OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
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Mr. and Mrs. Louis JOHNEN
McDonald PA, Washington County Pennsylvania
58th wedding anniversary
From the McDonald PA Record-Outlook, Nov. 14, 1984:
Mr. and Mrs. Louis JOHNEN of Liberty Street, McDonald, who were high school sweethearts at the old Frankfort High School, will celebrate their 58th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 17.
Lou JOHNEN and the former Mae KEIFER exchanged vows in the parsonage of Florence Presbyterian Church on Nov. 17, 1926. The pastor, the late Rev. LEISTER, officiated at the small ceremony.
Mr. JOHNEN, who was 22 years old when he was married, worked as a laborer at the time for West Penn Water Company. He later went to work for Armco Steel Corporation in Ambridge until his retirement in 1969.
Mrs. JOHNEN, a 20-year-old bride, settled down to become a housewife and mother. She was raised on her family's farm situated on 93 acres which is now Raccoon State Park.
The JOHNENS had five children. Louis Keifer JOHNEN, 54, is a hospital engineer in Yakama, Washington; George, 49, is a cabinet maker in Sylmar, California; Mary Lou PASCOE of Center Avenue, McDonald, is employed by L. B. Foster in Pittsburgh; and Bill
JOHNEN, 34, is manager of a pet shop in Atlanta, Georgia. The couple's oldest child, Maude Marie, is deceased.
They also have eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Mrs. JOHNEN has a brother, Strouss KEIFER of Warren, Ohio, who, at the age of 92, is
"hale and hearty." "He even mowed his yard this past summer," Mae JOHNEN said.
The JOHNENs plan to spend their anniversary quietly at home. They had a celebration dinner at Gregory's Restaurant with their daughter and son-in-law a few weeks ago
"when the weather was good," Mrs. JOHNEN joked on Monday morning during the season's first snowfall.
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