OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
Obituary of Andrew C. Foringer
born 1860 died 1920
McDonald PA

Photo printed with his obituary
From the McDonald PA Outlook newspaper, Sept 9 1920, page unknown:
Andrew C. FORINGER died at his home in Fourth street, McDonald,
Pa., Thursday, September 3, 1920. He was born December 6, 1860 at
Kaylor, Armstrong County, Pa. Mr. FORINGER was a widely known oil man.
Previous to his coming to McDonald in 1891 he operated in the Bradford
and McKean Co. oil fields and in Canonsburg and Washington, Pa. He was
a charter member of Garfield Lodge No. 604, F. & A. M., Darius R.
A. Chapter No. 294 of McDonald, a member of Syria Temple, A. A. O. N.
M. S. of Pittsburgh, Pa. He was also a member of the firm, Douglass
& Co., Druggists; was vice president of the Citizens Water
Funeral services were held at the home Sunday evening at eight
o'clock in charge of Rev. J. H. DEBOLT, pastor of the M. E. church of
this place, assisted by Rev. W. D. IRONS, D. D., pastor of the U. P.
church. Interment took place at 2 o'clock Monday at East Brady in
charge of the Masonic order. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. A. C. STEELE
of New Brighton, Pa. and Mrs. Mary DAVENPORT of McDonald and two
brothers, William B. of Steubenville, Ohio and James A. of McDonald.
This page was added Nov. 19, 2006
and Death Notices for People from or near Washington County PA
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PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
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