OTHER FAMILIES (o_f) of McDonald PA
and surrounding areas
Washington County PA
Are these folks your family?
Businesses and Industries
in McDonald PA

Manufacturing, Factories, Mills, Plants
Machine shop of B. D. TILLINGHAST 1905
From the
McDonald PA Record newspaper, July 7, 1905, page unknown:
A Thriving Industry
One of the most important industries in McDonald is the machine shop of
B. D. TILLINGHAST. This shop is so crowded with work that the proprietor
has found it necessary to make several important improvements. A new
engine house has been built and in it installed an Olin gas engine of
20-horse-power, replacing one less powerful. Two new drill presses and a
lathe have been added, thus making necessary the increased power. Within
the last two months the proprietor has found it necessary to double the
number of his employees. Besides doing a large and growing business in
general repair work he is extensively engaged in the manufacture of oil
well supplies and gas engines. Mr. TILLINGHAST believes in keeping
abreast of the times and it is safe to say that in no manufacturing
plant in this region is there more or better system than is in vogue in
his shop. By and ingenious system of records he is enabled to tell
exactly the cost of production on any piece of work as soon as it is
completed and these cards are filed and indexed so that reference can be
made to any one at any time.
The continued enlargement of the volume of business transacted in this
plant warrants us in prophesying that ere long the TILLINGHAST shop will
be one of if not the largest manufacturing plant in this valley.
Index to McDonald
PA Folder 1 | Business-Industry | Advertisements
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Drawings | Major
Life Events | Military
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- Politics | Reunions
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| Index
to McDonald PA Folder 1 | Index to McDonald
PA Folder 2 a Collection of 3,000 marriage licenses / wedding notices | Divorce
McDonald PA Guestbook1