OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Stories about People from McDonald PA area
Enhance your genealogy research about ancestors from McDonald, Washington County PA with newspaper
articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries often with cemeteries noted, probate, deed, surname,
family trees or family histories, reunions and other information.

From the
McDonald PA Outlook newspaper, December 10, 1892, page unknown:
J. E. PERKINS--A Smart Young Colored Man.--Has Saved Money and Will
Be A Lawyer
Had a very pleasant call from Mr. J. E. PERKINS, a gentleman who about
two years ago was married in the McDonald A. M. E. Church to Miss
Henrietta GRAY. Mr. P. has been doing remarkably well. Has lived at
Finleyville since he was married, and working as a miner, much of the
time for 18 hours a day, he has saved and banked over $750. First of
January he starts to school at Harper's Ferry--expects to practice law
at Washington City--was born and raised at Louisa Court House,
Va.--doesn't remember the war, but "felt the heat of
it"--couldn't read or write when married, but learned to do both
from his wife.
His father-in-law, Mr. George GRAY, of Finleyville, has recently fallen
heir to a large sum of money by the death of a brother at Boston, who
was a sea captain and ship owner. Mr. PERKINS says the colored people
are taking hold of themselves. There are sixteen millionaires among them
in the United States, and over fifty are worth a quarter million. J. E.
is a stout, well built, well dressed, good looking young fellow with
good features and a sharp eye with determination in it.
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
| Fashion
| History
| Location - Scenes |
Drawings | Major
Life Events | Military
| News and Glances
| Obituaries
| People-Biographies
| Politicians
- Politics | Reunions
| Schools | Sports
| Worship-Churches
| Index
to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1