OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
Are these folks your family?
Index to Injuries and Non-Fatal Accidents
affecting People
of McDonald PAand other areas in
Washington County Pennsylvania

Druggist's Mortar & Pedestal
George Daugherty, struck by train
From The McDonald PA Outlook, November 26, 1892, page unknown:
Mr. George DAUGHERTY was struck on Monday morning by the east bound
Burgettstown accommodation near Miller's Crossing and so badly injured that he
had to be sent to a Pittsburg hospital. The injuries were in the head and side
and it was thought he could not live.
Mr. DAUGHERTY has been a resident of McDonald for many years. He was a fireman
at the Rend works. He has property near that place and a wife and two
children. His brother Dennis died last March, and another brother was killed
by the cars near the same place about sixteen years ago.
From The Outlook newspaper, Dec. 3, 1892, page unknown:
Mr. George DAUGHERTY, who was so badly hurt by the cars at Miller's Crossing,
is recovering and is expected home next week.
Page added Oct 28, 2006; revised July 1, 2008
McDonald PA Guestbook1