OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Stories about People from McDonald PA area
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family trees or family histories, reunions and other information.

From the
Record newspaper, July 14, 1905, page unknown:
Mrs. Ann HOLLAND of Midway, widow of Isaac HOLLAND, a coal miner,
enjoys the unusual distinction of being the mother of fifteen children,
none of them twins, 11 of whom are still living. Counting the mother and
father the family originally numbered one less than a dozen and a half,
but two boys died in infancy and another son and a daughter died several
years ago. Since the death of the husband, five years ago, the original
family numbers exactly one dozen.
Mrs. HOLLAND was born in Staffordshire, England, in 1837, and she is
consequently 68 years of age. She was raised in the midst of the immense
coal fields of England and early in life she married a coal miner. The
HOLLANDS lived in England until the year 1870, when like many of their
friends, they decided to come to America. The located among the hills
near the present town of Primrose. At this time Mrs. HOLLAND was the
mother of six children. About a year later the family moved to Primrose,
but a few years later went to Midway and built the house now occupied by
Mrs. HOLLAND a married daughter and a single son, where the family has
lived for the last 30 years.
Mrs. HOLLAND is an active and energetic woman, who does not impress
one as being more than 50 years of age. She is a great worker and
personally looks after the household duties, being of the opinion that
she can do it better than the younger folks. She is of a thrifty
disposition and not only owns the homestead where she lives, but she has
taught her children the habit of saving, and each one of them also owns
his home.
Shortly after coming to the United States, Isaac HOLLAND, the father,
secured work in the coal mines near Midway an as the sons grew to
manhood, each followed their father and became coal miners. When they
married they settled in the neighborhood and with the exception of one
daughter now living in McKees Rocks [Pa], mother and children are all living
with a radius of about one mile.
At a family reunion, which was held several months ago, 50
descendants of Mrs. HOLLAND were present with her. She has 35
grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
The names of her sons and daughters are: Henry, George and John, who
are now dead; Bendygo, Manoah, Enoch, Joseph, who died in a hospital;
Isaac, Mrs. Elizabeth SHOTTEN, Mrs. Mary MARS___, Mrs. Aggie DUNKS, Mrs.
Annie FELTON, Mrs. Martha MCCOY, Mrs. Rachel DAKIN and Hannah HOLLLAND,
who died when a child.
*Photo of Mrs. Ann Holland in
July 1905
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PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
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to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1