OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Stories about People from McDonald PA area
Enhance your genealogy research about ancestors from McDonald, Washington County PA with newspaper
articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries often with cemeteries noted, probate, deed, surname,
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Sketch of
Robert J. FULTON son of the steamboat inventor
NOTE: [comments or titles ] not in the original.
From the McDonald PA Outlook newspaper, January 16, 1892, page unknown:
Recently 'Squire Joseph REED, of Cecil, handed the editor
the following ... contract between the school directors of
Cecil township and Robert J. FULTON, then about sixteen
years of age, who will be recalled by more than one-half of
our readers as one of the most talented and humorous
gentlemen that ever appeared before the public in this
Robert J. FULTON was born in the northern part of Washington
County. Hs father was John FULTON, a descendant of Robert
FULTON, the steam boat inventor. His mother was Jane
MCCLUSKEY, a sister of the late Catherine MCCLUSKEY HERRIOTT,
who was the mother of William and John HERRIOTT, both well
known farmers who live in Mt. Pleasant township at the
present time, of Miss Nancy Jane HERRIOTT, of Canonsburg,
and also of Miss Kate HERRIOTTE EWING, wife of Rev. Wm.
EWING, of the same place. Her son, James H. died some years
ago at Lawrence, Kansas.
"Bob" FULTON was one of the brightest men tat ever
enlivened a dinner party or social. He was considerably over
six feet tall, of very slender but compact build. His manner
was keen and surprisingly alert. Had he been a heavier boned
man he might easily have been mistaken for a twin brother of
Abraham LINCOLN. He was dark complected, had small, black,
sparkling eyes, and a dense shock of very black hair. He was
a man of exceedingly fine taste and very few of the men in
the Presbyterian Church today equal his scholastic
attainments and oratorial powers.
After teaching school in country districts for some years
while a boy he attended the celebrated Academy at West
Alexander presided over for many years by his mother's
brother, the far-famed Dr. John MCCLUSKEY. Then after
teaching in this school and reading a complete course in the
classics, mathematics and theology under the tuition of Dr.
MCCLUSKEY, he was, after a most rigid examination, licensed
to preach by the Presbytery of Ohio, whose members declared
that he had stood a better examination than any candidate
that had ever come before them.
Mr. FULTON had no brother, but two sisters, one of whom,
long since dead, was the wife of Samuel PHILLIPS, of
Chartiers township. She had three children: Fult., Hib., and
Miss Sophie C. J., the first being the editor and proprietor
of this paper, the second a very popular and successful
medical practitioner at 326 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and the
third a well know resident of Canonsburg.
The second sister of Robert FULTON, was Mary, wife of Rev.
T. B. VAN EMAN, of Canonsburg, and she too died many years
ago, leaving one son, John William, who is a Presbyterian
minister and missionary in the far west.
After having been licensed Mr. FULTON was called to the
Presbyterian Church at Cumberland, Ohio. Shortly thereafter
in that congregation was inaugurated a wonderful revival of
religion, and protracted meetings were held in the church
every night of each week. Attending and exhorting at all of
these meetings Robert FULTON took pneumonia and fever that
carried him off in a few days. Thus passed away in early
life one of the brightest spirits Washington County ever
Robert FULTON was a half brother of Dr. James M. MAXWELL, at
present pastor of the Monongahela City Presbyterian Church.
Another half brother, Henry MAXWELL, is a postmaster and a
large stock dealer and landowner at Maxwell, Dakota. Henry
was a member of the first W. Va. infantry in the late war
and passes with much courage and credit through twenty-six
pitched battles without serious injury to himself.
We have given here a portrait of Robert FULTON and a brief
account of his family connections, which we know will be
read with interest by many. Following is the antique
contract that poor "Bob" made in 1846 with three
well known departed citizens of Cecil. Little did any of
them at that time suppose that their transactions would be
spread abroad before the world in this manner in the year
Robert FULTON married Miss Ruth An LUCAS who to this day
resides in West Alexander and hourly mourns his loss. They
had one daughter, Kate, who married a Mr. SPROUL, a
well-known attorney, who has for some years been engaged in
one of the government departments at Washington, D. C., and
where they now reside.
Article of Agreement
Article of agreement made and entered into this 4th day
Aprile (sic), 1846, by the trustees of school district No.
6, of Cecil tp, Wash. Co., Pa., on the one part and Robert
J. FULTON on the other--Witnesseth:
That the said FULTON agree to teach reading, writing,
English grammar, geography & arithmetick for three
months at the rate of eleven dollars per month and board
with the employers, to commence on Monday, the 6th day of
Aprile, 1846, school hours first month from 8 till have
after four, second & third months from 8 till 5, either
party having the privilege to withdraw at the end of any
month by giving ten days notice.
Witness our hands this 4th day of Aprile, 1846
Note: I can't read all the signatures, one is Thomas
MCCONNELL, another Aaron PHILLIPS and the 3rd is Joseph ___,
it may be REED, as that is the name of the person who gave
the contract to the newspaper.
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
| Fashion
| History
| Location - Scenes |
Drawings | Major
Life Events | Military
| News and Glances
| Obituaries
| People-Biographies
| Politicians
- Politics | Reunions
| Schools | Sports
| Worship-Churches
| Index
to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1