OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
Are these folks your family?
Index to Injuries and Non-Fatal Accidents
affecting People
of McDonald PAand other areas in
Washington County Pennsylvania

Druggist's Mortar & Pedestal
David WINTERS accidental shooting
From The McDonald, PA Outlook, July 9, 1897, page unknown:
The David WINTERS shooting at Midway happened this way: It was Sunday night,
and Mr. WINTERS was preparing to go out on an errand, and took his revolver
from the cupboard to put in his pocket, as has been his custom. As he picked
it up and drew it toward him, his hand caught on the shelf, the muzzle was
turned toward him, something pressed the trigger, and, it being a self-cocker,
two shots were fired into his face before he knew what was the matter. So what
was thought to be an attempted suicide was really an accident. It occurs to
anyone on reflection that a man is not likely to try to kill himself by
shooting himself in the side of the neck and in the jaw. Mr. WINTERS recovers.
Page added Oct 28, 2006; revised July 1, 2008
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023