OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
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Mr. and Mrs. John and Minne VERELST
McDonald PA, Washington County, Pennsylvania
50th wedding anniversary
Sept. 5, 1984 McDonald PA Record-Outlook
Open house to celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of John and Minne VERELST will be held September 9 from 4:00 p.m. until 7 o'clock at the American Legion, McDonald.
Friends of the couple, who have spent their married life on a farm near Cherry Valley, are invited to attend. Guests are expected to arrive from as far away as Florida. Others may come from Butler, Sturgeon and Pittsburgh.
The VERELSTs are the parents of three sons: John, who formerly worked for Dravo and is presently owner of a scrap yard; Robert, who teaches social studies at Burgettstown Area High School; and Bill, an employee.
The open house has been planned by the sons and their wives, Evelyn, Bonnie and "Patsy."
John VERELST, a native of Belgium, still farms the land on his property and raises beef cattle. He and his wife are in fairly good health and will enjoy welcoming their many friends and relatives Sunday.
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023
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