OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Stories about People from McDonald PA area
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Mr. W. H. MCCLOY, of Cumberland, Ohio
a son of old Dr. MCCLOY formerly of Cecil PA
From the McDonald PA Record newspaper, April 1, 1893, page unknown:
Mr. W. H. MCCLOY, of Cumberland, O., has been visiting friends and old
neighbors in Cecil and Canonsburg for the past few days. Mr. MCCLOY—“Bill”—is
one of the old-timers, and was well known in Cecil, being a son of old Dr.
MCCLOY and a brother of John N. of Venice. By trade he was a carpenter and by
profession he was a teacher of vocal music, which profession he followed in
the winter season, and was widely known as a first-class singer. As a leader
of congregational singing he greatly excelled, the writer never having heard
his equal. His voice was clear, strong and very melodious, and the effect was
most thrilling when he led off on “St. Martin,” Ortonville,” or some
others of the old favorites.
In the year 1853 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ann DENNY, oldest
sister of W. T. DENNY, of Cecil. For sixteen ears after this event he lived in
Cecil, most of the time in the village of Venice. In the autumn of 1869 he
with his family moved to Cumberland, Guernsey County, O., where he has resided
ever since. Nine children came into his home to bless and brighten it. Two of
these died in infancy, while the others, who still survive, are all married
and settled in homes of their own. His wife died a few years ago. His home is
now desolate and he is left all alone.
Mr. MCCLOY is a man above the ordinary in size, of a very jolly and cheerful
disposition, and, although carrying the weight of sixty years and with locks
and beard as white as snow, time seems to rest lightly upon him. May he yet
live and enjoy many years.
*Cecil column
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PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1