OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Stories about People from McDonald PA area
Enhance your genealogy research about ancestors from McDonald, Washington County PA with newspaper
articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries often with cemeteries noted, probate, deed, surname,
family trees or family histories, reunions and other information.

Mr. S. S. JOHNS, train station agent of McDonald PA
From the
McDonald PA Record newspaper, February 16, 1907, page unknown:
Mr. S. S. JOHNS, the second station agent of McDonald is deserving of
mention as being one of the active citizens of McDonald for over a
quarter of a century. Mr. JOHNS was born in Culver County, Md., in 1818,
received a liberal education for those days and followed farming in
Moffat county, Maryland for a number of years after his majority. In
1865 he was appointed station agent at McDonald, which position he
filled for thirty-one years. From the first he took an active interest
in the affairs of McDonald. He was the first burgess of the town and
filled many positions of trust for both individuals and the public. Mr.
JOHNS’ wife was a sister of F. L. JEWETT, the first President of the
Panhandle Railroad. In religious faith Mr. JOHNS is a Quaker. He is a
member of Garfield Lodge 605, F. & A. M. Mr. JOHNS still resides in
his handsome home over looking the railroad station, at the ripe old age
of 85 years, remarkably healthy and erect and is frequently seen about
the streets of McDonald an imposing figure—a typical gentleman of the
old school—admired and respected by all, both old and young.
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
| Fashion
| History
| Location - Scenes |
Drawings | Major
Life Events | Military
| News and Glances
| Obituaries
| People-Biographies
| Politicians
- Politics | Reunions
| Schools | Sports
| Worship-Churches
| Index
to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1