line) him for it or that fortune
had without malice assigned him to ... it happened that in that pent-up Utica,
Melancholy marked him for her own and in whatever camp he found himself he
became a sort of Achan, and when not moping like Hamlet he was murderously mad
and more inclined to a fight than to the finest of feasts.
Well he became a teacher and was a success for many years--first in country
schools, then in the graded schools at Brownsville, Uniontown, Connellsville,
Johnstown, and in the Fourth Ward, Pittsburg, and in Dr. PERSHING's Pittsburg
Female College. Then, thinking that the proper study of mankind is man, he
took a three-year-course in a Philadelphia Medical College, and after practicing
awhile, he took sundry post-graduate and special courses; after which he located
at 326 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, in company with Dr. KING, a gentleman already at
the head of his profession.
It is
perhaps not well to say too much good about any man until after
something has killed him, for in all ages men are known to have soared
like eagles above the highest mountain tops and then descent with a rush
to roost forever upon some hen coop or pig sty. But past action
may be recited with impunity and the future left to develop itself
without any predictions ventured in regard to it. And so we may
say that in the past few years, the subject of this sketch has been
able, amidst the multitudinous complications and rivalries and
jealousies found in the heart of every great city, to build up a
practice that would be creditable to any member of the profession,
having in his charge the health of a very great many of the best
families between and beyond both rivers. Every member of the
profession and all intelligent men outside of it know that it is just as
easy to go to Congress as to do what we have mentioned.
Doctor's mother was sister of Rev. Robert FULTON, whose portrait
appeared in this column last week and a niece of Henry MCCLUSKEY,
deceased, who lived on the farm now owned by Mr. STILLEY, near Mc...
Strange it has always seemed to the writer, whose taste runs in the ve
... posite direction, that H. S. P. should devote all the energies of
his ... the hardships and cares and responsibilities of a physician,
while al ... of the family, to the 42d cousin, have always been led into
... metaphysical, theological, or spiritual pursuits, and some of t ...
as successful in their calling as he.
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
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to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
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