OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
Are these folks your family?

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Mr. and Mrs. Harvey KIGHTLINGER
McDonald PA, Washington County, Pennsylvania
silver wedding anniversary
From The Outlook, July 31, 1897
Silver Anniversary
On July 29, 1872, at Titusville, Pa., by Esquire REITZER, Mr. Harvey
KIGHTLINGER, of Tidioute, and Miss Sophia LUTZ, of Fergundun.
Three children were born of this union: Grace, the wife of Mr. Harry
FURMIAN, who resides on North Fannie Street, McDonald; Myrtle, who is
Mrs. R. A. MARTIN, of Bradford; and Frank, a young man, who is at home.
There are two grandchildren, Bertha and Catherine FURMIAN. Mrs.
KIGHTLINGER was married when only 13 years old, and was a grandmother
before reaching her 21st year.
Mr. and Mrs. KIGHTLINGER sent out invitations to 250 of their friends to
celebrate with them their silver anniversary on the 2*th inst., at their
home on the REED farm four miles southwest of McDonald. The guests began
to arrive at 10 o'clock, many of them coming from Bradford [Pa], New Castle
[Pa] and Perrysville [Pa]. The time was passed in singing hymns and other
selections until two o'clock.
*Note: I think there must be a typo in the article re: the age she
became a grandmother. If she was married at 13, had a child at late 13
or 14, the child would only have been 6 or 7 when she was 21.
McDonald PA Guestbook1